ActionScript 2.0 :: Evaluate The Decimal Point Of An Integer?
Sep 30, 2005
I need to evaluate the decimal point of an interger (bet u wouldn't of guessed that from the title eh?!)
So, im reading in XML for a thumbnail viewer, the viewer displays 5 thumbs per "page" so, i divide the total number of thumbs by 5.
Then i need to evaluate the number if it dosn't have a decimal point (ie, the total divides by 5 exactly) then that is the number of pages i need.
Then if the number does have a decimal 12.2, for instance i need to strip the 2. leaving 12, and then add one so the 2 images left go onto a new page.
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Mar 2, 2010
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Now, this wouldn't bother me as much if I were dealing only in vector shapes. I currently work as a developer in the videogame industry and often times, for optimization purposes, I need to use both bitmaps and vectors. Plus, as a UI designer, text is very important to use throughout a game's UI. If you notice, when a font gets placed in an in-between position related to pixels, the text becomes blurry looking in appearance (graphical elements around the text can also appear blurry when in between pixel values as well). This can make UI pages or HUDs look sloppy and unprofessional.
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Dec 31, 2011
I am converting a number to string
var myResult : Number = 12.6789345
var myString : String ;
myString = String (myResult);
I am trying to search . (decimal point)
if ("."){
But I am unable to get Result or unable to find " DOT ".
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Aug 6, 2003
Code:// This example is set to evaluate half a second pause (500)
if (Number(getTimer()-lastClick)<500) {
// Add your doubleclick actions here
if (Reaction._visible eq false) {
setProperty ("Reaction", _visible, True);
} else {
This is a double-click detector.. I was just wondering, since I've never seen lastClick, is there such a thing as lastMove? I'm thinking of using onClipEvent (MouseMove) with a x and y detection timer, or could the one above have some hope?
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var test:String = "" ;
//test will be a string populated at runtime.
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is it possible to do something like this action script 3?
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Feb 9, 2011
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1176: Comparison between a value with static type flash.text:TextField and a possibly unrelated type String.
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var tf:TextField = TextField(getChildByName("sw" + i));
trace (tf.text)
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import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
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trace (t.text)
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var menuclicks:Number = 1;
function onMenuClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
gotoAndPlay ("2");
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May 21, 2010
"newbie" is the name of the var ( a URL )and the trace function works ... so that being said i know the function has access to the variable the problem is w the
URLRequest( MovieClip(root).newbie )how can i get this to evaluate as a URL ...
heres the error i get:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "" to
at ShattrF3_Alpha_fla::squareExpand_WEB01_53/openPage()
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Dec 17, 2010
Ive racked my brain on this one and I just cant seem to see what im doing wrong. I have 2 text boxes that need to be evaluated against each other. Both are input boxes that capture and store data into variables. I just want to compare those values and run the proper code. t works fine for the first round. If I enter new values, the variables are updated as well. But the new values are not applied to the condition the second time around.
var requested: Number = input_txt1.text;
var total: Number = input_txt2.text;
btn_mc.onMouseUp = doPress;
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Feb 9, 2011
I want to check the contents of 25 textboxes on stage. Each textbox is embedded inside of a movie clip. Using the counter on a for loop I want to cycle through all 25 textboxes and if they have text in them, i want to place an object overtop of that movie clip . For this example I will only use 3 movieclips, each containing a textbox. The movieclips are named mov1, mov2 and mov3 and the textboxes within them are named text1,text2 and text3
for(var i:uint = 1; i < 4; ++i)
var xloc="mov"+i.x
var yloc="mov"+i.y
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Jun 6, 2011
This should be fairly simple but I understand why it doesn't work. I am hoping there is a clever way to do the following: I have a string 'movieclip1.movieclip2' I have a container movieclip - Container. Now to evaluate the string normally I would look something like: this.container['movieclip']['movieclip2']
Because clip2 is a child of movieclip. But I would like to parse or evaluate the string with the dot syntax to read the string as a internal path. this.container[evaluatedpath]; // which is - this.container.movieclip.movieclip2 Is there a function or technique to be able to evaluate that string into an internal path?
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Jan 14, 2009
In the attached CS4 file I have attempted to have a button evaluate whether a variable (textbox) is equal to a number. If so, I want another textbox to say "correct" or trace "correct" either way. However, it doesnt appear to be evaluating the variable. I receive the "correct" trace everytime the button is released.
I tried to upload the file but it is too large. The code in the button is as follows:
on (release){
if (phoneNumber == "911");
trace ("correct");
I have a textbox entitled numbers, in which the user presses buttons and the number is added to the textbox. The same textbox has a variable assigned to it entitled phonenumber. When the talk button is pressed the code above should check the variable to see if it == 911. However no matter what I enter into the textbox, the trace always pops up and says correct.
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Apr 26, 2011
I have piece of ActionScript code which is supposed to evaluate a string of HTML and break it up into individual pieces. So a string like <p>Hi</p><span>Hi</span><a href="index.php">Hi</a> would be translated into:
1. <p>Hi</p>
2. <span>Hi</span>
3. <a href="index.php">Hi</a>
However, when I run a test version of this code, I get a value of null in return. I'm pretty sure my regexp string is good, but I'm doing something wrong in ActionScript. My code is below:
var evaluatedInput:RegExp = new RegExp('/<([A-Z][A-Z0-9]*)[^>]*>(.*?)</1>/');
var output:Object = evaluatedInput.exec("<p>Hi</p><span>Hi</span><a href="index.php">Hi</a>");
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Jan 12, 2010
I'm trying to make a menusystem that will jump to specific frames depending on what frame I'm currently on. I have made a switch/case to evaluate the current frame. I have managed to find this code to get the current frame but I need an instance of my entire flash movie it seems? I have tried this (psudo code sort of). var frame = myClip.currentFrame; I then proceed to test frame in the switch/case statement. (All this is an event for a mouse event listener BTW). Now how can I refer to myClip?
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