ActionScript 2.0 :: Global Array - Whole Line Sets Instead Of Single Cell?

Jul 22, 2004

I'm using the following script on a button/movie clip to control the placement and rotation of an object. Half way down the code i have detailed the problem that i am encountering. I don't know if my syntax for access to a global array is correct but this line is definately where the problem lies.

on (press)
_global.cogarray = new Array(5,6);
_global.matflag = new Array(1);


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Slow Down Single Cell Animations?

Oct 13, 2009

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I'm new to flash and I'm working on an animation project for my class.  I decided to do half of it as single cell animation and half of it using tweens and whatnot.  The parts that are single celled are moving WAY to fast and are throwing off the flow with my tweens. It's a requirement of the project to have atleast 20 fps and I don't have enough time to dedicate to drawing tons of more cells.  For example, I have one animation made up of 40 frames and it needs to be stretched to about 100 frames. I've tried copying all of the cells into a movie clip and attaching a stop(); method at the final frame in the movie clip, then importing that into my movie and stretching it to the length i need, but it just runs at the normal animation rate and then stops until the timeline gets to where it's time for the next event or scene to take place. It sort of looks like i need to find a way to control the fps of my movie clip independently of the entire movie, but how would i go about that?

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I want to update a single cell value in a datagrid, is this possible?here is the code from adobe for replaceItemAt example:
my_dg.setSize(140, 100);my_dg.move(10, 40);replace_button.move(10, 10);// Set up sample data.var myDP_array:Array = new Array();myDP_array.push({name:"Clark", score:3135});myDP_array.push({name:"Bruce",


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The string

"My name is blah blah

My name is blah

Should be converted to

"My name is blah blah
My name is blah

Hope the example makes it easier to understand.

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Actionscript :: Create An Enormous - Multi-dimensional Array With Several Layers Of Nesting And Before Panic Sets In

Jan 8, 2010

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... keep in mind that this is just a fraction of what goes into bedding and there are several other of these kinds of arrays that would go into a room like flooring and walls and funture... all equally complex. And I'll need to frequently access different combinations like, how many options under bedding have no value associated and things like that.

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1) Could it be that using nested arrays like this actually isn't such a bad thing and I should just stick it out? That would suprise me, but I want to make sure I'm not already on the right path.

2) If not, where do I go from here if I want to do this right?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Two Events In A Single Line?

Apr 25, 2005

We can write

on (release, releaseOutside) {
// statements...
on a button or a movieclip.

But can we write the same on a frame specifying the same action? e.g. Something like

// statements..

Now the above code doesn't run unless we write two different lines for "release" and "releaseOutSide" respectively.

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[actionscript 3, CS4, PC, ("p1empty" and "p1compare" are frame labels)]
on (release){
if (input1.text == ""){


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Flex :: Add A Single Horizontal Line In A Chart/Graph?

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<mx:ColumnChart id="cvpaOpenCloseRatio" x="79" y="107"


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Feb 15, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LineTo Drawing A Single Line Using Animation

Nov 24, 2010

I am working on Drawing API. There is a movieclip on stage which I am animating using Tween class. I just want to draw a line from the initial position of a the movieclip to it's final position. I can draw line, but I can see the lines being duplicated each time the enterframe runs. I just want a single line do be drawn from the movieclip's initial position to it's final position.

Here is my code

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
var myTween:Tween = new Tween(circ0_mc, "_x", Strong.easeOut, circ0_mc._x, 0, 2,


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Flex :: Multiple Line Series On Single Chart Control

Apr 10, 2011

I want to show the second line series underneath the first one, however with this code they are appearing sequentially. Not sure how to make sure they are overlayed! I followed some code I saw for combining charts.. not sure what to do.

<mx:LineChart showDataTips="true" x="10" y="77" id="GlucoseChart" width="1009" height="219">
<mx:DateTimeAxis dataUnits="hours" parseFunction="parseDateString" displayLocalTime="true" />
[Code] .....

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Actionscript 3 :: Create A Single Line Text Of Size Close To A Given Height?

Jun 22, 2011

i am given a rectangle of some height and width, i want to fill this rectangle with some dummy single line text. the height and width of text should be close to that of given rectangle. basically, i want the text to full occupy a given rectangular area.

eg: if rectangle height and width is 100 and 300 respectively, then the single line text height and width should be close to 100 and 300 respectively,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Determine User Resolution - Single Horizontal Line To Go Across 100% X 100% Stage?

Jul 11, 2007

I would like a single horizontal line to go across my 100% x 100% stage, but how do I do that? Im thinking its about knowing what resolution the viewer has, and the writing a script for the line, but how?

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Flex :: Composite MXML Component - Display File Info On Single Line

Aug 31, 2009

I'm trying componentize one of the pieces of UI in an AIR application that I'm developing in Flex. In this example, I want to display file information on a single line (which has an icon, some text/link and the size).

My code looks like this (component is called FileDisplay):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="[URL]"><mx:Script>
public function set iconType(source:String):void {
this.ficon.source = source;
[Code] .....

However, when I do this, I get an error: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. This is because the child components of the FileDisplay are null (or at least they show up that way in the debugger). Am I supposed to be waiting for events indicating the child components were created? For now I can manually do everything in ActionScript in my main app (create a Canvas and add children to it) but how to separate the code more cleanly.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Using Global Array For XML Results?

May 31, 2011

I searched the whole internet and I could not find a solution for this.I'm trying to load XML, parse values into global array, and use that global array later in my code... this is not working.

function ParsingXML(){
var pokXML:XML = new XML();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Global Array For XML Results?

May 31, 2011

I'm new in flash scripting and this is driving me crazy I searched the whole internet and I could not find a solution for this. I'm trying to load XML, parse values into global array, and use that global array later in my code... this is not working.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Array Text Into Textfield And Creating New Line For Each Array Element?

Oct 4, 2006

I have an array called dropTarg1 which stores dropped-in items.I want to loop through this array and in a textfield, display each array item on a new line of this text fieldI think I need to use something like Array.join("/n") but I can't get it working properly. I hope that the /n would create a new line of the text field called reviewBoxContentText.

for(var i:Number = 0; i<dropTarg.length; i++){
autoSize = true;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Global Variables That Are Defined Inside XML Array

Aug 22, 2007

I've been trying to get these variables that are defined inside this XML Array, outside of the XML array using _global, so that i can use them else where in the animation, but i'm not getting any purchase.


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