ActionScript 2.0 :: Collapsing Navigation - Make The Main Button Not Sense The Rollovers Of The Internal Buttons
Feb 3, 2005
My problem that I'm having is I am trying to build a menu consisting 3 buttons, side by side that open and reveal subnavigation buttons on rollover. Then on rollout of the main container button, they close back to where they were. I have built the buttons and everything works great, the only problem is that on rollover of the internal buttons, the main button senses this as a roll out and plays the rollout animation event (closes the button). How can I make the main button not sense the rollovers of the internal buttons and only play the rollout event on rollout of the main button?
I have been trying to build a navigation that has a rollout animation but functioning internal buttons. This navigation uses the theory I'm trying to recreate, it seems simple enough but I can't figure it out for the life of me![URL] I tried this variable, but it renders the internal buttons undetectable and is very unstable midanimation (if you rollover it while in transit, the button goes crazy):
I currently have a flash file that has a whole bunch of buttons that are MC's with rollover and out states that open up a PDF when clicked.For each number (12-33) I have the MC with a new instance name and I am calling them with the following code:[code]So for each button I have this huge mess of code. There has to be a cleaner and more efficient way of doing this. Can you guys suggest anything?
I am using a main .swf with buttons on a navigation menu that loads external .swf(s) - these load external videos (I use them as their backgrounds).In the main .FLA I have used the following code (in the first and unique frame):
var Xpos:Number = 110;
var Ypos:Number = 180;
var swf:MovieClip;
var loader:Loader = new Loader(); var defaultSWF:URLRequest = new URLRequest("swfs/eyesClosed.swf");[code].....

I can make each button on the menu load each external .swf correctly with videos included - but when I leave that .swf using the navigation buttons to go to another section, the video and audio keep working in the background.
I have a website, basic overview. I have my main movie, which contains the logo and navigation. I have a blank movieclip created with actionscript that loads the individual movie swf files. That works fine. What I want to do is dynamically have the main navigation buttons' text indicate what page you the user is on. Right now the code is on each button instance, example:
Each button has the same code, just pointing to their respective pages. Here is the code in the first frame for setCurrentMarker()n function: var aMenu = new Array(home, jschaer, work, contact); function setCurrentMarker(){ for(i=0; i<= (_root.aMenu.length-1); i++){ if(_root.aMenu[i] == pageHolder){ [Code] .....
So the variable aMenu holds the moveclip names of the buttons. PageHolder holds the the name of the current page that is loaded. Thats how I change the pages to be loaded. To explain, if you look at the button code, the text for each button is by default greay and when you rollover it becomes black and off and it becomes gray again. That is on the first frame.
On the second frame the text is black. In the code I tried to make the black dynamically, but it didn't work, so I settled for going to the second frame and stopping. How do you get those little scroll boxes where you can put code. I guess its preference, but is it generally good to put the code on each instance of a button or put in in the main frame where your code lies. Is there any benefit either way?
Flex appears to have 2 video classes: Video and VideoDisplay. My question is when does it make sense to use one or the other?
What I can tell from initial glancing is that VideoDisplay responds to mouse events because it inherits from IntaractiveObject, but I'm not sure if it's a real difference, because Video seems to have a workaround for this in that you can add your own event listeners.
There's probably more to it, but this is the only difference I can see now. So my question for those who used these objects extensively, can you share your experience when you use one over the other.
I used the tellTarget method to create advanced rollovers on the main stage. They work great.
I created another advanced rollover button, but this one is inside of a movie clip called "project1_movie". Project1_movie only comes up when a button is clicked, using 'attachMovie' (if that makes sense). The advanced rollover inside of the movie clip "project1_movie" will not work. I get the error message:
Target not found: Target="/rollover1" Base="_level0.project1_movie" Target not found: Target="/rollover1" Base="_level0.project1_movie"
I did give the rollover movie clip the instance name "rollover1".
I'm still trying to get my head around the best way to structure event flows. Someone made a lot of sense by telling me that contained objects should be decoupled from their parent containers so they're reusable between containers. Instead of calling their parent's function, they dispatch an event. Sensible! I recently myself in the awkward-feeling situation of dispatching an event on a contained object, from its parent. It seems more intuitive for an object to be the one dispatching its own events. Maybe I'm bordering on breaking the Law of Demeter? Example of what I'm doing: child.dispatchEvent(new ChildEvent(ChildEvent.IM_BEING_A_CHILD)); Am I correct in feeling strange here, or is it a normal thing for one object to dispatch another object's events?
I have three buttons on screen that navigate to different places on the timeline. I have set them all up as buttons using a generic button in the library and then given them all different instance names. I selected the button and changed the text colour for each state in the timeline (up, over, down) to keep it simple. The buttons are all, as far as I can analyse, identical in all but instance name.
When I test the movie, the first button changes text colour on 'over' and, when I click (i.e. down state) the colour changes again as designed. The navigation action doesn't occur until I release the mouse button, giving the feel of having 'clicked' the button.
With the other two buttons, which have been set up as far as I can tell in exactly the same way, when the down state occurs, I see a momentary flash of the text colour change and it performs the nav straight away. I really want it to perform the same way as the first button but cannot for the life of me see why they're behaving differently.
How do I make a button created in CS4 flash open another page in my website?
I created the button in flash cs4 with a static state and a pulsing state on "Over" and "down" that works fine. I tried adding the following action to the button>
on (press) {getURL("aboutus.html?include=contact","_self");}
but nothing happens when I view it in live view. and all the pages exsist in the file. (Using Dreamweaver CS4 to build webpages.)
I have tried out on the advanced roolover buttons in this tutorial [URL]. But the problem now is tat I have a button a red crab when I rollover it it will become a crab grey button. I have 2 separate buttons for the crab. While basically the grey crab button's animation lies in the same movie clip as the word tween. So what I want is when I roll over the red crab it will display the grey crab, and when i roll out the grey crab will fade away to the red crab. And also when I clicked on the grey crab when the mouse is hovering over it it will open up another movie clip. There's also some mistake with the grey crab it only seem to be working when it is in graphic but want I want is a button. I can't assign ant actionscript codes to it if it only works in a button.
I'm trying to create tool tip rollovers for buttons, a little bubbled message that pops up and follows the cursor while the cursor is ontop of a button. Kinda like the tooltips in windows, instead it moves. Hope that makes sense. the problem i'm having is creating a loop within the rollOver event so that the x/y co-ords for my tooltip movieclip updates each time the mouse moves is there any other way of doing this? here's what i have so far
the problem with what i have now is that the tooltip movieclip doesnt continue to move along with the cursor while on rollOver
I have movieclip that act as a container for a short animation. This animation has a script that repeat the movements until it's greater than a variable. But I wonder if it's possible to use this movieclip on several places on the timeline and have a several variables with different max number of movements that control the script inside the movieclip container? I have tested, but it seems like the value from the variable at the main timeline don't reach the script in the container!?
but when I test my movie, my navigation buttons flash rapidly and make their "clicking sound" over and over and over..... Could this be a "layers" issue? My navigation buttons reside on a "global content" layer which sits below a "sections content" layer..... and there IS content above these buttons on that layer. I'd try re-arranging the layers and testing the movie, but I am not at home right now... and I was curious to see what some of you might think before I got back home tonight.
I'm trying to create flash rollovers for buttons that play the full rollover animation even if you roll of it, and if you stay on it if will play once and not keep repeating. The rollover animation is only short, about 2 seconds, but which ever way I try it I can't get it to play the full clip if you roll off, either that or it will play the full clip but keep repeating if you keep the mouse on it.
At the moment it is just a movieclip in a rollover keyframe of a button.This has stumped me for years. Other sites seem to do it fine (off the top of my head the 4 menu rollovers at the bottom of http:[url].... do it - if you rollover each one left to right in one go they do a kind of Mexican wave) but I just can't see a way of doing it.
Not sure if I'm in the right place, I apologize in advance if so. I'm somewhat proficient with html, but fairly new to flash, using cs4pro, as3. Here's my dilemma. Converting an existing html/css site to flash. Flash is main site now but a few html pages are still linked, a buy page and a form page, a few others. I can get the all the external html pages to link to a frame in the flash movie, and I can get the flash to link with all external urls.
My problem comes when I move to a frame outside the main timeline. The movie is lets say 393 frames. All symbols/content are on seperate layers, and so is the action. Once the full movie ends, I have several frames past that where I have basically created frames for additional "pages" and created anchors for those frames, new layes for content, new layers for anchor (labeled) and new layers for a stop(); on each frame, I extended the pertinant graphic frames out to 410 from the original movie.
Now when the movies runs the buttons appear at about frame 115, so in the action layer I coded a keyframe and then added frames of it out to frame 410 or so: I have attached the .fla Now I'm lost here. When you navigate the site, from home lets say to an external link (button) like members, the html member page opens, and if you click home button, back to flash frame, and all works, all buttons, on the home frame 393. But if you go to any of the external htmls, and then go back to any other frame like frame 401 the about page, and all the rest 402 403, etc, the page appears properly, but then none of the links function. the site URL is [URL]there is a flash intro too, swf in question is actually at[URL]
I need to recreate 2 buttons inside a mc or a main button in AS 2.0 [URL]rollover "portfolio" then rollover faith in chaos you will see a set of buttons in what looks like the main button overstate I know this was done with a javascript menu in this case but there has to be a way to do it in Flash I need to create that overstate with accessible buttons inside.
To try to avoid lag in the main animations (few ones, 5 I think), instead of having all the contents load as external movie clips in a movie clip called contentsMC (for instance), I used that contentsMC clip to contain them all, in several frames. There's no great problem in having all in one, since the contents are mainly text. The contentsMC shows up in a masked area inside the main movie clip.
I also have a transition effect, under that masked area.
When I press a button, it uses the command loadContent = #; And sets the transition effect movieclip play ( transitionMC.gotoAndPlay(1); ).
At the mid point of that transition effect (when it covers the actual content), it has the if conditions required to display what was asked.
if (loadContent == 1) { _parent.contentsMC.gotoAndStop(1); if (loadContent == 2) { _parent.conteudos.gotoAndStop(2);
and so on.
However, when the transition effect is ocurring, all the animations in the main page become really slow, until it ends. Also, if I use anything inside the contentsMC, such as a scroll bar, the same lag occurs. That lag happens both with the always running animations (they are 5, I think) and with any other animation triggered during that, for instance by the onRollover effect of a movieclip.
To try to reduce that, I had set the framerate to higher values. First I set it to 50, then 60, and now it's currently at 90 (I only set it to 90 as it displays quite slower on the browser)
I am trying to make a group or rollovers that display larger versions on images when you rollover their thumbnails. The problem is since everythign is in layers the bottom layers rollovers show up undernieth the other thumbnails. My whole website design is based on this and I want to avoid writing code for each individual rollover. Is there a way I can make it so all the rollovers apear over all teh other buttons?
I am trying to get buttons to link to internal web pages and the flash to stop at the end but I am having difficulties. I put the correct action script in the actions tab, but it seems that they aren't working. The website is [URL]
I am loading swfs into a movie clip. However, the contact button is not a loaded swf any longer. It's in the main flash page. This is what I want to do. All the buttons load the external swfs except when I click on the contact button that is in the main flash page. I need to get the other buttons to load after I click the contact flash button. Below is the code for the contact button and the one under for one of the other buttons.
how to make a button go to a specific frame on the main timeline my button called a play_btn and i want it to go to a specific frame on the main timeline ???
I have some submenu buttons in a movieclip on the mainline. My first level of navigation in on main timeline. The submenus are grouped in movieclips on the main timeline. I basically used the same code on the main navigation for the sub navigation except the code for the submenus is in that movie clip. My trace statement reads the button is clicked (which was a quantum leap for me) but I know I need some kind of _parent code in there so it knows to go to label back on main timeline.[code]...
I am making a website based in flash actionscript 3.0 i have a button nested in its own movie clip, because I have the button expanding to be able to read it i have figured out the only way to do this is by creating it as a movie clipa nd inside the movie clip creating it as a button. I added an event listener to the blog button by saying[code]...
i have named the symbol blog and have name the frame of where the blog page is going to be "blogframe" this line of code at the bottom is where i run into trouble the output window in Flash is saying "The blog button was clicked" just like i want it to. no errors are accouring why than is the playhead not going to frame "blogframe"? if the button is working when i click it the code is right i belive the problem here is it does not want the playhead to go to the frame i want it to. So i gues my question is, how can i make a button withing a movie clip interact with the main timeline?
I added a website preloader in a separate scene to the main frame of my website and scripted it to go to and Play the main scene or frame of the website when finished loading. I then put a command in the first frame of the main scene for the movie to stop (); at that point. The problem is that now the buttons on the main page don't respond to any behaviour commands to go to and stop at other frames in the main scene. I'm not sure if this is a conflict between the stop(); command in the main scene and the button behaviour command to go to and stop at another frame or an error with the way I'm identifying the scene and frame.
i was wondering if its possible to make the external code for the snowflake effect in kirupa tutorials (AS3 version) run internally, i.e. without the need for the file
im trying to add the effect to my flash movie via loading the swf file.