ActionScript 2.0 :: Code Verification Form - Random Text Generator
Nov 5, 2007
I want to make a code verification form. Those forms that generate an image which you have to read and type down the code in it. I want to have AS generate a random set of letters and numbers in an unselectable textField. That will be the generated bitmap (not a bitmap actually, but... ). I also want that randomly generated set of letters and numbers to be written down in a variable so that I can compare the variable with the input field of the user to test if it is ok. How to randomly generate that?
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I have a flash and php based mail form that needs to have the fields verified. So when a user does not insert info in the text fields, an error clip will play. The form works fine without the verification of fields, but I want to prevent from receiving blank emails. The form is created in 2 parts or tutorials since I'm trying to add field verification or error message. Here are the links of the tutorials. [URL] and the next link is for the field verification. [URL]. I'm using CS3 with AS1 and 2. Here is my original AS without the verification.
Select allstop();
var senderLoad:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
var receiveLoad:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
submit2.onRelease = function()
senderLoad.name2 = name2.text;
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Jul 22, 2004
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May 13, 2008
I've been looking at the Loading Random Background Imageexcept for the fact that it does not seem to work with ActionScript 3.0 . It looks as if the problem lies in the "choice" property. Could someone suggest a solution, or alternative method to have three random images?Code as it is now:
choice = Math.round(Math.random()*3);
switch (choice) {
case 0 :
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Jul 27, 2010
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Sep 3, 2009
BTN_generate.onRelease = function(){
textDisplay1 = random (6) +1;
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Jul 2, 2006
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var girlarray:Array = new Array();
girlarray[0] = instanceofhole1;
girlarray[1] = instanceofhole2;[code]............
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Feb 21, 2011
im sure its an easy one:
var tstArray:Array = new Array(1,2,3);
for (var a:uint=0; a<tstArray.length; a++)
var x:Number = Math.floor((Math.random()*tstArray[a]));
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But I'd like to create this as a static class, so that I can just import into a banner and make multiple instances appear at a time, but my limited knowledge doesn't allow me to
Here is my code:
var child:Shape = new Shape()
var childSpeedX:Number = Math.random()
var childSpeedY:Number = Math.random()
var childDirectionX:Number = Math.random()
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Dec 1, 2011
I am running a sweepstakes like thing and want my users to all be able to load the page and have the exact same countdown and number generator running. I tried this in AS3 but each user caches their own swf file and gets a different result from the random number generator, and the as3 countdown is a few seconds off from each user. How would I go about making a countdown that is the exact same for each user looking at it at the same time and then a random number generator where every user will see the same result it gives? Is it even possible?
Sorry I wasnt clear on this. I would like to have it where the viewers could see the number being generated when the timer runs out. Kind of like watching the lotto on TV. Again, not sure if this is possible. I have looked around, I know as3, some php, and some javascript. I have given up on doing this in flash.
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May 11, 2010
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Sep 29, 2009
I'm working on a project that involves choosing a random image from a directory, taking it, and displaying it.This works (roughly, not very nicely nor perfectly...) but the main problem is that the picture are too big for the stage, and I want to eliminate the need to resize every picture manually. I would like flash to do it for me. So I've been looking at other people's work and tutorials and have made this script:[code]Also -- can anyone tell me why it sometimes will display the same image twice or three times in a row?I can't see anything wrong with my script as to why it repeats an image!The variable that is in charge of that is "stored".To the best of my knowledge 'stored' is set to 999, which should force flash to run the conditions and pick a random number. Then, when it runs again, it should check if they are already equal, correct?
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Apr 14, 2004
ok, so i have this movie. i have three scenes in it. and i wanna make it so the first scene randomly selects a number so it can jump to either scene 2 or 3. so everytime it loads the page it will go to either one of those randomly. i can easily do this buy loading external swfs and getting it to work, however jumping to a random scene in the movie doesn't seem to work right. here's my code, anyone know what i'm doing wrong? am i missing something simple?
Num = Math.random();
Num = Math.round(Num);
if (Num == 0) {
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Mar 29, 2005
How to make a random password generator using only action script??
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Nov 13, 2005
I have read the tut about Random Color Generator. I want that it keep changing collors. It starts already when the flash movie is loaded but it stand stil after 1 color made.
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May 2, 2006
I am just making a random number generator and I have got the random numbers going using this script.
onClipEvent (load) {
go = true;
The only problem is that the numbers are way to fast I'd like them to be 1/2 if not 3/4 the speed that they are. how can I do that?
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Aug 28, 2007
I have a code that randomly generates a random sentence:[code]...Now on every word, I have a sound clip that I want to play, but how would I code it? I dont know I would I would assign a sound to a word or how to incorporate it into the coding above
PHP Code:
if(name "example"){mysound = new Sound();mysound.attachSound("example");mysound.start();}
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Jan 15, 2009
I want to make a theme generator that works like a random Exquisite Corpse. Imagine you write out out different "types" of ideas, categorize them, and place them in several cookie tins or boxes� a color palette tin, a media tin, a subject matter tin, etc. If you pull one entry from each tin, together they make a new string/list. This list would then be the project I work on.
For example: A [dark colored] [album art design] that incorporates [chickens] and [skulls].A [light colored] [t-shirt design] that incorporates [silohuettes of people] and [boomboxes]A [specific predetermined hexidecimal palette] [illustration] of [chains] and [unicorns] This is what I know: It would be nice to have the amount of subject matter or color choices come at "random" (a number between 1 and 10?).Since these lists will continually be updated, I'm assuming XML functionality is a must.
Dynamic text fields and the ability to dynamically create them (if more than one subject matter is randomly chosen) will be used.These aforementioned idea lists will be stored in arrays. A random function will spit out an index number (its range will equal to the amount of items in the array) and that index number will put it's subsequent item into the dynamic text field(s) on the stage.Hitting the space bar or clicking a button will clear the fields and randomly populate them or create new ones if more than one subject matter or color palette is randomly chosen. I seriously have no idea how to go about doing this, but it seems like a really rad idea and something I desperately need.
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Nov 4, 2011
how to make a pre-made sentence appear when a button is clicked? Can this be done with AS2? I need a button that when clicked will display a sentence at random.
The way I have it in mind is to make a movie clip with say 10 different sentences on 10 different frames marked with labels (Sentence1, Sentence2, etc.) and each time the button is clicked, it will pick a random frame label thereby displaying the sentence on that frame. I just need to know the actionscript to link to the button.
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Apr 14, 2004
i have three scenes in it. and i wanna make it so the first scene randomly selects a number so it can jump to either scene 2 or 3. so everytime it loads the page it will go to either one of those randomly. i can easily do this buy loading external swfs and getting it to work, however jumping to a random scene in the movie doesn't seem to work right.[code]
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Mar 29, 2005
how to make a random password generator using only action script??
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Oct 11, 2010
I'm totally new to ActionScript 3 and just trying some very simple things to try to understand how it works in Flash CS5. I have no-one mentoring me so these forums are my first port of call. I wanted to create a simple random number generator. Very simple. Click on a button (first_50) that displays a random number in a text box (main_balls.text) set to Classic/Dynamic. The script I have is as follows:
first_50.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, firstFiftyGenerator);
function firstFiftyGenerator(limit:Number):Number
var randomNumber:Number = Math.floor(Math.random()*(limit+1));
return randomNumber;
main_balls.text = String(firstFiftyGenerator(50));
I get no errors in the compiler and my button works in runtime. I just don't get a number in my text box when I click on it.
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Jun 14, 2011
creating something similar to this little slot machine name generator? I've been looking around for a tutorial but can't seem to find anything like this.. [URL]
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May 7, 2009
is it possible to script in flash so that you can have smoething like the enigma machine?ike have an input text box where you input a letter or words then have another output box where the translated work or letters would come out? and if so, can anyone provide me with the actionscript?or would i have to venture into Dreamweaver?
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