ActionScript 2.0 :: Hover Caption Tutorial On Kirupa
Aug 3, 2011
My query is in respect to the tutorial posted on kirupa : [URL] Now :
1) If I want to add a line of caption ,the moviclip expands in a horizontal manner. So , if I write a big description , the caption movieclip occupies whole stage width. How can i make this movieclip exapand in a vertical fashion after a fixed no. of characters
2) Suppose a button which is inside a movieclip has been applied this function , the button action doesnt work !!!! only the hover caption appears. ( specifically the button on(release) action ) !! What is the possible solution.
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I've done the Tutorial written here by Kirupa on how to display an hover captionTutorial It works perfectly in the stand alone movie.But i need to put this in another movie as external.When i do so, it doesn't work , actually 'cos it drag ALL the external movie and not only the item i want to do a Hover Effect.Why this??Maybe because it consider the command_root.x = 1 (and so on whenever there's _root)the root of the Main movie and not the one of the external??Must i correct all the code with level1 or there's another way??
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May 9, 2004
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Jan 9, 2010
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Aug 12, 2004
I have a problem with a caption. When i load a picture, the picture goes in front of the caption. I tried a swapdepths between the 2 mc's but it seems not to work. Here's my code : You can also see the swf online here : [URL]
You'll see that i have also a problem with the pictures loaded. I place the pic ni the middle of the scene, but when i click the button, i can see the picture moving.
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Jan 5, 2007
i am trying to use the excellent hover caption effect in my movie. the buttons i want to put the captions on are inside a movie clip named mcRobot. so i tried to modify all the paths to go into the mc...but not working.
here is original code from tutorial and then the one i try. basically i put "mcRobot." before most of the paths where i think it should go.
does anyone have a version already modified to put into an mc?
original code:
b1.onRollOver = function() {
captionFN(true, "E-Mail!", this);
this.onRollOut = function() {
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Jun 21, 2006
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myXML.sendAndLoad("processXML.php", receiverXML);
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delay = 3000;
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Jan 11, 2009
continue the success with incorporating the scrolling thumbnails feature to my current galleries.I have done my best to incorporate the code from Kirupa's "Adding Thumbnails" tutorial to my site, but have a feeling the loader class is only MX 2004 and on, and I'm using plain old MX. I have absolutely no thumbnails showing up at all.
PS I also found two discrepancies in the tutorial:
1. Initial code to be pasted has a line such as this:
target_mc._x = hit_left._x+(eval("thumbnail_mc.t"+k)._width+5)*k;
and later in the tutorial that same code is treated as this:
target_mc._x = hit_left._x+(target_mc._width+5)*k;
2. Initial code to be pasted has a line such as this:
}else if ((_root._xmouse<=40) && (thumbnail_mc.hitTest(hit_left))){
but later in the tutorial when it's broken down it's listed as this:
}else if ((_root._xmouse<=(hit_left._x+40)) && (thumbnail_mc.hitTest(hit_left))) {
It's very difficult to test all possible variations in this, but I think I have, as there were 4 possible combinations since 2 lines of code varied. But none of them worked. Either way, would be good to know which users should be using. A little help in identifying: "snowThumbMC" is the name of my empty movie clip instance on my stage, in which I should be loading all of the thumbnails.
1. Is "target_mc" the name of an actual movie clip I should have on the stage somewhere? Or is it simply an empty one created via code to hold info?? I'm trying to figure out what exactly "target_mc" refers to.
2. Is "pictureValue" an actual value of a variable named "picture"? If so, should I have this variable on stage somewhere? I'm just not sure by reading the code (since I can't properly read it) what exactly "picture" refers to.
function thumbNailScroller() {
// thumbnail code!
this.createEmptyMovieClip("tscroller", 1000);
scroll_speed = 10;
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Jul 24, 2003
I've completed the Hover Caption tutorial at [URL] successfully. What I'd like to do in addition, is to resize the caption box to match the caption text's length.
I've tried giving the background box a name (box) and turning it into a button and then doing: = * 8;
But the box never aligns with the text properly after that. don't know what methods to call in order to get the bottom corner of the text and bottom corner of the box and align them properly.
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Jul 14, 2005
This tutorial found on: [URL] Is extension of: [URL] The problem manifests itself when I substitute .jpg thumbnail with .swf one. (I need this because i need transparent thumbs, so i needed to import transparent gifs via swfs - i used [URL] to convert gifs to swfs if someone is interested - It is released under the GPL. ) XML is parsed ok, and the thumbnail is visible with other .jpg thumbnails. The problem is that it is not "alive": Clicking on it doesn't change the main image, hovering doesn't change its alpha:
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Mar 1, 2011
I have an audio slide show and I need to add caption and on off button to show and hide the caption. how can I make on and off button to show the caption?and is it possible to add caption on my audio (not video) using actionscript 3.0?
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Nov 3, 2009
I'm having problems getting the tutorial to work so I decided to look at the source fla. But the Source file won't open on my computer, get the message "failed to open document".
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Mar 22, 2005
I sent an email to pom regarding a tutorial that he wrote, but the email was bounced and he hasn't replied to my PM. I have followed both of pom's tutorials that involve experiments with perspective in Flash, but I have encountered a problem while attempting to duplicate a movie clip symbol in the second tutorial ([URL]). I have a single instance of the "ball" movie clip symbol appearing at random positions. However, I cannot seem to successfully duplicate the symbol instance at random positions using the loop that pom provided:
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Feb 28, 2006
original: I really just need to figure out how to center the pictures. here is what I did I have modified the tutorial that I finished to have a bigger stage for bigger pictures. Everything is working properly but the pictures are displayed on the left side, I want to have them centered in the stage for the images, after clicking on the thumbnails, plus my images are different sizes as well. ranging from 200x410 to 744x410 but all are the same height of 410. i will post up what I am talking about at the end. I believe it is something within either the action script or the xml coding that allows the position of the image to be differently? please help here is what i am talking about[URL] Continued: Here is my coding in action script:
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