ActionScript 3.0 :: Optimization On Load Time (Large Images And Sounds)

Jan 27, 2011

I have an all flash website that works by having each portion of it to load and unload in the center of a frame based off the navigation chosen.Load times on everything but one part of my site are ok.The dimensions of the part inside the frame are 968x674.I know that's relatively large for a flash file, but that can't be changed at this point.Within the page there are objects that come up when you find an item on the screen.Its a dialog box and it shows text, an image, and has a voice over that reads what the text says.After you're done looking at it, there is an x-button to dismiss the window.There are 15 of these and they are exported to the actionscript.I add them in the actionscript via addChild.
The other huge thing is there is a ton on the screen.It starts you off in an environment, and when you click 3 different sections, it zooms into that portion allowing you to look for the items you're trying to find.There is also a man that talks and animates in the beginning and at the end.We are planning on taking out the end part and putting a text box up. URL...The two parts of the site we are trying to optimize is the main menu when you first are at the site, and the "Explore" section.(Just click on the cloud on the front page.

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var seekbar = 100 * (channel.position / sndLength);


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Importing Large Images Fails

Jul 25, 2009

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2) why won't this work.[code]

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public var fileReferenceList:FileReferenceList;
public function browseFiles(event:Event = null):void


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Jul 25, 2009


Here is an example online, I am trying something similar but am not happy with what I am seeing, perhaps it is just on my side. The scrolling seems choppy/jagged. I have this same issue doing a similar scroll with lots of big images. Is there any way to get a nice smooth scroll at a decent speed with flash?

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Oct 15, 2008

I'm building a flash based site for my photography in Flash CS3 with actionscript 2. The swf is almost 700kb so I guess I'll need a preloader right? I thought I could create a preloader scene before the main content scene and apply the following code to the single frame within the preloader:
ifFrameLoaded ("website", 3){
gotoAndPlay ("website", 1);
This doesn't seem to work as the large images in my gallery (contained within a movie clip) won't load unless you leave the gallery page then go back in?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: First Time Load A Miracle Second Time Load A Nightmare

Sep 20, 2011

I load an external movie fine with:
f_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, finteractiona);
function finteractiona(event:MouseEvent):void{
var loadera = new Loader();

It takes 2 clicks to close (or unload) Why?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Muting Or Stopping Time Line Sounds Of A MovieClip?

Jul 30, 2010

I'm doing a project that has a lot of time line animation.There are 5 buttons. Each one plays a multi-frame MovieClip containing sounds embedded in its timeline.Then there is a button that stops any of the playing movie clips. Of course, this doesn't stop the soundsormally, I'd just use...ActionScript Code:SoundMixer.SoundTransform.stopAll();Problem is, I also have non-timeline sounds that I have playing on a loop for background music, and the SoundMixer would stop the music too. But I don't want the music to stop.Doing some research, I think any MovieClip can have a SoundTransform property you can adjust, so I should be able to control the sounds just inside specific MovieClips. But I can't figure it out.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Looping Sounds Multiple Times (time Dependant)

Apr 8, 2004

Ok say for example I have a sound of a bell chime. I want to play this sound independent of the mainstage and have it key off local system time. So naturally I want to have my sound loop twice at 2am/pm and eleven times at 11am/pm etc.

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Ok say for example I have a sound of a bell chime. I want to play this sound independent of the mainstage and have it key off local system time. So naturally I want to have my sound loop twice at 2am/pm and eleven times at 11am/pm etc.

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Feb 16, 2010

[URL]This site loads in all of the large images behind the scenes, so once you click through a project, the images appear immediately.

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Sep 28, 2011

loading large images(12000x6000). there are a number of interesting workarounds, but all a a bit clunky.
this is for a local application - not internet.

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