ActionScript 2.0 :: F8 SetStyle Background To A Single Cell In Datagrid
Feb 19, 2010Is it possible to setStyle to a single cell in a datagrid? You can do it to an entire column, but what about a single cell?[code]
View 1 RepliesIs it possible to setStyle to a single cell in a datagrid? You can do it to an entire column, but what about a single cell?[code]
View 1 RepliesI want to update a single cell value in a datagrid, is this possible?here is the code from adobe for replaceItemAt example:
my_dg.setSize(140, 100);my_dg.move(10, 40);replace_button.move(10, 10);// Set up sample data.var myDP_array:Array = new Array();myDP_array.push({name:"Clark", score:3135});myDP_array.push({name:"Bruce",
I want to select information in a single cell from my DataGrid in Flex 3.
Specifically, I'm displaying three phone numbers per line and the user needs to be able to select one of those numbers, from any row, but not the whole row.
While similar to this, I am displaying the DataGrid to the user. The answer for that question was to manipulate the dataProvider, how can I know what cell I've selected in order to do that?
I'm using CF to retrieve values from a database that are then being stored in a datagrid in Flex. I then want to selectively take the value from one cell of the datagrid and store it as a string variable. I've searched around, but I haven't been able to come about a solution. The users will not be interacting at all with the datagrid as it will be hidden to them.
View 1 RepliesI am working on a problem since a week soon, but I still couldn't make it work as expected. I have a DataGrid which has HBox with a CheckBox an a Label as itemRenderer (see Code below). When I tap in to the Cell the standard itemEditor pops up and lets you enter the content of the label. Thats the standard behavior. I works fine except for 2 problems:
If I enter to much text, the horizontal srollbar pops up, and the cell is filled with that scrollbar. As you see I tried to set the horizontalScrollPolicy to off, but that doesnt work at all... I tried to do that for all the different elements, but the failure is still existent. When I have filled more than one row, there is an other mistake happening. If I tap on a row, the datagrid selects the one below that row. That's only if one line is already selected. If I tap outside the datagrid and then, tap at any row the itemEditor of the right row will show up... Is there anything now wright in the setup of my set data method?
package components
import mx.containers.HBox;
import mx.controls.CheckBox;
I'm new to flash and I'm working on an animation project for my class.I decided to do half of it as single cell animation and half of it using tweens and whatnot.The parts that are single celled are moving WAY to fast and are throwing off the flow with my tweens. It's a requirement of the project to have atleast 20 fps, and I don't have enough time to dedicate to drawing tons of more cells.For example, I have one animation made up of 40 frames and it needs to be stretched to about 100 frames.I've tried copying all of the cells into a movie clip and attaching a stop(); method at the final frame in the movie clip, then importing that into my movie and stretching it to the length i need, but it just runs at the normal animation rate and then stops until the timeline gets to where it's time for the next event or scene to take place. It sort of looks like i need to find a way to control the fps of my movie clip independently of the entire movie, but how would i go about that?how i could go about extending this?
View 1 RepliesI'm new to flash and I'm working on an animation project for my class. I decided to do half of it as single cell animation and half of it using tweens and whatnot. The parts that are single celled are moving WAY to fast and are throwing off the flow with my tweens. It's a requirement of the project to have atleast 20 fps and I don't have enough time to dedicate to drawing tons of more cells. For example, I have one animation made up of 40 frames and it needs to be stretched to about 100 frames. I've tried copying all of the cells into a movie clip and attaching a stop(); method at the final frame in the movie clip, then importing that into my movie and stretching it to the length i need, but it just runs at the normal animation rate and then stops until the timeline gets to where it's time for the next event or scene to take place. It sort of looks like i need to find a way to control the fps of my movie clip independently of the entire movie, but how would i go about that?
View 1 RepliesI'm using the following script on a button/movie clip to control the placement and rotation of an object. Half way down the code i have detailed the problem that i am encountering. I don't know if my syntax for access to a global array is correct but this line is definately where the problem lies.
on (press)
_global.cogarray = new Array(5,6);
_global.matflag = new Array(1);
I've been working with the flash data grid component, and I want to update just one cell in the data grid without updating the entire dataset. I haven't found anyway to do this and the object inheritance makes it really difficult to track down properties of specific child elements. Here's a snippet i use to get data from a specific data cell:
var cellData:String = _currentPlaylistDataGrid.columns[0].itemToLabel(_currentPlaylistDataGrid.getItemAt(_c urrentSlideID));
What's the best way to do this? It's NOT on a click event or interactive event.
I have a datagrid that is editable. I was wondering if it's possible to retreive the cell value after user edits the single cell.
My datagrid will trigger griditemEditorSessionSave event if users finish the editing, but I don't know how to get the new cell value. [code]...
I am using a datagrid in flex and need to render each cell with a different style.What could be the best way to set a style to a perticular cell in datagrid/advanced datagrid (flex)?
I think one possible option can be extend the datagrid and override the drawRowBackgroungd function. Apart from this can i use some custom item renderer or some property similar to label function of a series, there it used to return label here we need a style.
Is it possible to set the color for each individual cell in a datagrid, not whole row or column? How to do it? Which command should I use?
View 5 RepliesI have created a datagrid with 2 columns. The first one is the normal text data and the second column contains buttons for each cell. What I want to do is retrieve the text information when the corresponding button on the same row is clicked. How do I get this information? I am unable to use selectedItem because I do not want to select the correct row before pressing the button.
View 2 RepliesHave tried to figure out how this can be done - use this simple code to populate a datagrid with XML data in this format. What i want is a datagrid that will function as a gantt chart - with 2 different colors - just thought this might be a way to solve it. In the final XML there will be more than the 2 columns!
<item columnA="This1" columnB="1" />
<item columnA="This2" columnB="0" />
I am using Flash CS3 datagrid component, I want to show more than one image in the same cell.I m using LoadCellRenderer class extends UILoader implements ICellRenderer,but it loads only one image in cell.
View 5 Repliesvar cr:CellRenderer = dgv.getCellRendererAt(0,0) as CellRenderer;
cr.setStyle("upSkin", new CustomCellBackground());
where dgv is DataGrid instance, CustomCellBackground - is my MovieClip which is simple rectangle filled with some color.
I have an editable datagrid with a dataprovider which is basically Numbers. Is it possible to delete a value? When I do it it puts a 0 in that cell but I really need an empty value, like a Null or a NaN whose are going to be cleaned later with a labelFunction. BTW I also need the cells to keep the 0 if needed to.
View 1 RepliesIs it possible to set the color for each individual cell in a datagrid, not whole row or column? How to do it? Which command should I use?
View 1 RepliesFor a long while now (way too long) I've being searching fora decent example for using components such as a checkbox orcombobox inside of a datagrid.The only examples that i could find where all AS2 examples.The closest thing I find to an AS3 example for adding checkboxes,buttons etc to a datagrid was here but it is in no way clear how to alter the example for othercomponents.
View 8 RepliesI'm working on simulating a diagnostic tool and I'm using a dataGrid as part of the sim. I'm populating the dataGrid with an xml file. It loads and runs fine.I need to change the values of the dataGrid cells when the user presses the buttons. For example, if a cell row 0, column 0 has a value of 51, it needs to change to 45-88 when the user presses a button.
View 1 RepliesFlash CS4, using actionscript 3... how can you populate a datagrid's cell with a combobox?
View 5 RepliesI have a Flex DataGrid, which has some columns, i had put a item renderer, which makes all the elements in that column hyperlinked, i have a requirement, where i need to see the type of user, based on that i have to either enable or disable the hyper link.
Is there any good way , where i can get the style properties at the cell level...?
I have a flex editable datagrid mx:DataGrid and when I press TAB key, it changes to another cell when I am editing a cell.
I don't want it to change to another cell when I press TAB. How can I stop this behavior?
In Flex 4 using a pre populated data grid, how can I get or set specific values programatically, IE I wont be using selectedItems etc.
How do I reference the value of a cell in row 4 colum 6 for example.
I have an AdvancedDataGrid that loads data from a web service. It only loads the top level stuff and then as you click the arrows it gets that data. All I want to do is to find out if some text is in one of the cells. I originally did this:
public static function assertTextInAdg(params:Object):Boolean{
// Gets the ADG
trace('youre in the assertTextInAdg function');
var grid:* = FPLocator.lookupDisplayObject(params);
trace('var grid:* = FPLocator.lookupDisplayObject(params): ' + grid);
[Code] .....
And then it fails, because it can't get the source, I think. I am completely open to other strategies and I have been stuck on this problem for 10 days now. This seems like it would be relatively easy. I have been going down a slightly different route. I am now trying to iterate through the HierarchicalCollectionView with a cursor. This seems to work. But, when I get the node I can't do anything useful with it... I have been looking for examples but so far they all stop at the point of getting the node.
public static function assertTextInAdg(params:Object):Boolean{
// Gets the ADG
trace('youre in the assertTextInAdg function');
var grid:* = FPLocator.lookupDisplayObject(params);
trace('var grid:* = FPLocator.lookupDisplayObject(params): ' + grid);
[Code] .....
I am creating Flex application.When enter data in data grid cell that time i want to check that cell value is less then 20 and if it not then change that cell's back color to red.
View 2 RepliesI am searching for something like CellClick event on Spark DataGrid, or something alike.
Is there something like this in Flex 4.5, and how to get the data from the clicked cell ?
1) Using the MouseEvent.CLICK listener, I can determine the row (and all of the values in that row) that was clicked, but I can't seem to figure out how to tell what column the clicked cell is in.
2) Is it possible (and if so, how) to assign a textFormat (or style) to just one column in a DataGrid?
I've created many grids and understand how to respond to a clicked cell but what I'd like to do is give the user a cue about which cells are clickable. An ideal solution would be for the cursor to react as it does for a button and turn into a pointing finger.
View 3 RepliesI have the following code
myDataGrid.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_CLICK, clickHandler);
function clickHandler(e:ListEvent):void
When I run this I get an error on the first click and any next click on a row will give me the cell data of the previous click (so I'm one step behind).
What should I do to get the data from the cell to show up in my text field?