ActionScript 2.0 :: Percent Preloader When Using Shared Library?

May 3, 2008

Does anyone know how to have a preloader that shows a percent indicator when you are caching a shared library. The way I have it set up now is on the first frame of my main swf.playback is stopped until the trigger.swf (which calls the sharedlibrary.swf via the loadClip method) is cached. While it's stopped I just have a screen that says "now loading" (which is just some text on the main time line's keyframe) but I was wondering if there was a way to add a nice percent preloader instead. If anyone has read the book Flash 8 Beyond the Basics fromhey'll will probably know what I am talking about. I assume the script would need to monitor the caching of the shared library

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I am working in two different applications, one to be compiled for desktop use (AIR) and one to be compiled for the web. They are part of the same project and use the same visual components, but they are completely different apps. When a visual component is changed in one application then it should also change in the other one. Is this a good situation to use a shared library fla? I am new to the concept of shared libraries and I am considering the options.

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PHP Code:
this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadComplete);
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function loadComplete(e:Event) {
// load complete - remove listeners and move on
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import fl.controls.ProgressBarMode;
// Set Variables


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function preloader() {
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green_mc.scaleX = 0;black_mc.scaleX = 0;var loader = new Loader();loader.load(new URLRequest("zibapistachiointeractivesmfilesize03.swf"));loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,


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This is my "preloader" code on frame 1, which is empty except for the AS. (Just a basic bar and percent preloader.) I included all of my code just in case, so please ignore the font embedding and masking if it makes it easier.


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is there an issue ?

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Possible To Use Shared Library?

Mar 22, 2011

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Now when I load this into my main swf file with "loadMovie", It plays fine but no sound. I found that this is due to no sound linkage in my main file library.

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Mar 22, 2011

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***sharedlib.swf***Font properties at library panel:-Export for ActionScript (CHECKED)-Export in frame 1 (CHECKED)-Class: DINBold-Base Class: flash.text.font
*****(...)var _loader = new Loader();_loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,


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Flash :: Set Up RSL (Runtime Shared Library)?

Feb 8, 2011

I'm having a little trouble setting up a new project (an e-Learning) that I think will benefit a lot from RSL.My case is something like this[code]...

The Main will be the first movie to be instantiated, then, all that is necessary from here will be download.Every lesson will be put in a fla/swf apart from the "Architecture" (that is the Main, Scenes, Navigation and a whole bundle of classes called Engine) and will be added at runtime inside the Scenes.

The Engine is responsible for handling repetitive and necessary tasks, events, common methods, communication with server, among other things.The Navigation is responsible for handling user input, as the navigation (next/prev lesson and such), and then passes it to the Engine, that will manipulate the Scenes (and it's children).

Well, I have some restrictions too:Every swf file that will be handed to our client need to have less than 80kb, which means I'm tied.I can't compile the whole thing as a package ready to delivery.As size counts, I need means to alleviate the load as much as possible.So, I searched a lot these days and found out RSL.I've created some tests to know better how to use this and, of course, got into a trap.

I haven't been able to set up my Flash correct, haven't any success with the "Library Path" (under AS3 configuration), haven't been able to compile classes inside the SWC...

Another thing is that I won't make the lessons, only the Architecture.Those lessons will be created by people that may not have any knowledge in AS3 (OOP or program logic) at all.And I'm not inclined to delivery the whole engine (source code) to anyone from outside that may mess with it, making the whole app (apps, in fact, we'll produce hundreds of e-learnings).

How to use RSL efficiently

How to bundle classes inside the SWC

How to package all that is imperative for the whole thing work in the SWC, and then, delivery only this SWC

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Referencing To Shared Library?

Jun 1, 2005

I don't know how to reference to sharedLibrary.swf file.That sharedLibrary.swf is in root folder and another swf which uses sharedLibrary.swf is in folder TEST.I try to pur reference like: ../sharedLibrary.swf and ..sharedLibrary.swf and ..\sharedLibrary.swf and ..//sharedLibrary.swf

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Graphic-type Symbols In A Shared Library?

Sep 16, 2009

Does anyone know if it's possible to have Graphic-type symbols in a shared library as it won't let you add an identifier to them? It's ok to use Move Clips but they increase the file size.

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Flash - How To Setup RSL (Runtime Shared Library)

May 24, 2010

I'm having a little trouble setting up a new project (an e-Learning) that I think will benefit a lot from RSL.
My case is something like this:

Main.fla - A Shell
Scenes.fla - I'll explain this in a minute
Navigation.fla - Some kind of GUI
Lots Of Fla Files - The Lessons

The Main will be the first movie to be instantiated, then, all that is necessary from here will be download.Every lesson will be put in a fla/swf apart from the "Architecture" (that is the Main, Scenes, Navigation and a whole bundle of classes called Engine) and will be added at runtime inside the Scenes.The Engine is responsible for handling repetitive and necessary tasks, events, common methods, communication with server, among other things.

The Navigation is responsible for handling user input, as the navigation (next/prev lesson and such), and then passes it to the Engine, that will manipulate the Scenes (and it's children).Well, I have some restrictions too:Every swf file that will be handed to our client need to have less than 80kb, which means I'm tied.I can't compile the whole thing as a package ready to delivery.As size counts, I need means to alleviate the load as much as possible.

how to use this and, of course, got into a trap.I haven't been able to set up my Flash correct, haven't any success with the "Library Path" (under AS3 configuration), haven't been able to compile classes inside the SWC...Another thing is that I won't make the lessons, only the Architecture.Those lessons will be created by people that may not have any knowledge in AS3 (OOP or program logic) at all.And I'm not inclined to delivery the whole engine (source code) to anyone from outside that may mess with it, making the whole app (apps, in fact, we'll produce hundreds of e-learnings).How to use RSL efficiently How to bundle classes inside the SWC How to package all that is imperative for the whole thing work in the SWC, and then, delivery only this SWC

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Shared Library - Loop Through To Get The Assets

Jan 8, 2011

I have a great shared library tutorial BUT I don't like one section. Assets.swf is the shared library with a variable array called availablegraphics on it's timeline where we put in the available assets That is the bit I don't like. Isn't there a better way to loop through to get the assets. Also they use a loop using library.availablegraphics - which I have never seen before and seems a little weird. In conclusion it's great but is there a better post or tutorial on shared library and how to loop through the assets without knowing exactly what or how many there are.


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Actionscript 3 :: What Is RSL (Runtime Shared Library) Used For In Flash

Oct 31, 2011

Kindly note I am not asking what SWCs are used for, I know about that. I want to know, the use of RSLs in flash. Say i have some useful classes which i currently am using by specifying the particular folder as an "Additional source folder". So, can i make use of RSL here. If not, when and why i need to use RSLs ( I use SWCs without any problem, but i wanna know how to make use of RSL, without making SWCs, ie just by bunch of actionscript classes )

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tell If Shared Library Has Been Fully Loaded?

Dec 9, 2009

Is there a way to tell if Shared Library has been fully loaded?

I have external SharedLib.swf with fonts inside

I imported those fonts inside Master.swf and that's where I am using textfields that rely on those fonts...

I just need to know if theres a way to tell when sharedLib.swf was fully loaded and ready to use,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Runtime Shared Library Woes?

Jan 12, 2009

I am facing an error using shared libraries. The error pops up during compile and only happen when I give an instance name to my imported asset. Let me describe further:

I have an asset library where all movie clips in this file are exported for runtime sharing - LibraryA.swf

Next is the file that uses the assets - ShirtA.swf

What I did is to import an asset from LibraryA.swf (e.g. collar) into ShirtA.swf. Now I have collar movieclip in my ShirtA library. I drag an instance of it to the stage and compile. No problems.

I then gave this instance a name, "myCollar". I tried to compile again, and I get an error from Flash IDE - 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: collar

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Shared Library Creating Programs?

Jul 5, 2009

So I've decided to at least have a fallback option outside of cs4 for all further projects by using a shared library (IE, my graphics in a separate swf)So, what are some programs that would allow me to do this? Preferrably something that can take illustrator files. Anything thats going to let me package graphics for as3/flash 9+I looked at swfmill, but does it function with as3? I couldn't figure this out, it looks like it was last updated in 2005 and the tutorial was still talking about attachmovie (which is deprecated)A program like this would be useful for new versions of HaXe as well. Having everything you're developing thrown in a single .fla is awful for a lot of reasons

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Instantiate Sound From Shared Library?

Apr 21, 2011

I'm building a shared library of sounds, but am having trouble referencing them in code in the swf that needs them. First I built the built the library and clicked 'export for runtime sharing'. Second I built another swf, went to file > open external library, and dragged and dropped the sounds I need into the new library. Third, I tried to reference it in as3 the way I would normally:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Rotation - Faster And Faster When The Percent Loaded Goes Up

Sep 26, 2005

I can make a normal preloader, with a bar and percent shown and so on... But I want to make a little thing in the middle of the preloader that rotates faster and faster when the percent loaded goes up. This is what I thought would work:


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