ActionScript 2.0 :: Attach MovieClip Inside Loaded One From Library Of Holder
Jan 18, 2007
I've used MovieClipLoader to load a movieclip into my holder. Everything works out fine, the mc loads and it's all good. But then, inside the loaded mc I use attachMovie to attach a movieclip from the library of the holder. It won't attach, but it will attach if I re-create the specific mc in the loaded mc's library. Does anyone know how to get around this?
I like to apply a prototype to the following:a holder inside an mc that has a linkage(project). Project is loaded (attachmovie ) in a holder (name main)placed on stag (root). Possible?
I've created a holder on my site into which I'm loading individual .swf movies using a separate 'interface' at the side. Each swf is a slideshow of jpeg images, but for some reason they are becoming slightly stretched/distorted (maybe a single line of pixels is repeated) when they appear in the holder. The holder size is 1000x600, each swf has the same size, same dimensions for each jpeg too.
An example code for a button to load the swf into the holder is: on (release) { _parent.holder_mc.loadMovie("interface_7_movie.swf "); } Is there anything I need to add to prevent the weird distortion?
Im trying to create an inventory where when you click an object it will automaticly go into your inventory, the inventory is embedded in other movieclips.I have quite a few spaces(movieclips) in the inventory box when it is open but I just need it so when you click an object it attaches to a movieclip in the inventory.I also need it so that if you click a different item it attaches to the next space in the inventory rather than overlapping an item you have clicked before. I would only have only about 15 (or something similar) spaces so if I have clicked 16 items the 16th item cannot go into the inventory.
EDIT: revised question. how do I do this when I have loaded an external swf into my main movie. I use this method to load library assets from the external swf files library.Code: Select allvar LibraryAsset_Class:Class
I've started trying to get into AS2 and all of a sudden, I don't know how to attach a movieclip from a document's library to the stage! The debugger's saying that attachMovie isn't a method. Just to clarify, I have an external as file which is defining a class and in that class, I want to attach a movie from the library to the stage.
I wanted to attach movieclip(btn_select) from my library to the stage (movieclip:container) by XML so here's my code.. here's my loading of xml... Note: portXML.childNodes[0].childNodes.length; is 3
When you attach a movieclip taken from the symbol library to the Stage, by using the attachMovie function and its Linkage name, do you have to - previously - place a dummy instance of the mc anywhere on that Stage to get it works ?
point me to anything which will help me dynamically attach movieclips from the library into one main movieclip, which then I can duplicate it many times..You see, what happens with duplicateMovieClip,is that it duplicates the main movieclip itself, without taking its contents..I want to take the contents too. The only way I can imagine this could work, was if I could take a 'snapshot' of the movieclip and keep it as a bitmap, from which this could be duplicated - because I dont need the movieclip and its contents to contain code or have any animation playing. I just want it as an image, so I can create a pattern from..
I have a loaded SWF into a simple "holder" empty movieclip I have on the root stage. Inside that SWF I have two variables that have "stage.stageHeight" and "stage.stageWidth" in them. If I leave them on the code and test the root movie I get this error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. So basically I can't seem to get the variables to get the parent stage.
I had a movieclip which contained a button in it exported as "mc". Then I attach this movie clip onto the stage using: _root.attachMovie("mc", "link1", 1); But i couldn't find it with AS. I mean, how can i refer to the button inside the movieclip after I attach it onto the stage using attachMovie?
I have a Moiveclip in my library exported with the class of Circle. Inside that movieclip I have 3 nested clips, with instance names of arms, feet, eyes. These moviclips are to act as place holders for loaded images and are animated on the timeline.In the Main class I load in an image called image.gif and create a new instance of Circle passing the images to the constructor.I use addChild on the Main class to add the Circle to the stage. Inside of the Circle class I can use addChild and pass the BitmapData image. But I get a null reference when I try to use eyes.addChild but I can add it to the Circles display list with addChild fine.My question is can you add to a nested movieclips display list and if not what would be the best way to set this up?
I'm doing a flash site and it is now in it's critical stage. I have a main movie where i have links to different different sections wich have been loaded usind loadMovie concept. Now i have one requiremnt to access to attach a movieclip from a externally loaded .swf . My problem also will be solved if i can access a purticular scene of a external swf or purticular frame( level) of the loaded .swf.
Note: I want to jump to a purticular frame of one externally loaded movie when i click on button in the _root movie.
I searched previous posts last week about this and learned that I can load a movie clip from the library in a blank mc holder similar to how I load an exernal swf. But so far that code is not working for me. I also need a way to close/make invisible the clip on user clicking an X. I have a page with about 6 key words over which I will place invisible buttons. First button instance is named compworkBtn. I have a blank mc on the stage, name of mcLoadertop. My mc I want to play is in the library and named compworkMC. I read that I need to set the properties to export and I have done this (picture attached for compworkMC).
Then I want the user to click on the X or close button and it goes away. I thought the easiest thing for this work be to program the Close button itself to drive the MC to a frame that had no content. It will still be there, of course, but not be visible. Then the user would click on the next key word and the next MC will load. Not sure that is a good solution though, because they will both still be there. So, I'd like a suggestion for another solution to unload the first mc and load the second one. I have done a similar thing with external swfs, but I will need a close button instance for each of the unloads, right?
Code: function myFunction(myMC) { myMC.attachMovie(myMC, myMC, getNextHighestDepth()); }
myFunction(test); I want this to attach a MC from my library called "test" to a movieclip holder called "test" on the canvas and have it named test. In the end, the instance path would be _root.test.test.
The problem is myMC (the one right after the first parenthesis) is not populating correctly because it is not being read by Flash properly. The typeof myMC is movieclip. I can String(myMC), but still no hope. How do I get this done?
I have a swf called "myfile.swf" with a mp3 set to export for actionscript, and the Class has been called "soundName"With the following code, the sound plays great...
Actionscript Code: var bgURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("myfile.swf");var swfLoader:Loader = new Loader();swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadProdComplete);swfLoader.load(bgURL);function loadProdComplete(e:Event):void { var tmpSound:Class ="soundName") as Class; var snd:Sound = new tmpSound() as Sound;;}
This lets the sound play great. But, because of what I'm trying to do, i would like it better to put the swf into a movieclip, then play the sound from there.
But i cannot seem to get it to work. The following code adds the movieclip to the stage fine, but then i have no way of accessing the library assets (i.e the "soundName" mp3) from the swf inside of the movieclip.
Actionscript Code: var bgURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("myfile.swf");var swfLoader:Loader = new Loader();swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadProdComplete);swfLoader.load(bgURL);function
I'm new to AS3 so please bare with me with this basic question.I have the following codes and I followed the answer from this question, but it doesn't seem to be working for me. I'm not getting an error or getting a trace response.
Basically I need to access this test_mc inside the added child. Am I doing something wrong?
How to add a listener to a button inside of a movieclip that is in the library? Example: Root->work_mc(timeline)->workss_mc(added with Addchild) There is workss_mc in the library that gets loaded when someone clicks a button inside of work_mc. This is achieved with addChild. Within workss_mc there is a close button to close this. I've run into problems with working the navigation with this b/c I need to declare and create a single instance of workss_mc at a scope where it is visible to both click handlers, Doing this will place both handlers in one location. So in order to do that I would need them all to be where the navigation code is, the root. So how can I access workss_mc from the root?
how to add a listener to a button inside of a movieclip that is in the library?
Example: Root->work_mc(timeline)->workss_mc(added with Addchild)
There is workss_mc in the library that gets loaded when someone clicks a button inside of work_mc. This is achieved with addChild. Within workss_mc there is a close button to close this. I've run into problems with working the navigation with this b/c I need to declare and create a single instance of workss_mc at a scope where it is visible to both click handlers, Doing this will place both handlers in one location. So in order to do that I would need them all to be where the navigation code is, the root.
I have a movieClip in the library with the linkage Class name as "LinkClass". I can make it appear on the stage, but there's a dynamic text box inside that is called "linkText" that I can't seem to get working. Here's the code:
myLink = new LinkClass(); = "linkButton"; box.boxMC.linksMC.addChild(myLink);
how to display a preloader on a large movieclip loaded from the library? right now my app just freezes from the moment the load button is pressed until the movieclip finishes loading and appears on stage.When loading an external swf I use the contentLoader to get the loading info display a preloader. can someone paste an example code of a preloader on library movieclips?
Is there any way to check the currentframe or totalframes of a movie loaded into a 'holder clip' on the main stage? Everything i try just comes back with 1 frame despite there being more than that?
I'm working with several videos each inside their own movieclips. When I click my forward button to jump to the next video I get the second video playing over the first one especially towards the end part of the first video. I can play and stop the movies just fine but it's the gotoAndPlay that's causing me problems right now with forwarding and rewinding clips.
Hope my explanation was clear cause I'm just starting out with AS3
note I have to change some file names and urls for company privacy.I am working on an online banner ad which tight size requirements. In order to stay under the file size, I want to load an external swf housed on our server into an empty movie clip on a button press. I have this working with the following code on a button:
on (release) { loader_mc.loadMovie("location where swf file is housed"); }
I then want to unload this movie if a different button is pressed. However I am receiving the following error.
*** Security Sandbox Violation *** Connection to file: XXXXXXXX halted - not permitted from "location where swf file is housed" -- Remote SWFs may not access local files.
How can I unload this external swf file from my move? Again the external swf file is housed on our sever and the main swf file will be housed with the place we are advertising.
I'm running into an error accessing a movieclip from a loaded swf. Inside of my loadedMovie.swf file, I have a movie with the instance name of "bg". I want to change the width of that to movie clip when it is loaded into the parent movie but I'm getting an error saying "Access of possibly undefined property bg through a reference with static type flash.display:Loader."
Code: Select all/* ---------- LOADER ---------- */ var myLoader: Loader = new Loader(); myLoader.load(new URLRequest("loadedMovie.swf"));
I have a mc call mcA which visible and invisible alternatively on stage. I want to attach 10 mc (mc1-mc10) in library with this mcA. When mcA is visible it will attach mc4 in library then it is invisible again. The next time it is visible, it attach let say mc7 and so on, we do not know which mc it will attach in the next session it is visible.