Actionscript 3 :: Using Graphics.clear Not Working As Expected?

Mar 12, 2012

Would anyone know why using graphics.clear(); in this example is preventing the graphics from being drawn?

e.g. the following code works and the lines are drawn.

var my_shape:Shape = new Shape();, 0x00FF00, 1);


I'm wanting to animate the line moving so would like to clear the previous drawing before redrawing the lines.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Graphics Clear() Doesn't Clear Bitmap Data From BeginBitmapFill()?

Jul 30, 2011

I'm working on a game whose background has many layers that each scroll at different speeds.

Inside each layer I have a Sprite, I've started using graphics.beginBitmapFill, but what I've found is that the graphics.clear() function doesn't actually clear the contents set by the previous call to graphics.begin.BitmapFill. Each frame, I adjust the matrix to shift the layer as needed.  Then, I call graphics.clear() and graphics.beginBitmapFill() with the adjusted matrix. Since my layers have alphas in the bitmap, I can see the contents that was drawn the previous frame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Memory, Graphics.draw And Clear?

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Actionscript :: Clear Just A Portion Of A Graphics Object?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Clear A Certain Area In Graphics Object

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Visual Artifacts Left After Graphics.clear?

Feb 2, 2010

I am drawing an animated angled line. The line follows a (senocular) path and updates using TweenMax. The line draws in and then 'retreats' out again. When the line retreats, I am left with 'chips' from the line graphic - even though I have used

An example is will be clearer so I have uploaded one here:[URL]Allow the grey line to draw in and the red button to appear. Roll over and out the red button and you should see the small triangle artefacts from the highlighting left behind on the angle.I created a simplified?! version of the code in the hope that someone can point out an error:

EDIT: If I change the JointStyle to MITER in lineStyle, that fixes it but I am non the wiser and would prefer to use ROUND. END EDIT

import com.senocular.drawing.Path;
import flash.display.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Clear A Single Line Graphics From Its Multiple Instance Upon Click

Apr 13, 2012

I am trying to delete a single line using graphics.clear() method but it clears all the instance of lines created by lineTo() method. I want to remove a single line upon click from bunch of its multiple instance.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Controls Not Working As Expected In IE?

Mar 31, 2010

I am developing a simple galaga clone for my site, its at [URL] . You will notice the controls work fine in firefox, opera, safari, chrome, etc. However, in IE, the controls are only triggered if the mouse cursor is hovering directly over the player ship.

The playership object is created in the main document class which passes a reference to the stage to the playership class.

private var ourShip:playerShip = new playerShip(stage, ourHUD);

Which is then added to the stage from within the document class (gameMain)


The playership class then monitors the mouseX and reacts accordingly. The code for the ship controls which are linked to the enter_frame eventhandler is

public function controlShip(e:Event):void {
var a1 = stageRef.mouseY -;
var b1 = stageRef.mouseX -;
var radians1 = Math.atan2(a1,b1);


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Flash :: Gallery Template Not Working As Expected?

Jul 6, 2009

I have created a flash gallery using the in built template in Flash8, which works fine. The gallery forms part of my gallery page of a separate SWF flash site. I load the gallery using a loder component. Since the gallery navigation works by targeting the root folder, my site gets screwed up. The question is, how do i modify the ActionScript in the gallery.fla file (flash inbuilt template), so that once loaded into the main site, it doesnt target the root timeline, but targets its own timeline i.e.Please see below for the code in the Flash Gallery. PS: I didnt write the code - its inbuilt into the template:

function updateFrame (inc) { // send slides to new frame newFrame = _level1._currentFrame + inc; _level1.gotoAndStop(newFrame);


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Flex :: MouseEnabled Where Transparent Not Working As Expected

Feb 28, 2011

I just cannot understand why mouseEnabledWhereTransparent does not work on this skin. The Skin this creates is basically a Button with a transparent background and a little triangle to the left side, like so: >ButtonText But the empty space around the Triangle does not receive mouse events. I've tried wrapping another group around the triangle path and I've tried wrapping it into a Graphic Object, also without success. I could create a Rect with 0 alpha below everything, but isn't that exactly what mouseEnabledWhereTransparent should be doing?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:SparkSkin xmlns:fx="[URL]" xmlns:s="library://" xmlns:fb="[URL]" minWidth="21" minHeight="21" alpha.disabled="0.5" mouseEnabledWhereTransparent="true">
<!-- host component -->
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Try/catch Statements Working But Not As Expected?

Aug 21, 2009

I've got some try/catch statements in an XML parser I've written that don't seem to be doing what I want them to be doing.

The code:

ActionScript Code:

The problems:

-In the case the type is analysis or info (with other tags being alright) the "Default Text" is staying blank, even without a text tag.

-If I purposely malform the option tag, no alert window shows up and none of the other properties in the catch block (optionText,selType, etc.) get set properly

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loop SlideTo Is Not Working As Expected?

Jan 16, 2007

In the following code, I create 12 buttons, label them, and control their onRollOver,onRollOut, and onRelease actions. Everything is working fine except for the line containing the "slideTo" method. Reading from the two arrays for the x and y values, it appears to be inserting the largest number in each array instead of stepping through all 12 values. Currently, clicking on any of the buttons moves the object (ralphMC) to x=100 and y=800. I am pretty stumped about this, as I've inserted quite a few various numbers into each array during testing. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?slideTo is part of the mcTween package, in case anyone wanted to know. code follows:

//Creates an array of numbers that will evenly space the buttons out vertically
var mcPosY:Array = new Array();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Buttons Not Working As Expected

Dec 23, 2011

I've followed this tutorial and made a functional photo gallery.

Now, I want to add that photo gallery on my site. I've created a flash button and assigned it this action:

on (release) {

"contents" is the container movie clip, and "Pictures.swf" is photo gallery i've made. Now, when i click on button, Pictures.swf does load (arrows are being shown), but when i click on them, nothing happens.

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Flash :: BitmapData.draw ClipRect Not Working As Expected?

Jun 29, 2011

I have a component that contains 4 layers: (in ascending depth order) bgImage:Sprite, dropZone:Sprite, dropMask:Sprite and line:Sprite. The bgImage is at 0,0, and the other objects are placed at various positive coordinates. dropMask is masking dropZone.At the point of bitmap capture I want to only draw from the dropZone and dropMask layers, so I'm trying this:

var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(dropMask.width,dropMask.height,true,0);

Despite the dropMask being located at 50,60 the capture always starts from 0,0. I've also tried getting the boundary rectangle and forcing the x,y, but it makes no difference. should I just forget clipRect and use a matrix instead?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stage RemoveChild (Target) Not Working As Expected

Nov 7, 2009

I'm new to AS3 and have been making a Snake game. I've come up with a problem with the code (Yes, I have magically created problems trying to program Snake...It's going to be a long day). My problem is, with removeChild...I'm getting strange errors being throw at me. Not only that, but my Movieclip (myFood) is not being removed entirely, only the visuals of it are.

That being said, here is, what I believe to be, the most important chunk of code for this problem, along with the error it gives me.
* Code for the Snake and whatnot extras.
* Also, Snake and Food are classes.
var myFood:Food = new Food();
function snakeEatFood() {
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Working With Graphics From .as File?

Feb 2, 2010

I copied code from one site and saved as The code is:

import flash.display.*;
public class Test3D1 extends Sprite


and tested it again. I got message "test" in output window, but still no graphics.

import flash.display.*;
var ellipse1:Sprite = new Sprite();;


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Actionscript 3 :: Preloader Not Working With Exported For AS Graphics

Sep 12, 2011

I have a lot of graphics and sounds in my library that are exported for Actionscript in Frame 1. I believe that because of the exported graphics, my preloader will not work. All I get is a white frame while the movie loads. How can you preload graphics that are exported for Actionscript?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Graphics.drawRect Not Working - Get A Blank White Canvas?

Feb 11, 2009

I'm trying to draw a shape but am having a weird issue. I'm not getting any errors, but no shape will show up. I get a blank white canvas when I run the .swf with the following class:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Coloring Book - "clear Board" Button That Resets The Whole Thing,does Not Working?

Jul 27, 2010

I made a coloring book game in AS 2.0 (I did it this way so that I could put individual pieces of code for various buttons - there are around 50). I based it off a tutorial I found online. It works really well. These are the codes I used: In a top layer, I have just in frame 1 (there is only one frame in the whole thing):

_root.fillColor = 0xFFFFFF;

Each colorable part of the picture is a movie clip with a button inside, and each of those buttons has the following code:

on (press) {
color = new Color(this);
delete color;

And then I have two color buttons they can "dip" their pointer into, then they can click on the colorable areas and color them. The code for the color buttons is:

on (release) {
_root.fillColor = 0xC71E07;

Note: the hex code there is for the red button; it's different for the other color.

Button 1: A "show answer" button that pops up a little graphic showing what their picture should look like. I know how to do this in AS 3.0 (I would just have the object fly in from off-stage on the button press), but not in 2.0. One thing I tried was to have it skip to a different scene or even just a different frame in which that object exists in place. The issue there is that it causes the coloring the user has done to disappear.

Button 2: A "clear board" button that resets the whole thing. I've tried using the gotoandPlay(1) action with this button, but it doesn't do anything.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Attach Graphics Instead Of MC Cause A Graphics File Size Is Relatively Small Than That Of A Graphic?

Apr 9, 2005

I was wondering about MC and hey can help to lag a game out. I set up an advanced class system so i don't have to use MC to simulate walls, all i use isthe x,y,width and height. Well anyway since i don't need MC anymore I was wondering if there is a way to attach Graphics instead of MC cause a Graphics file size is relatively small than that of a graphic, I think. If anyone could tell me thats true and show me a way to attach graphics that would be nice. I haven't tried it yet but maybe if I exported the graphic from the library imihgt be able to call its name, but it doesn't have an instance name so im stuck.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 1119: Access Of Possibly Undefined Property Graphics Through A Reference With Static Type Flash.display:Graphics.

Oct 8, 2009

i am trying to receive in my function as a parameter either a shape or a sprite and then access their graphics property, but this gives me an error:

public static function makeRect( obj:DisplayObject, ...
var g:Graphics;
if(obj is Sprite){


//1119: Access of possibly undefined property graphics through a reference with static type flash.display:Graphics.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Line.clear - Doesn't Clear The Line When Mc1 Moved?

Jan 1, 2012


doesnt clear the line when mc1 moved ? How solve tihs problem?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Divinding Vector Graphics Into Vector Graphics

Jul 28, 2009

I have a large vector drawing (imagine 5000x5000) that i want to break up into separate pieces. I know that I can convert this vector drawing into a bitmap and then use the copyPixels method to create many separate bitmaps of the different regions of the original vector drawing, but is there any way to subdivide it into movieclips that just contain vector graphics instead of a bitmap?The reason im dividing a big chunk of vector graphics into smaller pieces is for performance reasons, so flash would only render a small part of this big chunk at a time (only certain regions/voxels/subdivisions are rendered at a time). But bitmaps apparently take up a lot of memory and the system im using would take much less memory if these subdivisions could be preserved in their original vector graphics form.

I imagine I could use masks somehow to achieve this effect (for each subdivision, duplicate the huge image and mask only the region that the subdivision represents), but I dont know the performance costs of masking or if this will create other problems.So is there anyway to split up a movieclip of vector graphics into smaller movieclips of vector graphics the same way copyPixels can with bitmaps?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Expected A Field Name After '.' Operator

Mar 13, 2010

I have 5 buttons in one movieclip "star_mc"

* star_mc.sub1
* star_mc.sub2
* star_mc.sub3


How can i fix this error "Expected a field name after '.' operator" ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Expected A Field Name After '.' Operator?

Aug 17, 2011

I have 5 buttons in one movieclip "star_mc"

* star_mc.sub1
* star_mc.sub2
* star_mc.sub3


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Incorrect Number Of Arguments - Expected No More Than 0?

Feb 17, 2009

I'm trying to make a simple slideshow that ends with the option to click and enlarge each image. Clearly, I'm a complete n00b at this and know nothing about coding.

Here's what I've done:Created the slideshow. It works. Created a thumbnail of each picture and made it into a button (btn1, btn2, btn3, btn4) with the same instance names, each on their own layer. Created an Actions layer with the following code:

function rollOverFunction(evt:MouseEvent) {


The code was working fine until I added the second I get the error above.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Array/loop Not Functioning As Expected

Oct 8, 2009

I have a series of MC's (ultimately about 55) which I'm performing some actions on when a user hovers over the MC.

var items:Array = [


All my variables and paths test correctly; but, when I test the swf, if I hover over _level0.item_0, _level0.item_2 is the MC that received the actions. As I add more MC's, it's always the last MC that receives the behavior. To clarify though, the _visibility and _alpha values do set themselves for all of the MC's. It's just when a user hovers over _0 and _1 that nothing happens to the clip being hovered and _2 receives the order to execute the tween.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Incorrect Number Of Arguments Expected 1?

Feb 2, 2012

i want to set busycursor in loadValue Function. But i'm getting error as Here i'm getting an error as incorrect number of arguments expected 1.the error that i'm getting in 3rd line. and i have not pasted full code here. But i pasted only where i'm getting error when i tried to inser busyCursor.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Incorrect Number Of Arguments - Expected No More Than One

Nov 8, 2010

Below is my script from Flash CS5(AS3), there is an error on line 8 reading: 'Incorrect number of arguments. Expected no more than one.' and I cant for the life of me understand what's wrong. Obviously I understand the error, but I am running myself rugged trying to fix it!


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Argument Count Mismatch - Expected 0 / Got 1

May 7, 2009

ArgumentError: Error #1063: Argument count mismatch on Cars_fla::MainTimeline/addCar(). Expected 0, got 1. I understand that it expects 0. But I don't understand from where it get's 1 parameter..?

Main timeline code
import Car;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
add_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, addCar);
function addCar() {
[Code] .....

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