ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] DuplicateMovieClip Within A Loaded SWF
Sep 15, 2003
I have an SWF that works fine standalone. However, when I load it into the main movie, it appears that my duplicateMovieClip within the loaded SWF isn't functioning because I only see the first movieclip and not the duplicates. Am I being specific enough?
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Jan 24, 2005
I have the following code to dynamically load an external JPG into a movie clip which is called target_mc, and get its width. As follows:
createEmptyMovieClip("target_mc", 0);
_root.onEnterFrame = function() {
Now, I was hoping to be able to duplicate this image several times, using something like target_mc.duplicateMovieClip(). Unfortunately, the duplicated clip doesn't include the dynamically loaded JPG. ie, it makes a copy of a blank movieclip.
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Oct 11, 2005
while trying to make a gallery I come across this problem of wanting do duplicate movieclips containing loaded images. Seems like whatever I do, no duplicates. My original script is bigger, but my problem also shows in this little example. The first created image in the mcClip.Holder shows just fine, also the trace and _x commands work. The clip will just not duplicate .
this.createEmptyMovieClip("mcClip",this.getNextHig hestDepth());
mcClip.createEmptyMovieClip("Holder",this.getNextH ighestDepth());
var mclLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
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Dec 2, 2010
I am making a drag and drop game using AS2 in Flash CS5 where mc items are duplicated and enlarged from a menu and can be placed anywhere on the stage to create a custom robot. Each part (arms, head, feet, etc.) is it's own mc with unique instance names. I have the drag and drop part all figured out, and I even have the duplicateMovieClip part working...
HOWEVER... Whenever I move from the current frame that an object was duplicated in, to another frame and then back, the clips dissapear one by one if you try to create a new one. Each list of menu items are in their own frames (heads, torsos, arms, etc.). As the duplicates are made, they remain on stage no matter what frame you go to and can still be dagged around, which is good, but as I said previously, they dissappear when you create a new duplicate. Not all disappear at once, only older created duplicates disappear as you bring in new duplicates.
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Feb 11, 2008
I have created a emptymovieclip which contains 1 shape and then i have a uplicateMoviclip, and it posistion with {_x:Number,_y:Number}my code:
this.createEmptyMovieClip("shape", this.getNextHighestDepth());
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Apr 15, 2010
CS3 rotate and duplicateMovieClip?
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Jun 29, 2010
I'm creating a flash menu and I have this AS code on the first frame:
My problem is, that when these MC's duplicates, there is only one (last) which is working.
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Jan 14, 2011
This code just generates a new ham_mc where the user releases the original (drag and drop). The original returns to its starting point. I have the same code for a movieclip called cheese_mc, the user can drag and drop cheese too.
So, if more than one of these ham_mc's and cheese_mc's are created, what is the best way to delete the last one created?
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Jun 20, 2011
I'm sort of stumped why duplicatemovieclip won't work. Or maybe it is just not working the way I'd expect. I have a group of movie clips in a container called blockGroup. Those get positioned on the stage randomly just fine. In addition, I want to duplicate that container and position it 10 pixels greater to the right. That's not working.
This is what I have:
for(i=0; i<maxBlocks; ++i){
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Feb 29, 2012
This is not working, dont know what's going on as I've been about 4 hours on the web searching for a solution...
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Feb 13, 2004
I was wondering about the performance of duplicateMovieClip. If for example Ive made a small square using the rectangle tool, made it into a movie clip, and then duplicate it like 100 times, placing them different places on the scene.
How much will this affect the performance? Is there a better way to do it? (how?)
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Mar 26, 2004
k, i got a hitTest & duplicateMovieClip combined question. got this object that i want to noticed hitTest with this MC called daligObjekt. My problem is that daligObjekt is duplicated very often and it gets a +k in its new instance name, so when i do the hitTest it obviously doesnt rcognize it. I do know u can write +k in the hitTest line aswell but as k number raises faster then the hitTest is done it tion. I know that u can "lure" the system by puting an invisible MC that will always attach to the new duplicated movies but i belive there should be an easier answer.which i bet many do, pls dont hesitate to post itPS. below some AS code if u didnt understand the problem, u might get a hint with the code...!
_root.dalig = _root.kroko.krokoHuvud.hitTest(_root.daligObjekt);
View 4 Replies
May 15, 2005
I have a movie clip that contains many many dynamically generated mc's that have also some dynamically generated mc's in them Now i wanna duplicate that large MC .... and of course that does not work cause it will not copy all those small MC's that are contained. If I duplicate all the MC's contained this also will not work. cause they contain generated MC's and so on Okay enough blabla: Is there a possibility to duplicate the big MC containing all the small MC's ???I know Flash can't do it but is there a way around it?I had one idea of keeping an array of all the generated mc's in my MC class. This works fine but when i duplicate one contained MC i wont get it into the duplication target, it will always be inside his _parent movieclip
View 6 Replies
Jan 28, 2006
I've been working with flash for a few years now, and have a few major projects under my belt, but this is an issue that randomly crops up every now and then: duplicateMovieClip simply not playing.Check out the code and see if you can determine the bug:
on (rollOver) {
duplicateMovieClip(_root.puma, "puma"+pumaC, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
pMC = _root["puma"+pumaC];
View 6 Replies
Mar 17, 2006
I need to have an mc duplicate itself under its own onClipEvent(load) handler. To put it perhaps more clear, something like:
onClipEvent(load) {
//clips duplicate itself
I have tried all sorts of combinations of _root.clip.dMC, this.dMC,
View 4 Replies
Mar 27, 2006
i've got a script of a newspage with php and mySQL (within flash ofcourse).This script got 1 dynamic text field.Now i like to create it different. Every title and body message must be together in 1 MC.So i think the best is to use the duplicateMovieClip statement.I found this code in a book of mine and changed it a bit for where i know. But I still have two problems.
FIrst of all:
All the movieclips will be placed at _x. 0 and _y. 0. And for every record (ID) i need to automaticly create a new MC.I got this code for static adding Mc's but it must be dynamicly loaded and the second mc must come after the first one.i got this actionscript so far:
depth = 0;
for (copy = 0; copy < 10; copy++)[code]....
this code ofcourse creates 10 Movieclips with the instancename "nieuws0" to "nieuws9".do i need to place it in an onClipEvent() ? for now i placed it in the first frame.The original code i found got a random placement. and ofcourse i changed that.
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Dec 7, 2006
I have a 'start page' on frame one and the main code on frame 2 incl. a button to return to Frame 1 and this is the problem as when the timeline moves to Frame 1, the duplicated MCs (ie pronounClip + promptClip) are still there.I have tried to unload the clips :
but that doesn't work either...
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Jan 23, 2007
I'm trying something that should be fairly simple. I want to:- load a jpg into a container clip- when that image is loaded, then duplicate it and move it to a different position- then do a whole bunch of other stuffI'm doing all that using MovieClipLoader.onLoadInit(), and when tracing the duplicated movieClip, without fail, it returns undefined.
var detailImg:MovieClip;
// create a loader to handle loading the full image
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Feb 6, 2007
Why is this not populationg the fiedls with images? The XML is well formatted (I tested)myThumb has a Loader called myPicMC, where the pics are supposed to load. I supposed the proble is with the code in bold blue. [code]
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May 17, 2007
I found this tutorial but for some reasion I am unable to delete the duplicated movie clips created would anyone know how?
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May 5, 2008
myListener.onLoadInit = function(target_mc:MovieClip) {
var ref:MovieClip = target_mc.duplicateMovieClip("ref", target_mc.getNextHighestDepth());
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Mar 10, 2009
I am making a flash website with a page that is a "newsreader" style, for posting articles. The article info is loaded dynamically from an XML document.
I made a page like this before using AS2, and used the duplicateMovieClip method in a for-each loop to list each news article. I am using AS3 in my new flash document, but am finding that there is no longer the duplicateMovieClip method.
replace the duplicateMoveClip, or another way to accomplish what I am trying to do.
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Jun 23, 2009
I am trying to duplicate a movieclip unlimited times. Right now it will play when it is rolled over one time and then it will duplicate for the second rollover, but that is it. I need it to keep duplicating every time it is rolled over.
The code:
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Jan 18, 2004
If you have a movie clip and assign to it via the onClipEvent (Load) OR simply the movieclip.onLoad a whole bunch of data (properties of that movieclip):
When you duplicate that movieclip, does it duplicate all the actionscript contained within?
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Feb 13, 2004
I was wondering about the performance of duplicateMovieClip. If for example I�ve made a small square using the rectangle tool, made it into a movie clip, and then duplicate it like 100 times, placing them different places on the scene.How much will this affect the performance?
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Feb 24, 2005
Is there a way to duplicate a movie clip into another movie clip?So far I have only been able to get the movie clip to duplicate itself within the movie clip it is already in though I am calling the duplication from another movie clip (which is where I want it duplicated into).Basically I have pictures (as movie clips) in a scroller. When you click on a picture I want it to duplicate that picture into another Movie Clip outside of scroller on the _root level. This outside movie clip is actually calling the duplication using onClipEvent(enterFrame). So far, though, it only duplicates itself into the same movie clip and so this duplicated picture also scrolls with the scroller (which isn't what I'm wanting).Here is the outside movie clip's actionscript:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
//tried the below line as well:
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Dec 12, 2008
I have balls (...sounded pervert) that are created by duplicateMovieClip, yes, they spawn, but right on top of each other, and I don't seem to be able to do anything to them, I tried ball+i.onEnterFrame = function(){} typed in several different ways ("ball"+i, ["ball"+i] etcetc...) And I just couldn't find How to refer to them. i'm trying to spawn them to random positions and make them move in random directions (got the moving part already coded but like I said I can't name them -> can't use it atm.)
Short version: How to refer to balls that are created by duplicateMovieClip?
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Jan 15, 2009
this is what i have on the maintimeline:[code]I have 4 moveiclips called: redhex, bluehex, greenhex, and yellowhex.what the above code should do is make a 15x15 grid of hexes (yes i wanted all 4 hex mc's overlapping each other at each space on the grid.).Before i added the lines to dupllicate the blue, green, and yellow hexes also... the redhex movieclip duplicated exactly as it should.But after adding the lines to duplicate the blue, green, and yellow hexes also, in the same locations... Nothing at all showed up when i tested the movie (not even the redhex's)
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Mar 12, 2010
this is what i have on the maintimeline:
function initialize() {
for (i=1, r=0; r<15; r++, i++) {
for (c=0; c<8; c++) {
I have 4 moveiclips called: redhex, bluehex, greenhex, and yellowhex.what the above code should do is make a 15x15 grid of hexes (yes i wanted all 4 hex mc's overlapping each other at each space on the grid.).Before i added the lines to dupllicate the blue, green, and yellow hexes also... the redhex movieclip duplicated exactly as it should.But after adding the lines to duplicate the blue, green, and yellow hexes also, in the same locations... Nothing at all showed up when i tested the movie (not even the redhex's)
View 8 Replies
Nov 9, 2010
I have the movie clip "movie" in my library and the button "btn" on the stage.Now everytime I release "btn", I want to add "movie" to the stage and have it play from predetermined coordinates (let's say _x = 20, _y = 20)...So far, I've tried
Actionscript Code:
on (release) {duplicateMovieClip("movie", "movie2", 1);}
but that doesn't do the trick because it doesn't multiply the displayed movies.Everytime you release "btn", "movie" breaks off and restarts,I want it to finish its animation and have ANOTHER one spawn at the origin...
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