Flash :: Single XML File Vs Multiple XML Files?

Jan 30, 2012

I'm working on a Flash project that deals with multiple files. There is a main file that loads in individual SWF files as they click on different buttons. The course has dynamic text Fields that are populated via XML. So right now, my idea is to give each page it's own XML file? Would this be better suited to have one single XML file for all the pages, and the container file or multiple files?

Also, this is going to be a multilingual project. EDIT: The XML files will just be storing text information to populate the text fields, and some links to load in images. Also, the loaded SWFs will never be accessed without the use of the main "container" SWF.

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Java :: Select Single File Or Multiple Files To Download?

Sep 30, 2011

I'm currently working on a Flex3/blazeDS/Spring/Oracle project. My requirement is display a list of files from an external FTP server in a grid, user can select single file or multiple files to download, and if user selects multiple files I should tar the files on the FTP server and download the tar file from FTP server to user disk. As per my understanding on the File Download in Flex we have 2 ways to do it. 1) File Reference 2) Using navigateURL and call server side JSP/Servlets to download files.

1) For FileReference we need to download the data first and prompt the user to save the file by clicking on some button. We cannot prompt the 'Save' dialogue without the click event for Security reasons in Flex (Workaround). But my client hates this process because its two steps and he want it in one step like normal file download with only 'Save' dialogue. Then I tried the second option.

2) navigateURL. Open a new windows make a post url request for to JSP/Servlets and prompt the 'Save' dialogue. The problem I am facing here is the pop-up window does not close once the download is complete. navigateURL does not return any reference to the window to close the window. I even tried different content types and headers and java script but none seems to work. The window closes when it is a single file and not for the tar or zip file. I would like to download the popup window for any type of downloads. I am using IE7.

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Actionscript :: Way Of Combining Multiple Flash Files Into A Single Movie?

Aug 24, 2010

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Flash :: Play Multiple Flv File In Single Swf Object?

Dec 2, 2009

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I have to read data from database and after fetching data of video names,

I need to play those video in single swf object one by one, means after completion of first video second video will start.

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Flash :: Load Multiple Videos In A Single File?

Jan 25, 2011

I have a swf file, which plays 6 videos one after the other in a loop. This file is very huge so it is taking more than a minute for it to start playing after the page finished loading. I have taken the original video file, and split it into 6 files. I plan to have 6 tiles in the flash file as soon as the page loads, and when some tile is clicked, the video is loaded dynamically only that video or swf file so that it saves the loading time and once this is done, i want it to revert back to the main page with tiles. I am just starting off with flash and I have no clue how this is possible in flash. I am not asking for code, i need some tips to get started.

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Flex :: Convert Multiple SWF Files To Single EXE?

Nov 22, 2010

I have an application in flash, I build in ActionScript 3.0 Flash IDE, my application loads some external swfs which mentioned via XML file. Its working fine at the moment. But I need to compile all these external SWFs and xml file into single exe file. How can I compile like this. or how can I code like this?

EDIT: 1 from here : [URL]

You can see an example, the application is build in .net and it import pdf and publish it as flash projector or web based(swf). How is it compiling all the external SWF files.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple XML Files In Single URL Loader

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple Sound Files With A Single Class?

Nov 11, 2009

I am working on a simple game for kids. The game revolves around the alphabet and it is all voiced. So I have a good number of sound files that I need to call on at any given moment.In AS2 I would just link all of the sound files to variables at run-time and have them ready to play when the interaction dictated it.... with the way "linkage" has changed in AS3... I feel like it would be a bad idea to have over 50 different class files (one for each sound file) so I am looking for a cleaner solution... that and I am guessing that having redundant class files misses the point.I haven't had much luck finding a forum post or tutorial that talks directly about this type of issue but the idea is a little foreign right now so I am sure I have stared directly into the gold mine and not noticed. I am very interested any thoughts or links on the subject.

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Media Server :: FMS4.5 Live Stream With Multiple Video Files As Single Source?

Jan 27, 2012

I am using Flash Media server 4.5 and i read the tutorial if i want to stream the live feed, i may need to use the media live encoder.
but what i found in media encoder is i have to manually setup everything and it only support camera devices. But in my case i have multiple video files keep received from another program and place it on file system (server),my goal is use the Flash Media server to perform a live boardcasting with these video file one by one. That means when client watching a live streaming, they will not notice the server is playing mov1, then mov2, then mov3, then mov4... and so on.
You can imagine i am trying to boardcast a live footage say for 60sec, but the video file will not recorded entirely after 60sec, instead for every 10sec i will save a new video file, so that when client watching the live by HLS [URL]when the time reach to 10sec, a mov1 video file available and FMS should boardcast this video on live123.when the time reach to 20sec, a mov2 video file available and FMS should Immediately follow the mov1 boardcast on live123.and so on...Also can FMS dynamically create a new streaming session (invoke by code), so that when client A uploading some video files to the server, the FMS open a new streaming session only stream cilent A video files?the configuration to boardcasting like screen size, bit rate, etc should be pre-defined on the server.  [URL]

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Flex :: Datagrid Multiple Rows Single File

May 20, 2010

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1151: A conflict exists with definition snd in namespace internal.
1021: Duplicate function definition.
Warning: 3596: Duplicate variable definition.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Inserting Multiple Swf Files Into An Exe File?

Aug 26, 2011

I have a created an exe file using CS5 Flash, with multiple imports of swf files into the exe. However, the following problems occur:1. While the exe file is open, I import a swf file into the main program (exe), and when I wish to close the swf file, it closes BOTH the exe file and swf file. I have made a button to close the swf file, actionscript as follows:on (release) getURL("FSCommand:quit", true);}Is this wrong or ok? It does close the swf, but closes the exe file as well, and at the same time, and I do not want that.2. While the exe file is open, I import a swf file, and through the opened swf file, I import another sfw file into the existing swf, which is opened in the exe file, and it seems like the first opened swf file disappears or becomes transparent. For importing swf files, the following actionscript was used:

on (release) {
loadMovieNum("Les2Alpes.swf", 12);


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Flex :: 'fake' Multiple Series For Single Chart Or Same DateTime Axis For Multiple Charts?

Apr 11, 2011

I want a chart that has several separate series running in rows across. They are largely separate charts and should not overlap, but all share the same horizontal datetimeaxis. They don't share the same y-axis, however and that's where I'm getting stuck.I have tried having a linechart series and then a plotchart series, but it will only allow a single <mx:series> per chart without having them inside the same series which as far as I can tell will place the charts on top of each other in the z-axis. I can stack them and have them completely separate charts, but it was proving to be somewhat irritating having them align correctly.

Is there any reasonable way of combining multiple charts into one like this? Basically having rows in a table where each row is a different chart but the columns are consistent. or am I going to be best served just by stacking separate ones? an illustration of what i'm going for is here: http:[url]........

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Feb 8, 2011

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Multiple Checkboxes Get Selected On Single Click?

Jul 12, 2011

i have datagrid filling from mysql successfully.But when i click on a checkbox AND scroll down, i found one more checkbox selectd. Even the same number of extra checkboxes are get selected that i select manually. for example if i select 10 checkboxes and scroll down there will be 10 more chekboxes selected.

I used the bellow cellrender class for checkbox to show in datagrid.


here is my code.

for (varName in returnObj) {
var plid = int (returnObj[varName]["plid"]);
var varState = String(returnObj[varName]["state"]);
var varCity = String(returnObj[varName]["city"]);


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Flash :: Create Multiple Events In A Single List In Flex?

Jan 20, 2012

I want each item in a list to change to a totally unique view file. Instead of 10 items in a list all going to 1 new view but with different info being generated I want 10 different view, 1 per item in the list. I can't find any examples of how to do this and I have been tryingo to make it for for a while. This is for a mobile app.

import spark.events.IndexChangeEvent;


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Data Integration :: Merging Multiple Files To One File?

Apr 6, 2007

We are mainly developing On-line web application works on Flash Movie remixer which remixes more than two flash movies (Picture In picture), SWF layers, Run-time special effects (Chroma-key, fire filter, etc.) and sound layers.This site is similar to the [url].... Recently we were having an issue that user should render the remixed movies and layers to one flash movie file (FLV format).

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Ajax - Making Multiple Asynchronous Calls To Fetch Result From Multiple Services In The Single Click Of A Button In Flex?

Dec 27, 2010

In one of our project we are using flex for front end, blazeds/java in the backend. Its an existing code where services are prewritten. I have to make calls to 3 services in the backend (basically 3 remote objects) and get their result and store the result in an object and show the data of this object in a view.
Now in front end we are using Flex and Parsley Framework. I was thinking of the following approaches.

1) Making commands for each service call and storing the result in a shared object (model) and then displaying this model in the view. In this approach the problem is some services are needed in some other web pages, but they donot need the same model. How should i handle this scenario ? Should i make a asynchronous remote call and fetch the result and then again dispatch and event with the event object storing the result.

2) Making a service call , wait for the result then make another call and wait for the result and then make other call, not sure if this is the right way ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Clear A Single Line Graphics From Its Multiple Instance Upon Click

Apr 13, 2012

I am trying to delete a single line using graphics.clear() method but it clears all the instance of lines created by lineTo() method. I want to remove a single line upon click from bunch of its multiple instance.

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Professional :: Multiple Fla Projects - When Loading Main Swf File 3 Other Swf Files Are Also Loaded

May 31, 2011

I am new flash developer, and inherited a project which has 4 fla project files. When it runs inside a browser, it appears "window" which occupies whole browser. This project is write in Flash CS3. I have few questions:

1). When loading main swf file, 3 other swf files are also loaded. These swf files are communicating with each other through message. When debug the mail swf with CS3, I can set breakpoint and the program can stop only at limited AS files. My questions is how to debug other AS files in other swf file?

2) I used CS5. It seems that I can stop at more AS files, which does not belong to main swf file. Why?

My questions is should I use CS5, which might makes debugging easier? Is it right direction to go to debug multiple swf? (For CS5, I need to fix some code in order to make the program fully working as CS3)

3) What's best tool to use for such project since CS3 is very old. Should I use Flash builder, Flex. Amethyst?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple File Preloading By Passing It An Array Of Files To Load?

Jul 15, 2006

I wrote this script a while ago and it's worked extremely well for me ever since. I use it in nearly every project I do. But the other day I was asked to do a project where I could only use Flash 7.

This is a class I made to easily handle multiple file preloading by passing it an array of files to load. It only has two useful methods. One gets you the current total progress (total of all the files 0-100%) and an onLoadComplete. The actual usage is in the top of the file. It works great under Flash 8, so go ahead and use it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Upload Multiple Files (with The Specified Max Sizes, And File Types) To A Server?

Feb 22, 2007

Does any one have a working fla. and php script to upload multiple files (with the specified max sizes, and file types) to a server? In addition, when there is an image being uploaded, it would be luxurious to have a thumbnail of the image being uploaded displayed.There is clearly not a simple issue. Scores of designers and developers encountered problems and headaches trying to upload multiple files with and image display (if an image is being uploaded). Even my web designer has a slight problem, although he tweaked some of the code to get a simple upload. Adobe needs to address this issue because it seems that sscores of designers and developers are having difficulty with uploading multitple files.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Finding A Translation API For Flash That Can Return Multiple Translations/definitions For A Single Word?

Dec 20, 2010

translation API for Flash that can return multiple translations/definitions for a single word.

fantasy = fantaisie, fantasme, imagination, cration

I've managed to find a few that do one word conversion. Including APIs that use Google Translate as a backend. But can't seem to get them to work so that they return alternative translations if available. The web-based PHP/JS/etc. APIs seem to offer this, but haven't found it in Actionscript yet.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preload Multiple External Swf Files Into Specific Frames Of Parent File?

Dec 15, 2009

I am trying to eliminate the Loader component from a project. Run locally, the Loader is sufficient to load-up the voiceover swf files that exist on many of the frames in the parent file. On the web, the short download delays at runtime due to the Loader are causing timing issues. I'm not sure if there is a way to preload multiple swfs into specific frames of a parent file so that they are available before runtime.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Place In Flash Files In Xhtml Files On IE Without Manually Controls By Clicking On The Flash File?

Apr 28, 2009

I'm in the process of making a web page that'll successfully checked as XHTML 1.0 Transitional ([URL]), but as soon as I place in the fixit.js script under the flash object and view the page in IE, all the flash elements turn white. Quote:


Anyone knows how to place in flash files in xhtml files on IE without manually controls by clicking on the flash file.

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Flash :: Create More Than One URL Link In A Single (SWF) File?

Jul 19, 2010

I created a simple SWF slideshow in Flash with 5 slides. I was able to link one URL to the whole file by adding an alpha button.What I can't figure out is how to add a URL link to each slide. The SWF file i sused on a website and I would like to be able to click on a particular slide as it is playing to go the a site or page that applies to that slide.[code]...

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