ActionScript 2.0 :: F5-communication Different Swf In Html?

Oct 3, 2003

To have two separate movies embed in an html and communicate the two.Let's say I have a button in movie#1 that makes movie#2 jump to frame 10. I'd like to know if this is possible without creating a swf holder for the 2 movies. Just communicating them being independent.

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IDE :: Swf Communication Within Same Html

Oct 7, 2009

I am having one html including table in it.In one cell of table i have 1.swf & in another cell in table have 2.swf.Is there any way to have communication between these two swfs? Like in 1.swf - have one play button with on clicking will play animation from secong swf.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Communication From Html To A Swf?

Jun 15, 2005

i'm building this site and the client as usual is been a hassle. After developing half the site now he wants to have some extra features. So the problem is, i have a menu in flash that loads content into an iFrame. Now i need to make the swf go to a diffrent scene by pressing a button located in the iFrame and at the same time the button has to load content into its parent iframe, i've read several similar posts in different forums but none seems to work for me.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: F5-communication Different Swf In Html

Oct 3, 2003

To have two separate movies embed in an html and communicate the two. Let's say I have a button in movie#1 that makes movie#2 jump to frame 10. I'd like to know if this is possible without creating a swf holder for the 2 movies. Just communicating them being independent.

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Html :: Flash And JavaScript Communication Within IE

Jul 21, 2010

I am having in issue with IE passing a string back into an swf using the EternalInterface class in Flash CS4.I have an swf with the following code: var externalString:String ="IncomingJS")which is inside an event listener attached to an Event.ENTERFRAME and an if statement waiting for ExternalInterface.available. [code]I am able to successfully get the externalString variable and procceed with the rest of the AS3 script in Firefox, Safari and Chrome, but not in IE.If I add in an alert (stringFromHTML) before the return statement in the Javascript, I get the value of the stringFromHTML spammed, which looks like Flash is firing the function at the right rate[code]Unfortunately, the HTML code is actually working within a 3rd party HTML generator, and one of it's limitations is that I can only have a single line (with unlimited length) of html at a time.Are the other options (swfObject etc) able to run either with no line breaks in the code, or would I be asking for trouble with Javascript and the SWF to, instead of embedding the SWF directly, use something like an iFrame and refer to a 'proper' flash delpoyment html file?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Html To Flash Communication?

Apr 18, 2009

i just need to pass 1 parameter from html to flash.i have used both ways. in the movie url or in the embeded obj . html example >>>


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Html To Flash Communication Impossible?

Apr 18, 2009

i just need to pass 1 parameter from html to flash.i have used both ways. in the movie url or in the embeded obj . html example >>>

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
'movie', 'aidonitsa',


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Communication - Short Gap (blank White Page) Before The Actual HTML Site Loads

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I have a little Flash intro SWF i prepared and handed off to a friend who is implementing my intro animation into an HTML site.... The problem is that once the SWF (intro) finishes, there is a short gap (blank white page) before the actual HTML site loads. Is there a way around this? Is this something i need to code on my side (AS3) or is this a problem for my HTML/javascript buddy to figure out......or both.

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Html :: Rendering HTML Text Containing Advanced HTML Tags Like <strong> - <em> - <span> And Advanced HTML Entities In Flex

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swf In An Html - Click On The Button In Aaa.html And Have The Action Occur In Bbb.html?

Sep 20, 2009

hopefully this is possible:

-1 large html (home.html) file houses 2 html files (aaa.html and bbb.html)
-aaa.html consists of 1 swf button
-bbb.html is empty

question: is it possible to click on the button in aaa.html and have the action occur in bbb.html? (for example, clicking the button in aaa.html will load a swf in bbb.html)

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Communication Between Swf?

Dec 3, 2009

I have a communication problem between to SWF. Here is my code, SwfA is the caller :Shared interface between the 2 Swf :public interface ItfA {  // some code} In the second Swf, SwfB, the document class :
public class MainB extends MovieClip {  private var a:Itfa;  public function start(_a:ItfA) {    a = _a;    // etc  }} 
In the first Swf, SwfA:
public A implements ItfA {  var mLoader:Loader;  [...]   public function startLoad()  {    mLoader = new Loader();    var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("B.swf");    mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,  onCompleteHandler);    mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onprogressHandler);    mLoader.load(mRequest);  }  public function


When I test in the fash environment (ctrl + enter), there is no problem, but in my browser it failes and says that A is not an ItfA (TypeError: Error #1034)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf To Swf Communication?

Aug 21, 2008

I have two swf files. And i want to send data from one swf to another. So how can i do that?

I have 4 tabs in one swf file and when i click tabs then it should send data respectively to second swf file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Communication Between 2 Swf?

May 15, 2011

I am using localconnection to communicate between 2 standalone swf. It works. I want to communicate between standalone swf and from browser/ from exe. Currently i cannot achieve this. How can achieve this?

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Flash - Communication Between As2 And As3

Mar 16, 2010

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and this swf is being loaded into as3 container called 'main.swf', but when i press it nothing happens and the file does not unload itself.

View 1 Replies :: Asp Communication With Flex?

Oct 26, 2010

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Oct 6, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Enlighment Between Communication Between SWF

Jun 9, 2010

i want to ask someone to give me some enlighment between communication between SWF..,let say i have one main swf (parentSWF) which load another swf (let's call it loadedSWF)what i want to do is calling parentSWF calling function which is remain in the loadedSWF..,please do mind i am talking about desktop application and not browserapplication..,

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Data Integration :: Swf And Xml Communication

Aug 27, 2007

I want a swf to load var into an xml file so that when the swf re-opens it can look in the xml file to see where it last stopped playing.

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Professional :: Flash And Communication

Mar 7, 2011

I recently made a mp3 player in Flash. I have an aspx page that has the mp3 player in it as well as a .net button which is disabled on page load. The .net page tells the audio player waht file to play and the player plays. What is supposed to happen next is when the audio player reaches the end of the file the button on the aspx page is supposed to become enabled. I am not sure how to do this [have Flash tell the aspx page that it is done playing].

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Aug 11, 2009

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Php :: Php-Flash Communication Over Sockets?

Nov 5, 2009

I am not any kind of network programming pro, but it happened that I have faced necessity to develop socket-server on php (no way for using Java) for flash multiplayer browser-game (standard features like locations, team battles, etc).

The main problem is that TCP is point-to-point protocol and it completely occupies given port.Of course it is possible to create some kind of queue, which will manage connections to the socket, but this solution doesn't seems to be the fittest one.

It seems to me that using interval of "fair" ports (from 2000 to 2200, for example) is more fitting solution, because one request may take a lot of time to execute and players won't be happy to wait in queue.

But how can I implement this "port inteval" strategy?The solutions that I see are:

launcing php-script per every port (he-he, 2 hundreds of launched scripts!);somehow forking the initial process to new processes (2 hundreds of processed? Not nice too), one for every port;additional while-loop, which listens all the ports (looks very bad);using threading or something like that (the problem is that php is single-threaded, as far as I know; pcntl?).But somehow I don't like any of them, or at least don't know how to implement them in the best possible way.

What is the best existing strategy to handle multiple requests from multiple users per time unit without delays, and how to implement this strategy in php? We have our own Debian-server, so it is possible to use any required php extensions.

For example, if we are trying to develop chat application, we need some sort of fixed (I mean persistent) connections for each user. For example, we have 80 users in chat, and then one of them posted a message, which server tries to handle and send to all other connected users, also putting an entry to the history file or something like that.

In this situation polling server for new messages every 10 seconds from each of 80 users is craziness, so the need in persistent connection gets obvious.But I don't know what is the best way to implement something like this, considering that not all requests are handled instanlty.

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Actionscript 3 :: Communication Across Different Classes?

Apr 1, 2010

I always have the trouble that make different classes communicate with each other.

1. using get set methods

2. eventdispatch to dispatch custom event.

Today, I am working on this confused issue again. I still can't get through it.this time what I wanna do is this: I wanna use a button (_zoom) to control a mc (_board) located in different class. Let's me give a simple structure for you:
|_ _board (mc)
|_ _work (mc)
|_ _zoom (mc)

My thought is I add a mouse event listener for _zoom, and then when mouse click it will dispatch a custom event..

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Java :: Communication Between EJB And Flash?

May 19, 2010

Is it possible to call my ejbs from Flash actionscript?Also if my ejbs are returning List how will flash come to know about this class?

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Communication Between Flash Files?

Jun 28, 2010

How can I make something like this: [URL]One flash triggers the other one.

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Communication Between Two Flex Applications?

Aug 6, 2010

I have two web applications written in Flex I would like to integrate. I would like one Flex app (let's call it application A) to invoke second Flex app (let's call it application B). Application A has access only to swf file of application B (not source code). When application A invokes application B, it should be able to pass some data to application B. After application B is invoked it should be able to pass some data back to application A. These two applications will be hosted on the same server, but will use different server code.

The easiest way of implementing this (or one of the ways to be more precise) would be to have UI element on app A (button, link, menu item, etc) that would invoke app B. But in that case, two Flex applications couldn't communicate directly (since only one is active at a time), and they would have to communicate through server code, which is something I would like to avoid.

In short application A should invoke application B, pass some data to it. Application B should do it's work, display some content, and have a mean of passing some data back to application A. I'm aware of LocalConnection, and I've seen similar question, but in that case I would have to have both application in the same browser window. This would be acceptable to some extend, but only if app B is contained in app A (not if they are both on the same HTML page). Would LocalConnection work in that case?

Do you have any recommendations on how to implement this kind of communication?

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AS3 :: C# - Socket / Server MMO Communication

Nov 27, 2010

I'm working on a flash MMO with a c# server. I have a simple messaging protocol for the sockets. When a client joins he sends out this:


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Communication Between The Classes?

Feb 21, 2008

Im building my first OOP project with classes in AS3, Ive done a lot of tutorials and Im grasping the concepts well. Im just having trouble with the concept of communicating between classes. Whats the best way for a class to talk back to its parent once its instantiated? It seems when your inside a class, you're kinda stuck there as far as scope goes? ie one way street. Or am i missing something? Im used to the days where I was coding on the timeline and could just use this._parent etc. But obviously those days are gone.Or should I not need worry about this If I have planned the structure/heirachy correctly?

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