Actionscript 3 :: Preloader Not Working With Exported For AS Graphics

Sep 12, 2011

I have a lot of graphics and sounds in my library that are exported for Actionscript in Frame 1. I believe that because of the exported graphics, my preloader will not work. All I get is a white frame while the movie loads. How can you preload graphics that are exported for Actionscript?

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private function printPDF(event:MouseEvent):void{
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[Code] .....

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Actionscript 3 :: FlashBuilder: How To Embed Graphics For Preloader

Mar 1, 2012

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Actionscript 3 :: FlashBuilder: Embed Graphics For Preloader?

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I develop a project in FlashBuilder. The graphics and UI elements i create in the Flash IDE and give them Export Classnames. then I put the SWC in the library paths of the FlashBuilder project and create the UI elements by instanciation.

Now I want to add a Preloader for the application. I follow this article, which works:


My question is now: I also need some graphics for the preloader. But how do I ensure that the graphics for the preloader will be loaded first, such that the preloader class can start as soon as possible?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Working With Graphics From .as File?

Feb 2, 2010

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import flash.display.*;
public class Test3D1 extends Sprite


and tested it again. I got message "test" in output window, but still no graphics.

import flash.display.*;
var ellipse1:Sprite = new Sprite();;


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var my_shape:Shape = new Shape();, 0x00FF00, 1);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: 1119: Access Of Possibly Undefined Property Graphics Through A Reference With Static Type Flash.display:Graphics.

Oct 8, 2009

i am trying to receive in my function as a parameter either a shape or a sprite and then access their graphics property, but this gives me an error:

public static function makeRect( obj:DisplayObject, ...
var g:Graphics;
if(obj is Sprite){


//1119: Access of possibly undefined property graphics through a reference with static type flash.display:Graphics.

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Flash CS4 Preloader Not Working?

May 5, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader Not Working?

Sep 1, 2009

take a look at the attached files? I've got two preloaders that I've made from the same template, but I can't get the progress to show. It simply shows a quick glimpse of the finished image and then goes to frame two.

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Flash8 :: Preloader Isn't Actually Working?

Mar 15, 2010

my preloader isn't actually working,trying to load the page on a PC with quite slow internet... The story is following - my preloader animation plays, but only after the whole movie is loaded, cuz I noticed a huge delay before the preloader was actually played... And then I used that flash speed testing thing (sorry, but I don't know how it's called) and it proved my theory... That's the code on 1-st frame, where preloader is:

Actionscript Code:
stop();var loaded:Number = getBytesLoaded();var total:Number = getBytesTotal();var percent:Number = Math.floor((loaded*100)/total);if (loaded == total){gotoAndPlay (2);}else{    _preloader.gotoAndPlay(percent);    //loadBar.percentage.text = percent;}[code].....

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Preloader Stop Working ?

Jun 15, 2010

So, I'm working on a presentation/site that houses multiple sections being loaded in as individual swfs. I have each section shoot to a preloader frame first that is set (with PreloadAssetManager) to preload multiple FLVs and the SWF itself.If I select a new section while the current one is loading, it does the correct process of switching sections and shooting back to the preloader, but then the preloader itself just stops working completely. If I try to access any section, it just sits at a blank preloader. of thing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External Preloader FLA Not Working?

Aug 19, 2009

I export all my stage assets to frame 1, so the external preloader FLA is the approach I've been using for a while to show the nice percentage before the real SWF is loaded. I've just finished with a project and I'm getting errors when the file is done loading.The file works fine as long as it's not it a Loader component (stand-alone SWF), but as soon as I try to get it in the preloader it gives me a ton of errors.

The only major thing I did differently with this project is that a number of classes have their own individual Event.ENTER_FRAME listeners and that *I'm making a lot of stage calls* from various classes to get locations and what-not. I'm thinking it might have something to do with the latter, since I used the stage width/height for a lot of the positioning (stage.stageWidth/2, stage.stageHeight/2, etc).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Not Working But LoadMovie Is?

Sep 19, 2009

I've got a strange problem with my new flash website. I've been able to code a preloader for loading in different .swfs into my main .swf file. This works fine locally and even when I simulate the download in Flash. But when I've uploaded it to my website the preloader no longer works. Basicly the swf file does load into the current swf but without the loading bar and percentage reading.

_root.homecontent.loadshowreel._xscale = 1;
_root.homecontent.onEnterFrame = function() {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Not Working Correctly?

Oct 4, 2009

I am working on a website and I would like it to have a preloader.This website is scripted using Flash CS3 and AS2.There are two scenes, one is "preloader" the other is "tsh".roblem is, the swf file does not display while it loads, then after it loads it displays the preloader for a second and jumps right into the next scene. How can I make it load the preloader scene first, then preload the "tsh" scene? - I have put this code into "preloader"Frame 1:

var loaded:Number = Math.round ((_root.getBytesLoaded()/_root.getBytesTotal())*100);
mc_slider._x = -500 + (loaded*5);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loadmovie Preloader Is Not Working

Nov 15, 2009

i tried to load an image into my stage. with clicking a button so i put actionscript for the button as such :on (release)[code]but the loader is not working the % which has to count to 100 then show the picture doesnt work and the picture appears with out loading..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Code Not Working?

Jun 3, 2010

I have a preloader.swf file that contains a preloader animation. I'm using the following actionscript code to make it work:

var loader_mc:MovieClip = new Preloader();
var loader:Loader = new Loader();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader Not Working For 35 MB Swf File?

Aug 15, 2009

I'm working on a glorified slideshow, it has a music track that is 3+ minutes long, pretty nice graphics, and transitions. I started builing in Flash and am halfway done... it looks great too !

Problem is, when I'm testing the preloader with the download profiler set to DSL - it crawls and at 1% and on, the soundtrack starts to play... by the time the download is at 42% its at least a minute into the soundtrack and it's in and out, coming on then cutting out but not starting over. Needless to say, this is not okay! I know it's a huge file. SHould I maybe export it as an mov and put it in a FLV player?

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Professional :: Preloader Swf Not Working In HTML

Jan 31, 2011

I've made a basic RSS news feed widget with a preloader. When I test the preloader in Flash it works fine, counting to 100% and bringing in the widget proper at the end. This happens both if I test the movie outright or simulate the download.
But now I've embedded the preloader in an HTML file using swfobject 2.2, and the browser will only display the first frame of the preloader and go no further, ie it 'freezes' at 0%. When I open the actual preloader .swf file, it's the same - it just stops at 0% even though it worked fine previously when

I exported it from its .fla file.Weird thing is, if I bypass the preloader and embed the widget file in my HTML, it works fine. This is for an assignment however, and I need to build a preloader as part of the criteria.All files (ie the widget .fla and .swf, the html and the preloader .fla and .swf) are in the same folder. Someone advised me when I made a bitmap in the preloader into a movie clip to uncheck the "export in frame 1" box, so I did this. It didn't work. Then someone else advised me to make sure the textbox containing the percentage count was a classic textbox with dynamic text. I did, and it's still not working.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: CS5 Preloader Not Working Properly

May 6, 2011

I've implemented an internal preloader in my project but it's not working properly. I use Simulate Download but the preloader only shows after something like 80% is completed, which sort of destroys the purpose of the whole thing.

function preloader(progressEvt:ProgressEvent):void{
var totalBytes:Number = progressEvt.bytesTotal;
var loadedBytes:Number = progressEvt.bytesLoaded;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader Bar Not Working When Published

Nov 18, 2009

I have a preloader bar which I get no errors on but when i publish on the web it does not work and it does not appear to work when I use the "simulate download feature" of flash cs4.
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, preload)
function preload(e:Event):void {
[Code] .....

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Preloader Not Working Online?

Aug 30, 2009

I have been on a hunt for weeks, on and off, but I can't seem to find a solution, or even a direction to look in. Long story short, I am using CS4, AS3, and I can not get any type of preloader to work when accessing it online. I have made my own, tried every example file I could find, but not one of them or the possible solutions I found for them will work.

The example files I have used all work from my computer, both by accessing the swf in a browser, or testing within Flash itself, but once I upload them they have all hit one problem or another. I have had the preloader not show up at all, and show immediately but not count down, depending on the type of preloader it is. The only amount of narrowing down I have been able to do is that I can make a preloading frame, but as soon as that frame tries to find out the % loaded of the overall movie, it stops working properly.At the moment I am simply using:

Code: Select alladdEventListener('enterFrame', preloader);
function preloader (e:Event){
if (framesLoaded == totalFrames){[code]...

I put a movieclip on the frame to show that something is happening, but I have not been able to successfully use code to allow for a loading bar, text %, etc.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Isn't Working - AttachMovie?

Jun 9, 2004

I have a problem with a preloader that isn't working, it works fine on other files that are loaded in the same way on the same site, the only difference with this file is a script that is at the end of the timeline which uses attachMovie to place some images.. the result is that the preloader doesn't show, there is just a wait and then the movie appears suddenly.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader For XML Gallery Not Working?

Jun 6, 2007

I have searched and searched and can't seem to figure this one out. I have a preloader for each of the images (loaded with XML) in my gallery. I'm trying to get the percent to show up. I got fed up and deleted the percentage part of the preloader it all together... But now I really need one in there. Does anyone have a clue how to code this? Here's the AS for the preloader bar I have so far:

this.onEnterFrame = function() {
filesize = container.getBytesTotal();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Preloader Not Working?

Feb 15, 2008

i have a dynamic preloader i'm working at that seem to give me problem, here the coding

function loadPage(sectionID, startID, endID) {[code]....

i think on this following line is not working, because when i trace the value, it only give "4"

var loadedBB = _root["tn"+i].holder.getBytesLoaded();

the images is loading, the problem seem to lies on the preloader only,

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