I have a flashbuilder project with a big image. The problem is that the default preloader does not load the images/swf's inside the project. Is there a way to preload them?
So I've got a large movie (about 94k) that I need to preload. I used my usual Preloader script, which has been working great for me FOREVER and it just doesn't go! If I take out the movieclip with the images (yes they're optimized half to death) it loads fine. Main content is a movie clip on second frame of main timeline.There's a stop action on second frame of main timeline.[code]
Is there anyway to make graphics always default to Single Frame instead of Loop when you drag them from library to stage? It's kind of a pain to go to Properties > Looping > Options: Single Frame every time I drag a graphic instance.
I have downloaded the latest flash pro cs5.5 package and installed it on 3 different windows XP machines and I get the same bad result. This is Flash Pro on XP SP3.
I made a small slideshow swf consisting of two jpeg images and nothing else. No music or other bells or whistles.Just 2 images converted to symbols, some keyframe/tween definitions with altered alpha channels.The slideshow runs perfectly and as I expect.
I save the slideshow as a .fla file.I need to add some more functionality from this plateau to show that the product can do what we need to the boss.
When I later load this .fla file, I don't see my graphics on the stage anymore. I right-click on the images and click on the option in the dialog to update the images. I see that the white stage now has the image I expected. When I close the dialog that lets me update the image flash pro abends and I get the crash dialog from microsoft.
Why can I make this slideshow and have it run perfectly, save it successfully (so I think) and then it won't load properly or let me work on it after one save?I have downloaded the latest flash pro cs5.5 package and installed it on 3 different windows XP machines and I get the same bad result. This is Flash Pro on XP SP3.
I made a small slideshow swf consisting of two jpeg images and nothing else. No music or other bells or whistles.Just 2 images converted to symbols, some keyframe/tween definitions with altered alpha channels.The slideshow runs perfectly and as I expect.
I save the slideshow as a .fla file.I need to add some more functionality from this plateau to show that the product can do what we need to the boss.
I have some pretty large PNG images stored in a database (example 1000x15000 px, 4.5MB). I am trying to load this using the Loader class...the problem I am having is when I call load(), nothing happens. No events, no errors.I can take the same image and embed it. As long as as I set the height to less than 8000px it works fine. If I convert the embedded image to a ByteArray and try to load it, nothing happens.
I would like to do something like this:The flash project loads any vector graphic object from hard disc (that graphic has only two color), change one color (for ex #ff0000) to an other (for ex #00ff00) and display.
I'm just starting out with Flash, I'm using ActionScript 2.0, and trying to acomplish something seemingly simple but it is not happening like I would think it should,'m trying to load a large image about 3000x2000 pixels and then mask it with a small square, so that later I can scroll through the image to view it.Here is the code I have so far, it produces a blank white screen.
createEmptyMovieClip("container", getNextHighestDepth()); container.createEmptyMovieClip("fullImage", container.getNextHighestDepth()); //When I replace the above line of code with the line of code bellow the image is displayed
I am creating a Flash site for a client who wants to display many (about 15) fairly hi-res photos as well as a video. I am using the Video class to display and control the video, and the Loader class to load the photos. I preload them from an XML file up front, while "loading..." is displayed.
The video plays immediately after the loader finishes, and the user can also choose to view the slideshow, which has left/right arrows which show each photo with a simple fade tween between each one.
The problem I am having seems to be that when all these assets are loaded, the video and the "fade" effects are very choppy. If I cut down on the number of photos, everything works fine; but I have to include all of them, plus the video.
I am storing all the Loader instances in an array, and when they are requested, I add them to the stage and fade them in. When it finishes fading in I remove the previous one from the stage. So they are all stored in Flash's "memory", but there is only one Loader or Video instance on the stage at any given time. Is there a better way to handle this? Perhaps some way to cache the images but not bog down Flash's memory? I would prefer to have everything loaded up front in order to avoid needing a "loading..." for every slide.
I'm building a flash based site for my photography in Flash CS3 with actionscript 2. The swf is almost 700kb so I guess I'll need a preloader right? I thought I could create a preloader scene before the main content scene and apply the following code to the single frame within the preloader: Code: ifFrameLoaded ("website", 3){ gotoAndPlay ("website", 1); } This doesn't seem to work as the large images in my gallery (contained within a movie clip) won't load unless you leave the gallery page then go back in?
I have a lot of graphics and sounds in my library that are exported for Actionscript in Frame 1. I believe that because of the exported graphics, my preloader will not work. All I get is a white frame while the movie loads. How can you preload graphics that are exported for Actionscript?
I develop a project in FlashBuilder. The graphics and UI elements i create in the Flash IDE and give them Export Classnames. then I put the SWC in the library paths of the FlashBuilder project and create the UI elements by instanciation. Now I want to add a Preloader for the application. I follow this article, which works: [URL] My question is now: I also need some graphics for the preloader. But how do I ensure that the graphics for the preloader will be loaded first, such that the preloader class can start as soon as possible?
I develop a project in FlashBuilder. The graphics and UI elements i create in the Flash IDE and give them Export Classnames. then I put the SWC in the library paths of the FlashBuilder project and create the UI elements by instanciation.
Now I want to add a Preloader for the application. I follow this article, which works:
My question is now: I also need some graphics for the preloader. But how do I ensure that the graphics for the preloader will be loaded first, such that the preloader class can start as soon as possible?
At the moment, I am loading an external SWF file into my movie. The swf file contains a large FLV video... At the moment, I am using the code below, and the video is being loaded into a movie clip with the label "vid1"
The video loads fine. However, because it is such a large video, there is a delay. Can I PRELOAD the video during the main movie's Preloader?
So, my main movie starts, a preloader loads the entire main movie AND the external SWF file (womanonbike4.swf). Then, when the movie gets to the part of the main movie, where the external file is loaded, it will just play!
how to display a preloader on a large movieclip loaded from the library? right now my app just freezes from the moment the load button is pressed until the movieclip finishes loading and appears on stage.When loading an external swf I use the contentLoader to get the loading info display a preloader. can someone paste an example code of a preloader on library movieclips?
im dynamically loading text and an swf from an xml file...the swf and text should appear at same time...but the text appears too fast than the swf..ive to use preloader until the swf loads.. how and where ive to use preloader function....
Is it possible for in a website to start loading a file after it's loaded the initial setup, so that when the user clicks to see the larger file, it's already loaded, or at least part of it's started loading, all without totally stopping other basic rollover functions and so on that appear with the initial setup?
I am loading a large XML file (about 3MB). Is there a way to display the status like a "Percentage Loaded" kind of thing? What about a preloader swf? It just takes awhile for anything to happen. I am using AS2 but am slowly migrating this to AS3.
I've got a problem with loading graphics from externall server. The aplication works fine with the firefox web browser, but when running under internet explorer it givas an error[code]...
[URL] this is my website and my banner is swf file.... it takes some times to load in a low speed connection... I want to have a preloader for this, which shows the precent or the bytes loaded, total bytes, and also a load bar....
i am working on an intro for a friend of mine and it includes a lot of individual photos. the preloader takes forever but i can figure out how to only load half of the movie instead of the entire thing before it plays. here's the code i have for the preloader itself:
here's a link to the current test page so you can see the entire intro and how long it takes now with that code to load. i just want it to load part of the file instead of waiting for all of it.[URL]
I've got a slideshow which runs from an XML file, and at the moment, if the image specified in the XML file isn't there, I get an errorError #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2035: URL Not Found.and here is the function which loads the image:
I'm trying to set up a preloader to show the load progress of the main swf, which has all of it's assets embedded. I found the factory class method as described on bit-101, but no load progress ever seems to show. The swf loads fine, but the bytesLoaded is always equal to bytesTotal and therefore the preloader is never called.
This correctly calls the Factory class first, and then instansiates Main and calls init(). But as I mentioned above the preloading is never shown as it seems to be loading everything straight away.Is this a problem with the way I'm embedding the images or because I'm testing locally?
a simple case of loading images using MovieClipLoader
function thumbnails_fn(k) { thumbnail_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("t"+k, thumbnail_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); tlistener = new Object();
note the output the first loadclip is executed even though the if works very strange?and no default .swf file is loaded or is loaded but not set as it should see onLoadIni function?
I have 2 ScrollPane comps into which I dynamically load MC's which are large enough to trip the vertical scrollBar ..1st load all is fine .. 2nd load 1 SP has vertical scroll the other doesn't ..it doesn't matter what MC's are loaded ..
// IN Parent MC stop()var AudCh:SoundChannelvar AudFile:Stringvar Audio:Soundvar AudPos:Numbervar CRF_Array = new Array()var Domain:Stringvar [code]....
If you choose to try .. some instructions are in order ..
1. Next to begin
2. Matching Source Document = "The CRF is the source document"
3. 2 errors = initals and date on bottom of CRF sheet ..
I have an all flash website that works by having each portion of it to load and unload in the center of a frame based off the navigation chosen.Load times on everything but one part of my site are ok.The dimensions of the part inside the frame are 968x674.I know that's relatively large for a flash file, but that can't be changed at this point.Within the page there are objects that come up when you find an item on the screen.Its a dialog box and it shows text, an image, and has a voice over that reads what the text says.After you're done looking at it, there is an x-button to dismiss the window.There are 15 of these and they are exported to the actionscript.I add them in the actionscript via addChild.
The other huge thing is there is a ton on the screen.It starts you off in an environment, and when you click 3 different sections, it zooms into that portion allowing you to look for the items you're trying to find.There is also a man that talks and animates in the beginning and at the end.We are planning on taking out the end part and putting a text box up. URL...The two parts of the site we are trying to optimize is the main menu when you first are at the site, and the "Explore" section.(Just click on the cloud on the front page.