ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Clear A Single Line Graphics From Its Multiple Instance Upon Click
Apr 13, 2012
I am trying to delete a single line using graphics.clear() method but it clears all the instance of lines created by lineTo() method. I want to remove a single line upon click from bunch of its multiple instance.
I'm working on a game whose background has many layers that each scroll at different speeds.
Inside each layer I have a Sprite, I've started using graphics.beginBitmapFill, but what I've found is that the graphics.clear() function doesn't actually clear the contents set by the previous call to graphics.begin.BitmapFill. Each frame, I adjust the matrix to shift the layer as needed. Then, I call graphics.clear() and graphics.beginBitmapFill() with the adjusted matrix. Since my layers have alphas in the bitmap, I can see the contents that was drawn the previous frame.
i have datagrid filling from mysql successfully.But when i click on a checkbox AND scroll down, i found one more checkbox selectd. Even the same number of extra checkboxes are get selected that i select manually. for example if i select 10 checkboxes and scroll down there will be 10 more chekboxes selected.
I used the bellow cellrender class for checkbox to show in datagrid.
here is my code.
for (varName in returnObj) { var plid = int (returnObj[varName]["plid"]); var varState = String(returnObj[varName]["state"]); var varCity = String(returnObj[varName]["city"]);
In one of our project we are using flex for front end, blazeds/java in the backend. Its an existing code where services are prewritten. I have to make calls to 3 services in the backend (basically 3 remote objects) and get their result and store the result in an object and show the data of this object in a view. Now in front end we are using Flex and Parsley Framework. I was thinking of the following approaches.
1) Making commands for each service call and storing the result in a shared object (model) and then displaying this model in the view. In this approach the problem is some services are needed in some other web pages, but they donot need the same model. How should i handle this scenario ? Should i make a asynchronous remote call and fetch the result and then again dispatch and event with the event object storing the result.
2) Making a service call , wait for the result then make another call and wait for the result and then make other call, not sure if this is the right way ?
I am using sifr3 and I know it is supposed to let you use multiple fonts in one line. I have tried a number of changes with my sifr.css and sifr_config.js files to no avail. I tried using spans, sub class of h1, etc. Sample Link: [URL]
I want to show the second line series underneath the first one, however with this code they are appearing sequentially. Not sure how to make sure they are overlayed! I followed some code I saw for combining charts.. not sure what to do.
I want to get my movieclip "dial_graphcis_mph" to start at X position 0, move to X position -292.35,move back to X position -220, and then yoyo between -230 and -220.Is it possible to do this without using the TweenTimeline class or similar?I want to keep all the code on the stage with the movieclip if possible...The following code only yoyos between 0 and -292.35.
stop(); import fl.transitions.Tween;import fl.transitions.easing.*;import fl.transitions.TweenEvent; var tweenMPH = new Tween(dial_graphics_mph, "x", Strong.easeInOut, 0, -292.35, 6, true);
i have a movieClip. On it i draw a few rundedRects, when i resize the window i use graphics.clear to remove it, and then reDraw the Rects. Will this result in memory leakages? or will flash reuse the memory address as long as i draw on the same sprite?
I am making a Flash CS5 application in which the user draws transparent overlays on a Sprite placed on top of an image. The user needs to be able to erase his input as in MS Paint, Adobe Photoshop, or GIMP. Because the Sprite is on top of an image, there is no safe clear color I can think of to draw over the section that the user has just rubbed his eraser over
I'm implementing a simple painting programm. Therefor I need something like a Graphics.clear() function, not for the whole Grahpics object, but for a small area only.I don't want to paint in white color instead, I just want to really clear the previously drawn lines and stuff.
I am drawing an animated angled line. The line follows a (senocular) path and updates using TweenMax. The line draws in and then 'retreats' out again. When the line retreats, I am left with 'chips' from the line graphic - even though I have used
An example is will be clearer so I have uploaded one here:[URL]Allow the grey line to draw in and the red button to appear. Roll over and out the red button and you should see the small triangle artefacts from the highlighting left behind on the angle.I created a simplified?! version of the code in the hope that someone can point out an error:
EDIT: If I change the JointStyle to MITER in lineStyle, that fixes it but I am non the wiser and would prefer to use ROUND. END EDIT
I need to replace multiple contiguous new line/line feed characters in flex with a single new line character.
The string
"My name is blah blah
My name is blah "
Should be converted to
"My name is blah blah My name is blah "
Hope the example makes it easier to understand.
I am using a component to render it.
I guess using regex would be the easiest way to do this, but still it would be great if people can point me out to references/examples to get this done with ease.
- I link a MyClip class with a simple trace in the constructor;
- I export the whole file as MyClip.SWC;
In the Second File:
- I go to Edit > Preferences > ActionScript > ActionScript 3 settings and I add
-in the Library Path- the file MyClip.SWC;
- on the first frame of this swf I write var myClip:MyClip = new MyClip(); addChild(myClip);
I don't know what I'm doing wrong but when I compile (export swf) the class gets loaded (I see the trace in the output window) BUT I can't see the graphics associated to MyClip. It seems MyClip.SWC only contains the code of that clip.
I'm new to AS3 and HaXe, but was hoping to find a way to use methods from a final class (Graphics) without always prefixing an instance variable.Instead of something like this:
var gr:Graphics =; gr.clear(); gr.beginFill(0xffffff, 1); gr.drawRect(0,0,400,400);
I was hoping to get something that works like, but I guess a lot of the convenience there comes from the preprocessing. I looked at the HaXe reference on advanced types (, but I haven't been able to make anything work so far. This probably isn't possible since Graphics is final, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. It seems it would be easy if I could extend Graphics
So i have several SWFs in this project and i need to find a way to ensure that only a single instance of one of these SWFs can load. For example, you cannot open 2 different application SWFs in 2 different browsers, or tabs on the same computer at the same time. LocalConnection seemed to be the best solution to this problem, however, we are experiencing problems with Internet Explorer 9.
Is there anyway to make graphics always default to Single Frame instead of Loop when you drag them from library to stage? It's kind of a pain to go to Properties > Looping > Options: Single Frame every time I drag a graphic instance.
I want to add a Single Clcik event and Double click event both on the same movie clip in as3 , its working but call both the event same time so how to fix it
I've made a movie with nested movie clips. The movie is assembled in a single framework i.e in the main stage (Frame one scene one ). The movie includes more that 50 navigational components and elements for better user interaction.The problem is I've to reset the movie in a single button click. Is there any build in function in flash to restart the movie without exiting
I've made a movie with nested movie clips. The movie is assembled in a single framework i.e in the main stage (Frame one scene one ). The movie includes more that 50 navigational components and elements for better user interaction.
The problem is I've to reset the movie in a single button click. Is there any build in function in flash to restart the movie without exiting.
is it possible to somehow use a the clear() function on a line that has been dynamically drawn only at a certain point? i need a line to be drawn and then gradually erased with time. currently i'm drawing a green line and then a few seconds later, a start up a function that creates a white line above it. it works great if this line is above a white background, but if it's above some other element, you see a white line.
lets say I have a library object (node1) which i have instantiated twice (mc1 & mc2) in two different random positions that may and probably change when the program runs. How can I create a line that will automatically go from one instance's position to the other?
I have a doubt: When you open various flash pages in tabs, for example in Firefox, all those pages share the same Flash instance or each one use an instance of flash??
I've multiple videos stored as MovieClip objects and would like to merge them into a single MovieClip video object in order to play all of them in sequence (so that a user thinks it's a single video).
I'm working on a Flash project that deals with multiple files. There is a main file that loads in individual SWF files as they click on different buttons. The course has dynamic text Fields that are populated via XML. So right now, my idea is to give each page it's own XML file? Would this be better suited to have one single XML file for all the pages, and the container file or multiple files?
Also, this is going to be a multilingual project. EDIT: The XML files will just be storing text information to populate the text fields, and some links to load in images. Also, the loaded SWFs will never be accessed without the use of the main "container" SWF.