ActionScript 3.0 :: Display A Preloader On A Large Movieclip Loaded From The Library?
Nov 8, 2011
how to display a preloader on a large movieclip loaded from the library? right now my app just freezes from the moment the load button is pressed until the movieclip finishes loading and appears on stage.When loading an external swf I use the contentLoader to get the loading info display a preloader. can someone paste an example code of a preloader on library movieclips?
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Jun 6, 2009
Suppose there is a button on stage - on press - I want to [display / start to run] a movie clip present in library (should i place it on stage?) I tried:
on (press) {
loadMovie("one_mc", "1");
not working.
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Sep 5, 2011
Here is the title error with complete paths:
\ 5000: The class 'lib.libnote.NotesCore' must subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip' since it is linked to a library symbol of that type.
Firstly, what I have tried and what I am using:
I am mainly from a Java background, so perhaps I am misunderstanding an ActionScript concept; if anybody could point me in the right direction I would be extremely grateful!
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Jan 18, 2007
I've used MovieClipLoader to load a movieclip into my holder. Everything works out fine, the mc loads and it's all good. But then, inside the loaded mc I use attachMovie to attach a movieclip from the library of the holder. It won't attach, but it will attach if I re-create the specific mc in the loaded mc's library. Does anyone know how to get around this?
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May 20, 2010
Add Preloader to MovieClip that loops until ALL movie clips in file are loaded? Is this possible?!
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Jun 7, 2009
Running Flash CS3, I've reviewed the tutorial on building particle systems in ActionScript 3.0 to try and build some shooting sparks in an animation.I'm getting stuck at what I think is a really elementary point, but I can't seem to get past it.
Basically, all I'm trying to do at this point is create a class called Particle (which I will teach to do things that particles do a little later) link it to a MovieClip on the stage in my .fla file and use the particle's update function to move it across the stage in a manner defined in the instance (so I can later give different movement properties to each AS generated instance of the MC). I know there are easier ways to accomplish my base task without loading an external package, but this seems so strightforward that I must be doing something very simple wrong I just can't see so I thought I'd post the code here and see what I'm missing.
I start with a file called in the same folder as my Spark Test.fla file.
In I have the following code:
package{ import flash.display.*; public class Particle extends MovieClip { public xVelocity:Number; public yVelocity:Number; public function Particle() { xVelocity = 0; yVelocity = 0; } public function update():void { this.x += xVelocity; this.y += yVelocity; } }}
So I'm declaring that all particles are built with no motion, but if they are explicitly granted an x or y velocity, they will move by that much when the instance's update function is called in the timeline.
Then in my Spark Test.fla file, I have a small shape in a MovieClip called Spark. In the Linkage properties of Spark I have chosen to Export for ActionScript and Export in FIrst Frame. The class is called Spark and the Base class is Particle. For testing purposes I've dropped an instance on the stage and called it spark. Then in the actions layer in the first frame (the timeline is just the spark layer and the actions layer, one frame long each with no "stop();" so it should run forever) I have included the following code:
spark.xVelocity = 5;spark.yVelocity = -1;
function updateSpark(event:Event):void{ spark.update();}
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateSpark);
What it looks like this should do is on each ENTER_FRAME Flash should call updateSpark which is a function that runs the update() event for the spark instance which is a instance of a movieclip that has an update event which moves x and y position by their relative velocity variables. This all seems pretty straightforward to me, but when I ctrl-Enter to test the movie, I get the following 3 compiler errors: Line 1: 5000: The class 'Particle' must subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip' since it is linked to a library symbol of that type. Line 7: 1071: Syntax error: expected a definition keyword (such as function) after attribute public, not xVelocity. Line 7: 1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before semicolon.
View 7 Replies
Jan 21, 2007
I have the next code: Im trying to make a preloader for the image that gets loaded in a movieclip called picholder, Now the problem is that i get undefined back for the image so i cannot preload what is not there hehe and im not sure what im doing wrong In my other fla the image passes fine and the code is the same
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Apr 1, 2010
I have a mp3 file that is 2:30 long and is roughly 5.5mb. How come when I import the file to my fla library it sees it as being 29mb large. My swf isn't large when I compile the project but the fla file jumps from 2mb to 30mb just from adding this sound file. P.S. This site has been a ton of help with different aspects of my flash project.
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Jan 10, 2011
I have a series of large fla files that were being published into swc's and then used directly in an flash project. Probably a total of 1000+ objects. As the number grows the final compiled swf is getting quite large so I want to download individual swf's of each object only as needed. I then need to be able to access and clone the object via classname from the final AS project.
The issue is the only way I have found to export each one is to 1) copy and paste it into a new fla file 2) double click to 'edit' it to force it included, 3) reset the linkage (class) name since it was wiped, 4) publish (i.e. file->publish) and name this swf. This will take quite a while for 1000+ of these.
While you can right-click on each item in the library to save it as a swf, it appears NOT to include the classname etc, just the item. Once I download this, I cannot clone to use it more then once without downloading it again which is unacceptable.
Is there a faster/better way to generate these swf's?
(I did look into xfl briefly but it looks like writing a script to do this given some of the unknowns there will take longer then just doing it by hand.)
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Oct 21, 2004
So I've got a large movie (about 94k) that I need to preload. I used my usual Preloader script, which has been working great for me FOREVER and it just doesn't go! If I take out the movieclip with the images (yes they're optimized half to death) it loads fine. Main content is a movie clip on second frame of main timeline.There's a stop action on second frame of main timeline.[code]
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Oct 15, 2008
I'm building a flash based site for my photography in Flash CS3 with actionscript 2. The swf is almost 700kb so I guess I'll need a preloader right? I thought I could create a preloader scene before the main content scene and apply the following code to the single frame within the preloader:
ifFrameLoaded ("website", 3){
gotoAndPlay ("website", 1);
This doesn't seem to work as the large images in my gallery (contained within a movie clip) won't load unless you leave the gallery page then go back in?
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Feb 7, 2011
[[url]...The big Flash header is like 800kb, but for some reason, the default Flash preloader isn't working.
Two questions:
What's the best way to preload big bitmap graphics (Such as the scrolling bg; the android head)
How should I preload this movie, and why doesn't the default Adobe Flash preloader fire?
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Aug 7, 2009
At the moment, I am loading an external SWF file into my movie. The swf file contains a large FLV video... At the moment, I am using the code below, and the video is being loaded into a movie clip with the label "vid1"
The video loads fine. However, because it is such a large video, there is a delay. Can I PRELOAD the video during the main movie's Preloader?
So, my main movie starts, a preloader loads the entire main movie AND the external SWF file (womanonbike4.swf). Then, when the movie gets to the part of the main movie, where the external file is loaded, it will just play!
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Mar 12, 2009
I am working on a maths game which involves generating some large numbers in AS3. When I pass these numbers into a textbox they appear as e.g. 300000, I would like them to appear as 300,000.Is it possible to format a text box to do this?
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Feb 5, 2008
I am loading a large XML file (about 3MB). Is there a way to display the status like a "Percentage Loaded" kind of thing? What about a preloader swf? It just takes awhile for anything to happen. I am using AS2 but am slowly migrating this to AS3.
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May 20, 2011
I have a large flash project and I'm trying to figure out the best way to handle it. I want to load in an XML file of groups and their members, and a bunch of attributes related to each group and its respective members - but these groups and members are only displayed on screen after a user clicks on their parent groups. My first thought was to just pull in the XML for the whole tree of groups and users, then assign movie clips for the groups, and attach properties related to their display and how the user will interact with them - but if they may never appear on screen, is it pointless to do this? How do I best structure this project? Build an object and attach properties only to the object, then add display data only on click?
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Jun 20, 2009
I'm creating a basic web page, or TXT reader within flash. I have the basic foundations down, which decodes the HEX values to decimal, and returns them for the proper character, thus making the text readable. Anyways, what I've never been able to solve is the strange mystery as to why large pages will load with certain areas of the text switched around. For instance, the file's contents may be 1234 (this is just an example, because it will not actually occur with small files), but when loaded into flash, will be 1432.Try out some BASIC html pages, or any files you may have, in the Load Vars. You can leave it as it is now and use Craigslist, and then look though the trace log, for <html> and </html> to see what I'm talking about.
ActionScript Code:
disp_txt.multiline = true;
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Sep 9, 2011
I have a gallery on my flash site.The way I'm working this is as follows:layer 1 that runs through all frames:var loader1:Loader = new Loader();when a button is clicked, the playhead goes to a certain frame and does this:[code]As a side note, I am also using Greensock's liquid stage to scale this holder up to a certain set size.Now I've noticed that when I blow up the screen, my loaded jpg loses some of its crispness, which is to be expected.I've also noticed this is remedied if I import a larger image than I need I get a nice crisp image. For example, I have been loading in an image that is 960 x 640 into my 'holder' which is 960 x 640.But when I load a larger image (1200 x 800 or larger) say, the image is nice and crisp.Only problem is it fills up the whole screen until I begin to resize my browser, then it snaps into place and is scaled correctly by staying crisp.Any way to tell this loaded image to not come in at it's big size, but to scale down appropriately w/o me scaling down my browser window?
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Feb 12, 2010
I'm trying to read the width and height of a locally loaded image. This seems to work for images that do not exceed the dimensions limited by the Flash Player 10 [URL], but as soon as the images are bigger, the width and height remain 0. The strange thing is that now and then, I can read the dimension of these bigger images, but most of the times not. I understand that this might be because of the player limitation, but then I would at least expect the error to be consistent.
I want to check this since there is no use in loading such a big image as it will not be displayed anyway, but it would be good to provide a detailed error message to the user.
Here's the code that I use to load the image locally and read the dimension:
private function chooseImageButton_clickHandler(event:Event):void {
var allowedTypes:String = "*.jpg;*.png";
m_uploadFileReference = new FileReference();
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Mar 2, 2011
package {
public class priyan {
public var a:String = "priyan";
public var b:String = "bhagavath";
public function method():void {
The above script, i got it from one of the ActionScript 3.0 book. i just work it out in flash. But it shown error 5000: The class 'priyan' must subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip' since it is linked to a library symbol of that type.
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May 3, 2008
Does anyone know how to have a preloader that shows a percent indicator when you are caching a shared library. The way I have it set up now is on the first frame of my main swf.playback is stopped until the trigger.swf (which calls the sharedlibrary.swf via the loadClip method) is cached. While it's stopped I just have a screen that says "now loading" (which is just some text on the main time line's keyframe) but I was wondering if there was a way to add a nice percent preloader instead. If anyone has read the book Flash 8 Beyond the Basics fromhey'll will probably know what I am talking about. I assume the script would need to monitor the caching of the shared library
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Apr 12, 2004
How do I make a preloader if I have only attached movieclips from the library, I know how to make a preloader but not for attached movieclips. The movieclips are attached from level 0 to 12, and I want one preloader to preload all levels at once, how do I do that? Tried with a for loop to loop through all levels but it didn't work.
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Apr 12, 2004
I have a little problem, How do I make a preloader if I have only attached movieclips from the library, I know how to make a preloader but not for attached movieclips. The movieclips are attached from level 0 to 12, and I want one preloader to preload all levels at once, how do I do that? , Tried with a for loop to loop through all levels but it didn
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May 26, 2011
I'm having what strikes me as a stupid problem, but I can't figure it out myself... it could be a subtle nuance of Flash or just some knowledge I don't have, anyway... I'm making a Flash game with a main menu and multiple levels. We didn't organize our project right (just self-taught college students doing it in our free time) so we made a level before the main menu. I ended up putting the entire level, code and all, into a MovieClip. It creates an instance of that MC when you start a level (I'm sure this was a terrible idea).
But it leaks when I delete the MovieClip and create a new one (i.e. quit the level to the main menu and then start it again). It originally leaked ~6MB each time you quit and started it again, but I've tightened it up to ~1MB, but I'd still like to fix that.
I know to Garbage Collect something you have to remove references, so I've
Blanked all arraysNulled all referencesRemove all MCs dynamically added to the stage and any associated eventsRemoved every single MovieClip from the entire stage, including ones that weren't added dynamicallyNulled practically every object and variable I've only used weak-referenced events, and I've removed all of them anyway, but it's still leaking. There's way too much code for me to post all of it, so I guess I'm just wondering if anyone has any general ideas I haven't thought of.
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Nov 8, 2010
I am trying to recreate a drag and drop effect that seems like you are dragging the whole screen to navigate around... like this-->I'm assuming its a huge movieclip that is being dragged around the stage with a nice tween effect to it. Please correct me if I'm wrong.I am trying to tween it to look pretty, but when i drag, it tweens it in relation to 0,0 of the movie clip. So the upper left corner moves to the mouseX, mouseY position.I think there is a math to figure this out, but I suck at math.
holder_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, DragImage);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, DropImage);
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Apr 3, 2011
I have an extremely complicated (10 frames, 3 layers, around 200 objects per layer) vector object, and wish to create 5 instances of this object in my SWF simultaneously. Unsurprisingly, attempting such a feat causes my program to slow down dramatically.
I can freely combine the layers, convert to bitmap or whatever is needed, although the object is very often rotated in my ActionScript code, and is at the third layer of a much larger object. What would be the best (reasonably fast, as I need to repeat this process 10 times, on 10 seperate frames each time) way to optimise this object to increase the run speed without hitting load times too drastically? (The size of the object in question is 7x700 'pixels')...
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Feb 10, 2010
I created an AS3 preloader, and placed the code for that on frame one. I then made a symbol, and placed it in the library. It was set to NOT export on frame 1, and the fla's settings had all classes exported on frame two. There were no references to the object until frame two. Then, flash crashed whenever I compiled without the "Export in frame one" box checked. To fix this, a friend suggested I start my game logic on frame 3, so it will have properly loaded frame 2. That seemed to work fine, the class was instantiating properly. Then, it turned out that it was not loading the movieclip, only instantiating the class. Again, this could be fixed by exporting in frame 1, but I really cannot afford to do that.
The same friend suggested I place an instance of the symbol on the stage on frame 3, and perform game logic on frame 4. They said this would initialize the movieclip properly. However, this was not the case. How can I load the entire symbol, graphics and all, without exporting to frame 1? This single symbol will contain probably 10-20 MB of graphics, so it needs to be preloaded. EDIT: To make a long story short, all I need is some way to load a movieclip so it can be used and visible and everything. EDIT: Is there any way to force-load a movieclip via AS3?
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Jun 21, 2005
I have a menu which attach movie clips from the library, when I first probed the preloader there were not any linked movie clips, neither png files (because each button in the menu attach a picture which is inside the movie clip) now that I have put the movie clips in the library the preloader doesn't work and I don't know why.
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Jun 23, 2009
I'm trying to simply add an instance of a movieclip from my library onto the stage using AS3 code. I've exported actionscripts for the movieclip in the first frame. Why does it want me to include a class name that is not being used by any other item in the library?
Also I call the library item like so:
What steps am I missing? It keeps saying "1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Class to an unrelated type flash.display:DisplayObject.
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Jan 10, 2012
I have a scrollbar function.In the content area i attached movieclips.Those moviclips have dynamic textfield.The scroll bar working for small list of contents.up to 500 or 600 moviclipsWhen i attached 2000 or larger number of movieclip the Entire flash get slows. How to i fasten them with same number of movieclip. why flash player slow when attaching large number of movieclip? it takes near by 58% cpu usage at this time.What is the reason for
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