ActionScript 2.0 :: How Many Xml Node Attributes Can Be Passed To A Combobox Item

Mar 9, 2007

How many xml node attributes can be passed to a Combobox item? scenario:


I need the first one to label the item, the second to access the video and the third to access the caption xml.

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Actionscript 3 :: Get All Attributes On A XML Node

Nov 28, 2011

How do I get all the attributes that exist on a XML node? For example, I have the following XML:

<item id="100">
<defaults width="10" height="100" post="true">

I would like to get the names and values on the defaults node.

Here is some starter code:

if (item.defaults) {
var attributes:Object = item.defaults.@*; // found in another post
for each (var value:String in attributes) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: List Attributes Of An XML Node?

Oct 30, 2009

Is there a way to list the attributes of an XML node?

For example, let's say the XML you're reading is just one tag[code]...

But I don't know what all of the possible attributes are, so it's obviously hard for me to test for them all.

I could find out what all of the possibilities are, but that would require MUCH more work than finding out how to list the attributes, because a for loop sounds much nicer than dozens of if statements.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Node Attributes Through Loop?

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I'm having an issue grabbing xml node attributes through a multidimensional loop.Here is the Actionscript:

var FourPlayerXML:String = "videoPlayer.xml";


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Validate Combobox In Flex Before Save Has To Select Some Item In A Combobox?

Mar 16, 2011

How can I validate there's a selected item in a ComboBox before saving? If there's no selected item, how can I set focus on the ComboBox?

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Xml :: Ignoring Case On E4X Node Names And Attributes?

Jan 26, 2010

Does anyone know of a trick to ignore upper/lower/camelcase on XML node names and attributes?A quick example: I give an XML file to my client which contains an XML attribute named fooID but the client could change the XML, and - not being aware of upper/lowercaseness change or add an attribute under 'fooid'. Naturally my parser (in AS3) would ignore the all lowercase attribute. Note that the value contained in fooID isn't the problem here but the attribute name itself.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML - Delete Attributes Inside Node?

Jun 7, 2010

How can I from AS make this
<match_statistics version="1.0" 01_06_2010 16:48>
Looks like this?
<match_statistics version="1.0">
Just delete the 01_06_2010 16:48 part.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sort With Xml Node Attributes ( With SortOn() )

Apr 27, 2009

I have xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<entry datumNum="20090420" date="20/4/2009" id="1">
<title>Some title</title>


I would like to sort xml nodes using attribute datumNum, but I can't get it to work. Don't know how to pass attribute to sortOn function before the for loop.
Note that there is maybe a error in xml parsing code here, because I tried to be as short as I can.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Multiple Attributes Of A Node At The Same Time In XML?

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I have 2 attributes of screen node which are title and tasks. how can I access these 2 attributes at the same time in AS3 Is that correct: excel.chapter.screen.(@title == "lesson").@tasks

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading A Xml File And Some Of The Node Attributes Do Not Have Values?

May 15, 2011

I am loading an xml file and some of the node attributes do not have values:

<book id="qq" description="test1"></book>
<book id="nn" description""></book>

I get a null object reference when I try to run the second book line because of the missing description. Can I check for this in code and skip accessing the description for this line?

Something like if (xml_book.@description is null) {do nothing}else{do something)?

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Actionscript 3 :: Detecting The NAMES (not Values!) Of The Attributes Of A XML Node In Flex

Jan 5, 2010

var node:XML;

In flex/actionscript 3, I can call node.attribute("somename") and get the value of the "somename" atribute of the node. I can also call node.attributes() and get the VALUES of ALL the attributes. But how the heck do I know what attributes to look for?! The application I am creating does not know the format of the XML file in advance. I need a way to know the NAMES of the attributes of the nodes, before I can access them by name!

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Flex :: Intercept Value Passed To Item Editor?

Dec 28, 2011

I'm trying to intercept the value that is taken from a DataGrid's GridColumn's itemRenderer and applied to the itemEditor, and vice-versa. I need to be able to format this value. However, my project is complex, so I may be focusing on the wrong idea in what I'm trying to accomplish.

I have a Spark DataGrid component (with ID dg) that I am dynamically populating from XML. I create an ArrayCollection from some nodes, and a regular Array from sub-nodes that is added as a property of the ArrayCollection. That ArrayCollection is then used as the dataProvider for the DataGrid.

Here is an example segment of a typical XML node and it's sub-nodes:

<item name="physOrderTable" text="" type="notes">
<col id="0" text="Day/Time" />


This is the only method I've been able to use to achieve the desired result. This all works fine, if all I want to do is merely display information. But I need to be able to edit the values in each cell, and apply this back to the dataProvider, as I need to rebuild XML with the updated values later.

I have tried everything I can possibly think of to be able to do this. I built my own itemRenderer, then my own itemEditor, then scrapped them because it felt like I was re-inventing the wheel. But was I? I tried reading through the code for the DataGrid, GridColumn, and related classes, but I couldn't find any reference to the itemEditor beyond it being an IFactory. I have no idea where or how it tells that IFactory to be a text input or whatever it is.

Here is my issue:

When I turn on the DataGrid's editing, and double-click a cell, it takes the entire array of the col dataField for that column's cell, converts that array to a string, and displays the entire string in the edit text box. If I cancel the editing, or save the editing, it sets the string to the .col property. Then the labelFunction tries reading that string as an array, and it crashes. I was able to get the typeof the col dataField and converting it to an array if it's a string, but I shouldn't have to.

I need to have it display just the value of the cell for that particular row and column when the instance of the itemEditor is created. When that value is changed, I need it to apply back to that column's index in the .col array of the dataProvider. So, similarly to how it displays information in the labelFunction, I need to edit the information and send it back.

I've seen lots of custom itemEditors and itemRenderers for GridColumns, but these are hard-coded in the MXML. My grid is almost entirely dynamically created, so that's unfortunately not an option for me, as I won't even know how many columns or rows there will be when the DataGrid is created. I tried using rendererIsEditor, but that only seems to be on the MXML instantiation of the GridColumn, as there's only rendererIsEditable in the ActionScript, and it doesn't seem to work (or I don't know how to use it as intended).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Looping Through XML Attributes Hits Only Last Item In The List?

Jun 24, 2010

I am trying to loop through an XMLList of attributes on an arbitrary XML node, using a "for each in" loop. I can't figure out why the loop is only hitting the last attribute in the list.

var xml:XML = <myXML attr1="val1" attr2="val2" attr3="val3" />
for each (var attr:XML in xml.attributes());


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Xml :: Flex, <mx:Combobox>: Get Node To Specify's Dataprovider?

Feb 11, 2010

I'm trying to set a combobox's dataprovider.I have 2 comboboxes: cb_div and cb_stores.For cb_div, I get to set the data provider correctly with an XML file.Cb_stores' dataprovider is to be set depending on the selected item of cb_div.First, here are my XML files.Data provider for cb_div:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<division id="Japan">Japan</division>


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Retrieve Node Values From Combobox?

Oct 5, 2009

I have populated a comboBox dynamilcally from an xml file. When a user selects an item from the comboBox, I want to search the XML nodes and retrieve an attribute of that node.At the moment I had this working correctly by storing the value in a _global variable and using the info in a function.

// Create Listener Object.
var cbListener:Object = new Object();
Assign function to Listener Object.[code].....

This technique won't suffice as we are changing languages around.How would I use eventObj to target the desired node value?

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Actionscript 3 :: Using Flex Combobox To Select A Tree Node?

Oct 26, 2010

I'm using a flex combobox component in Flex builder 3 with sdk 3.4 and I'm trying to use it to expand and select the tree node that the user selected in the combobox component on the change event. However, I'm getting an error when I go to assign the combobox seletedItem to the tree selectedItem. Can you please help? What am I doing wrong?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: ComboBox Set Selected Item

Jul 15, 2008

Flash documentation says this is possible, but cb.selectedItem={label:'labeltext',data:'data'}; is a no go for me. Maybe I'm missing something obvious? Setting selectedIndex works great, but this should work too.

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Flex :: Disable Particular Item In Combobox?

Sep 12, 2011

I have ComboBox With ArrayCollection as DataProvider. Data will come from Databse as ArrayCollection. I'm Adding Item to ArrayCollection "-Select Item-" at 0th index and setting selected index=0 for combobox.

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IDE :: Combobox Selected Item Disappears?

Mar 14, 2008

When I select an item from the comboBox-list the selected item stays blank(visually) but the comboBox-list remains populated and change-event keeps firing.

This happens when I embed fonts and modifies or removes items from an existing combobox.

Here's the code that causes the anomoly:
comboBox.textField.setStyle("textFormat", fontFormat);
comboBox.textField.setStyle("embedFonts", true);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Combobox Won't Allow Selection Of 1st Item?

Oct 18, 2009

Like the title says I can't seem to get my combobox to allow the first item to be selected after loading.If I select any other item in the list it works fine and I can immediately come back and select the first.Seems like strange behavior but as this is my first project using the combobox I'm hoping it's something I've overlooked or just didn't realize I needed.Here is the code I'm using

// Create Listener Object.


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IDE :: Adding Item To Combobox With Checkbox

Apr 24, 2010

if (my_CheckBox.selected == true) {
My_ComboBox.addItem({data:01, label:"My_Label"});

Problem is this add that item unlimited time. How can i add it only one time?

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Flex ::make 3 Combobox Selected Item?

Jun 4, 2011

I have a combobox with arrayCollection dataprovider, it selects nothing at start, but i see the first object label as selected, i want to add select text, as first option that selects nothing, just to indicate that the user didn't select an option yet.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Combobox: Get The Value Of The Selected Item?

Dec 10, 2009

I am using a combobox for the us states, link. The label is set to the full name of the state, while the value attribute holds the abbreviation. What I want to do is to get the selected item's value. So I tried combo.selectedItem.value and combo.selectedItem.@value, but neither of them worked.

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Flex - ComboBox Is There An Event For Item Hover?

Apr 7, 2010

I'm using the <s:ComboBox> flex component which I suspect is very similar to the mx one <mx:ComboBox>

What I'm trying to do is listen to the event of the mouse moving between the items of the list. There's a change event, but it kicks in only when the item is clicked/selected from the list.

What event would I need to listen for when items are just hovered over. I tried finding over and hover but couldn't find something to that effect.

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Actionscript 3 :: Adding Item To A Combobox In A Loaded Swf?

Jun 30, 2011

I've created a flash builder actionscript 3 project which loads an external swf which was created in flash cs5 which contains the combobox component.How do i dynamically add items to it?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Change Combobox Item RollOver Color

Aug 11, 2010

I am using flash standard combobox in my application, and want to add rollover color to my dropdown items. how can I change the rollover color.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Combobox Does Not Display Selected Item When Masking

Oct 17, 2011

I have one combobox in layer which is under the masking (Mask Layer). It does not display selected item particularly in chrome browser (version 14)

when click on combobox it drops down and display items but when make selected specific item, it doesn't display.

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Flex :: Spark ComboBox Displaying Text For New Item?

Sep 16, 2010

I've been playing with s:ComboBox and generally like them a lot. One detail is driving me nuts though - most likely due to my lack of knowledge in the subject - is that if I try to add a new item to my dataprovider in a changeHandler (registered to the change event) the text for the ComboBox textInput disappears - although the item addition works perfectly. Interestingly enough the same operation works fine if it gets called by clicking on a button, i.e. post the change event has been processed, and the text does not disappear.[code]if you take out the change handler you will see that adding a new item and then clicking on the button keeps the new element in the textInput while adding the item to the data provider, which does not happen if you just enter a new item and press enter.

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Javascript :: Flash - Get The Selected Item Of ComboBox Of Actionscript 3?

Dec 8, 2010

an example how to do this?UPDATEI know how to get the selected item in actionscript,but my question is how to get it in javascript?

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Flex :: Programmatically Setting Chosen Item In ComboBox

Jan 26, 2011

I need to programmatically set the selected item in a combobox. I've got a combobox like this:
<mx:ComboBox id="MyComboBox" change="puzzleHandler(event);"prompt="Make a Selection">
<mx:ArrayCollection id="myDP">
<mx:Object id="first" label="Label 1" series="2" pageTitle="Title 1"/>
<mx:Object id="second" label="Label 2" series="7" pageTitle="Title 2"/>
<mx:Object id="third" label="Label 3" series="9" pageTitle="Title 3"/>

I've got a function that regards deep linking. [URL]. They'll be taken to the appropriate part of the site (without having selected Label 2 in the comboBox). How do I set the comboBox programatically, so that it corresponds with what the user it looking at? In my function's switch statement, I want to set the comboBox to the label that corresponds with the view. If "view=2" then the comboBox should show "Label 2" as selected.

case "view=1":
MyComboBox.selectedItem.label="Label 1";
case "view=2":
[Code] .....
I tried this: MyComboBox.selectedItem.label="Label 1" But it's not working.

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