Flex :: Spark ComboBox Displaying Text For New Item?
Sep 16, 2010
I've been playing with s:ComboBox and generally like them a lot. One detail is driving me nuts though - most likely due to my lack of knowledge in the subject - is that if I try to add a new item to my dataprovider in a changeHandler (registered to the change event) the text for the ComboBox textInput disappears - although the item addition works perfectly. Interestingly enough the same operation works fine if it gets called by clicking on a button, i.e. post the change event has been processed, and the text does not disappear.[code]if you take out the change handler you will see that adding a new item and then clicking on the button keeps the new element in the textInput while adding the item to the data provider, which does not happen if you just enter a new item and press enter.
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Aug 3, 2011
I have an issue with Spark Lists whereby I am trying to ensure that an item is always selected and ensure that the GUI displays this to the user.
The application (full code below) creates a List, a Label and a Button. The Label states what is selected in the List. The button removes the selected item. Changing the selection, updates the text in the Label. Important: The List has "requireSelection" set to true to ensure that an item is always selected.
If I select the first item in the List, the selection is correctly reflected in the label. Clicking "Remove" removes the item and the next item is selected. This is all working correctly.[code]...
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Dec 20, 2011
this function bellow returns the String for display in an item renderer.
But i am blocked about the public function set selectedLabel(label:String):void is there anyone who know a function labelToItem or another solution to set my combobox selectedLabel
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Jun 2, 2010
When I set style color, it changes both the text color for the selected item/component label and the text in the dropdown menu.
Type: uint Format: Color CSS Inheritance: yes
Color of text in the component, including the component label. The default value is 0x0B333C.
I would really like the label to be white and the text to be black.
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Mar 16, 2011
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Oct 19, 2010
I'm using a spark combobox in my AdvancedDataGrid, as an itemEditor. At some point I noticed that clicking on the scroll bar arrows would close the CB - very annoying. After much research I found this on Stackoverflow which completely solved my problems - One more and last lingering issue left though: when selecting an item from an open dropdownlist the mouse click seems to propagate to the cell below once the dropdown has closed. I assumed that the fix above would take care of this last issue, but it doesn't seem to. I tried to override the item_mouseDownHandler for the CB and stopImmediatePropagation() of the mouse event post its usual behavior, but that also seems to have no effect. I also tried setting the mouseChildren property for the skin['dropDown'] to false, but that impairs the whole functionality.
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Sep 17, 2010
I would like to use a combobox as the itemEditor for one of the columns of an AdvancedDataGrid. I looked around and decided to use Spark ComboBox components - they're slick and seem to natively support a lot of neat stuff including auto-completing strings when types in the textInput. After some tinkering I managed to add a spark ComboBox to my ADG, setup its data provider in order for it to expand as the user adds new items, and hook it all up. The result seems promising, but as always, a few details have been impossible to overcome for me (indeed I'm not a flex pro quite yet) and was hoping that someone could point me in the right direction. The code is pasted below and uses the tricks described here to use a spark component as an itemEditor for an mx grid.
If you play with the (super simple) app you will notice that if you click (a couple of times) on the last column to the right and open the ComboBox you can pick a value from the list, click on a different cell, and the selected value will appear in the cell you just left. However, and here starts the list of annoying things:
if you start typing in the ComboBox and press enter when the desired item comes up the ComboBox will remain emptyif you type a new item in the ComboBox and press enter the item gets added to the data provider (correct behavior) but the ComboBox still remains empty when you first click on a cell its current value also disappears I debugged the first two annoying scenarios and it seems that pressing Enter leads to advanceddatagrid1_itemEditEndHandler being called before myCB_changeHandler, which means that myRetVal is never set when the dataGrid does its update on its cells. The opposite happens if one selects from the list, i.e.
The MXML App
<s:ArrayCollection id="myCbDb"/>
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Jun 25, 2010
I have two spark lists and want to drag items from one list to the other. When im dragging an item and over the other list item, i want the target item to change the background coloer.Basically instead of showing the black line indicating that I will drop between elements, I want to see the target item highlight.
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Nov 29, 2010
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Oct 26, 2010
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Jan 3, 2011
I'm trying to make a simple flash application providing interface for taking tests as a high school assignment. One of the requirements is to use an XML file as data source.Now, having a List component bound to the XML file with questions consisting of data such as question body, question type (ie. single choice, multiple choice, open, image etc.) and possible answers (where applicable), I was wondering if I could add some additional data (and what is the best possible way to do so) to each question upon its transfer to the List component.
I am trying to achieve two main goals with this: firstly, to mark the questions to which an answer has already been given, like with such code in ItemRenderer class:
<s:Label color="{data.color}" text="{data.label}"/>
Where data.color would be set whenever the user gives an answer to a question.
Secondly, while at it, I thought of such possibility as a great way to store answers given to particular questions. In this case, the Class of the answer object would have been Object, since there has to be many type of questions (where the answer could also be a Bitmap for example).
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Feb 26, 2011
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Jun 17, 2011
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Oct 17, 2011
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Feb 6, 2012
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/* In my CSS file */
@font-face {
fontFamily: UbuntuMono;
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Jun 4, 2011
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Dec 10, 2009
I am using a combobox for the us states, link. The label is set to the full name of the state, while the value attribute holds the abbreviation. What I want to do is to get the selected item's value. So I tried combo.selectedItem.value and combo.selectedItem.@value, but neither of them worked.
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Apr 7, 2010
I'm using the <s:ComboBox> flex component which I suspect is very similar to the mx one <mx:ComboBox>
What I'm trying to do is listen to the event of the mouse moving between the items of the list. There's a change event, but it kicks in only when the item is clicked/selected from the list.
What event would I need to listen for when items are just hovered over. I tried finding over and hover but couldn't find something to that effect.
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Oct 21, 2009
I'm setting selected element in s:List component with Actionscript, it works, but List doesn't scroll to selected item -- need to scroll with scrollbar or mouse. Is it possible to auto-scroll to selected item
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Feb 9, 2010
I have a List component using multiple item renderers determined by the itemRendererFunction. When I set the data the first time, it works as expected. Then, when I set the data a second time with new data, it doesn't call the itemRendererFunction and tries to reuse the current renderers even though they don't match the data.Once I scroll, the function is called and the correct renderers are used. I tried calling invalidateDisplayList and such prior to setting the data, but that didn't fix the problem.
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Jun 30, 2011
My stakeholder has a request to remove the currently selected item from the DropDownList control(s) in the application. For example a drop down with [item1, item2, item3, item4] if item2 is selected then the only items in the drop down will be [item1, item3, item4]
Using Flash Builder 4 with Flex 4.0 sdk
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Jan 26, 2011
I need to programmatically set the selected item in a combobox. I've got a combobox like this:
<mx:ComboBox id="MyComboBox" change="puzzleHandler(event);"prompt="Make a Selection">
<mx:ArrayCollection id="myDP">
<mx:Object id="first" label="Label 1" series="2" pageTitle="Title 1"/>
<mx:Object id="second" label="Label 2" series="7" pageTitle="Title 2"/>
<mx:Object id="third" label="Label 3" series="9" pageTitle="Title 3"/>
I've got a function that regards deep linking. [URL]. They'll be taken to the appropriate part of the site (without having selected Label 2 in the comboBox). How do I set the comboBox programatically, so that it corresponds with what the user it looking at? In my function's switch statement, I want to set the comboBox to the label that corresponds with the view. If "view=2" then the comboBox should show "Label 2" as selected.
case "view=1":
MyComboBox.selectedItem.label="Label 1";
case "view=2":
[Code] .....
I tried this: MyComboBox.selectedItem.label="Label 1" But it's not working.
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Jun 27, 2011
issue is that when a user clicks a datagrid cell that has a combobox editor and then immediately clicks away from the cell, the text value in that cell disappears. I have an itemEditEnd handler on the datagrid and it shows the value of the property I use as the editorDataField just fine. But the labelFunction (which gets called after the itemEditEnd handler) on that grid column sees it as zero. Why aren't the labelFunction and item editor playing together nicely? Here is the DataGridColumn:
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Aug 3, 2010
In a spark list I could use the change event to find out which item has been selected or deselected. The dispatched IndexChangeEvent object has the properties newIndex and oldIndex holding this information.
But with multiple selection allowed this doesn't work anymore because newIndex and oldIndex could refer to indices of still selected elements.
A solution would be to copy the selectedIndices vector to another variable and compare this variable with selectedIndices after a change in selection, but this seems to be somewhat complex.
Does anyone know if there is an easy way two get the index/item a user is deselecting while other elements are still selected?
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Dec 21, 2010
I have a spark List defined as:
<s:List id="symbolList" dataProvider="{symbolListCollection}" change="symbolNameChangeHandler(event)"></s:List>
With the change handler defined like this:
protected function symbolNameChangeHandler(event:IndexChangeEvent):void {
and symbolListCollection as an ArrayList filled with Strings.
At first, the change event works fine, and I get what I expect.
However, if I Ctrl-click on the selected item, to de-select it, i am unable to ever select an item again.
When I click on something to try to select it, the change event DOES fire, however, the ItemChangeEvent has both oldIndex and newIndex set to -1
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Sep 17, 2009
I have a ComboBox in Flex with about 20 items. How do I display all of them in a dropdown with no scroll bar? Right now, Flex displays 5 at a time in the dropdown and puts a scrollbar to scroll for more.Here's an example:
http:[url].........How do I make the dropdown bigger in this example so it shows all 10 items at once?
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Dec 15, 2011
I have a spark datagrid on a mobile application, I set the
and the dataGrid scrolling is good, I got some problems adding a selectionChange eventListener to it, because scrolling the dataGrid will automatically change the selection and instead simply scrolling it, the function binded will start...
How can I add the touch dalay before select the index, so if I scroll the grid the selection won't change, and it change only if I press the item without scrolling?
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Nov 24, 2009
I need to know how to show current item as tool tip in ComboBox itemRollOver event at present i am using the below code,
private var tip:ToolTip
private function ItemRollOver(event:ListEvent):void
when i click the item or itemRollOver faster tool tip is not destroyed some time.
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