ActionScript 3.0 :: Using GetQualifiedClassName Isn't Working For Exported Symbols In Loaded .swf?
Oct 26, 2011
I have a bunch of symbols defined inside of a .fla file which are exported for actionscript -- IE, given a class definition name. In this .fla file, there is one symbol that pretty much contains all of the other symbols. The definition names are basically used to locate each symbol so that I can wrap each symbol with appropriate functionality.Also, sometimes I want to create a new instance of the symbol, so that is nice. Anyway, here is an example of the code that finds children based on their class name, it works nicely:
public static function getChildByClass(target:DisplayObjectContainer, className:String):DisplayObject
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[Code] .....
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Dec 21, 2009
EDIT SORRY I obviously got that wrong in the title! below is the correction I am wondering if there is a better alternative to my current use of: "getQualifiedClassName('ClassName' " I use it in cases where I want to know what object is say clicked:
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menuLoaded = 0;
menuLength = 0;[code]....
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import flash.display.MovieClip;import;
var upper_left = rail.x;var upper_top = rail.y;var travel = rail.height-handle.height;
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Oct 30, 2009
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Dec 17, 2009
i have a chat page in flash, that works.but when i load the chat true a loader (loadmovie) it works but only the cam is not working (own cam).in my chat.swf this works
if (Camera.names.length > 0)
cam = Camera.get();[code].....
to view a local copy of the cam.the same fuction works it i put it in the loader.swf but when the chat.swf is loaded into the loader.swf the fuction does not work anymore.also not working when loaded true the loader
cam.onStatus = function (data)
tracer.text = data.code;[code].....
and works when loading the chat.swf directly.viewing camstreams works, but publishing and local view dont works
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Jun 10, 2011
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Jan 7, 2006
I am using XML to load an external SWF that has a form using PHP. (Tutorial from, also using XML box resize tutorial to load from with XML) The form works, as far as sending the email correcly, but it does not goto the next frame that says with back button, so it may be confusing to the user if it doesn't do anything when the click send.On the form it has this actionscript attached:
// show welcome screen
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Apr 17, 2009
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When I test these files on my system and the web, both individually and in the shell, everything works perfectly. However, as soon as I embed the shell SWF into an html page these links don't work and won't do anything. But other links in different external SWF using the getURL script to simply navigate to another html page works perfectly.
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Dec 11, 2008
I have a swf loading an external SWF which is a video player. The video player loads fine into the SWF, but if I hit full screen it goes full screen but I cant see anything. Its all black. I can still see the "hit escape to exit" bubble thing.If I embed the video player by itself(ie. ISNT loaded into a swf) the full screen function works fine.
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Aug 19, 2009
I am working in CS4, but using as2 as the publish setting since the swf I need to load in was previously done in as2.I have an interface that I am loading a logo.swf into. This logo has animation that works properly both in test and in the browser. There is, however, a function in the logo.swf that is not working.
this.onRelease = function() {
When I test with the IDE this is clickable within the interface, but when I view via the webpage it is not. AllowScriptAccess was set to sameDomain, but I have also tried that set to always.
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Jan 26, 2010
If I run the site locally on a web server, it works fine. BUT, when I upload to my hosted server, it stops working.I have an SWF that loads another SWF, using a relative path and as I said, this works perfectly well until I upload it.Any ideas anyone.. has anyone had a similar problem. Am using Actionscript 3 and publishing to Flash Player 10. Just so you know
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Mar 18, 2009
I created a clock with an hour, minutes and seconds hand. The clock movieclip has two frames to it and on the first frame, the following code:
seconds = _global.clockTime*6;
minutes = (_global.clockTime/60)*6;
hours = ((_global.clockTime*30)/3600) + 120;
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