ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Images From Library(optimization)?
Apr 15, 2011
I got 30 letters(.jpg) added to my library, I made 30 movieclips which are instances of these letters. 30 jpgs make my compilation last long. I tried some different things such removing these and some others tricks but it doesnt work ,because the instances behave strange.
I have seen that exporting with AS3 from library is a lot better than loading a whole music loop. ie: A tenth of the size so would it be best to always do it that way for a game for example.But if I'm building an English teaching app with 100's of words and sentences it's easier to connect up via xml and load from folder. Which would be the best option here?
I have an all flash website that works by having each portion of it to load and unload in the center of a frame based off the navigation chosen.Load times on everything but one part of my site are ok.The dimensions of the part inside the frame are 968x674.I know that's relatively large for a flash file, but that can't be changed at this point.Within the page there are objects that come up when you find an item on the screen.Its a dialog box and it shows text, an image, and has a voice over that reads what the text says.After you're done looking at it, there is an x-button to dismiss the window.There are 15 of these and they are exported to the actionscript.I add them in the actionscript via addChild.
The other huge thing is there is a ton on the screen.It starts you off in an environment, and when you click 3 different sections, it zooms into that portion allowing you to look for the items you're trying to find.There is also a man that talks and animates in the beginning and at the end.We are planning on taking out the end part and putting a text box up. URL...The two parts of the site we are trying to optimize is the main menu when you first are at the site, and the "Explore" section.(Just click on the cloud on the front page.
is it better to import images to the timeline at runtime, or export them from the library for use in action script?
I have a few images which make up the background to my website (ie they are unlikely to change very often - if at all), which I am currently exporting from the library for use with my action script code, and the rest of my images I am dynamically loading in based on a set of paths held in a csv file (these may change often).
As I have already built the class to dynamically load in external images, I was wondering if I should also load in those images which make up the background.
Flash CS4 is really good for design and development point of view. But I noticed two things:If library have more item then there is no option on right click "Select Unused Items". How can I get this option "Select Unused Items" on right Click while library have a more items with scrollbar?Some times the actions window's height increased. At this time there is no option to decrease the height of actions window except the Reset option.
I have a really big project that has gone through many iterations, and has gotten very large. I am certain there are a lot of library items that are not being used, but I am not sure how to identify them. The FLA file is really large, 500 MB. And I am running into memory problems. Is there a way to remove all unused library items in an FLA? Or at least identify them?
i have created a colour picker that loads movieclips from the library onto the stage.however i need to create a "start over" button that will remove all these added code is as follows:
Code: startover.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, removeallFunction); function removeallFunction (event:MouseEvent):void
I have 60 images in a library within a .fla file that I want to save to my PC. (I lost the originals). Flash won't let me drag-and-drop them or anything remotely sensible like that.Suggestions posted around t'Internet talk about putting each one on the stage and going through "file-export". Besides from being very tedious, this might not be so great - the images constitute an animation and need to be precisely aligned.Incidentally, the library does have a movieclip of 60 frames - each containing a single image.If all else fails, is there some tool which will extract these images out of the compiled swf?
i have an image and it is a large sheet with series of poses for a character (like a sprite sheet), and wanted to take them out to be animated and make them into individual movie clips.I did successfully, but I went to delete the original image, however, the movie clips became red fills.Is there a way I can get rid of the original without affecting the movie clip?-If not-I wanted to do this because I thought it may save memory but i am not really sure if it will affect the memory since the sheet itself is not going on the stage, is there a chance that this full sprite sheet in the library won't effect the file size of .swf?And if it does, if I turn it into a graphic, or movie clip, will that compress it?I use Flash CS3!
I'm trying to load png images from library. My code is:
Code: var deactiveShow_mc:deactiveShow_id = new deactiveShow_id(0,0); trace(deactiveShow_mc); addChild(deactiveShow_mc); deactiveShow_mc.x=goster_btn.x;
this code gives following error:
Code: 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type deactiveShow_id to an unrelated type flash.display:DisplayObject.
I tried this.addChild(deactiveShow_mc) and addChild(MovieClip(deactiveShow_mc) and addChild(BitmapData(deactiveShow_mc) but it gives various errors. How can I fix this?
This has happened to me and other co-workers multiple times lately and it appears to have started around the time CS5.5 was loaded on our computers. What will happen is, we will have a file with multiple pngs/jpgs imported in and placed across the timeline. They will import fine and they swf will publish out fine. We will save the fla and close it. Then later we will open the fla back up and the images will all be gone from the library and obviously, in turn, removed from the timeline.
Does anyone know any as3 libraries that allow you to scale, rotate, skew, etc.. images during runtime? I have found the greensock transform manager class, but would prefer not to pay $300.
I want to write some games in ActionScript but I do not have any illustration skill. I am looking for a library that can help me generate simple but beautiful, colorful shapes I will then animate.
Recently, I have stumbled upon such a library, written in C++ and newly ported to javascript, but I can't remember it anymore ! Something like Raphael.js in ActionScript would be cool, but I really want to hear about solutions in any language.
I have got an animation using 4 jpeg pictures which are of course stored in my library...I use them multiple times in the animation and I need to change them from time to time but I dont want to swap them manually in flash. The ideal solution for me would be if I could write some code that is able to swap this images in library for those I have in folder where swf is saved. here you can see my animation for better understanding: [URL]
Ok so what I have is an RSS (XML) file that has a bunch of weather data in it. I'm trying to take certain keywords from the XML and insert images into my movie accordingly. I know how to get the XML and find the strings I'm looking for, but I really have no idea how to get the images to come up. I have already inserted them into my library.
what happens is a timer is kicked off, the counter counts 10 secons and fires off a rotate picture function. The rotate picture function is supposed to display 7 pictures in sequence, starting with 1.jpg, then 2.jpg, etc...
All the images are loading, but I can't get it to unload the previous image before loading the next one.
I've tried removeChild, unload();, try/catch, etc... this is the basic part of the code that loads the images....
var picloader:Loader = new Loader(); addChild (picloader); if(_picDisplayed < numOfImages+1){
I want to make a photo uploader and after uploading the photo to the server you can load all the photo's that are in a folder in kind of a library.I can load one single image because I name it in AS but I want to load the whole "images" folder so I can see all the pictures that are in it.
"This is what I got so far"
load_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, LoadBox); function LoadBox(event:MouseEvent):void { //create a Loader instancevar myImageLoader:Loader = new Loader();//create a URLRequest instance to indicate the image sourcevar myImageLocation:URLRequest = new URLRequest("url to website");// load the bitmap data from the image source in the Loader instancemyImageLoader.load(myImageLocation);//add the Loader instance to the display listaddChild (myImageLoader);
I have a library consisting of audio and bitmapped images. I'm looking for a script that would allow me to select several images in the library, then through scripting, have them automatically be placed on the stage for a second each. I'd like this to be done sequentially. I could import them as a sequence, but in my case, I'm not allowed to rename the file in order for Flash to recognize them as a sequence.
i have a flash .fla that was compiling as a .swc with references to images, but now I need to load all these images externally and I dont have the original assets.
I know I can export them one by one, but I have a few hundred in the file, and want to find an easier way.
I'm trying to load images from the library not externally, i know how to load externally but the thing is i need these images to be instantaneous when browsing, so i cannot load them externally.[code]...
I have Button components that are populated dynamically. The buttons need to each have an icon (using the button.icon property).The icon however, is retrieved via webservices so all I recieve is a URL to the jpg that needs to be loaded as the icon. When using the icon property, you load an instance of something in your library over the top of your button. So I was wondering if there was a way to retrieve this url, and load it into the library which would then allow me to use it as an icon??
As my as3 skills are not good, I stumbled against this problem, my approach in overall will probably not be the easiest, but here it goes:
In the library of my fla file I have imported 4 pictures, in the properties (class) I gave them the name photo0, photo1, photo2, photo3. With my code on the time line I create dynamically 4 movieclips and now I want to attach photo0 to movieclip 1 and photo 2 to movieclip 2 and sofort...
Is there a way to give the bitmapdata name also a dynamic name, something like[code]...
I am about to build an image slideshow. I have a mainmovie.swf and a slideshow.swf. I will be loading my slideshow.swf into the mainmovie.swf. I have about 10 images to go into my slideshow.
Should I load the images externally via a Loader/ URL request, or add them to the library and export for AS?