ActionScript 2.0 :: Interactive Image Panning & Alpha Channel Masking
Sep 15, 2007
i have a problem with Interactive Image Panning & Alpha Channel Masking. without panning codes masking is working but with panning i can't see my masked area. code is below and icant find where i am wrong or what i am missing
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I've been looking for a Flash component/tutorial I can use to make an interactive map. Now I've found the tutorial Interactive Image Panning here at Kirupa.
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Jul 10, 2008
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it works only problem is that once a button is clicked it still pans the buttons around as it is a onMouseMove function.This can confuse the user as they may think it has not been clicked.So what i want is for that panning to stop once one of the panning buttons is clicked.yet still have that panning function if the original button clicked is the wrong one and the user wants to scroll through them again.
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Dec 26, 2006
[URL]. I don't want to pan the image within the Stage size. I want to pan the image within a masking. So that I can adjust the width & height anytime.
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Sep 24, 2009
Using Flash CS4. I have some images with transparent backgrounds that I'm putting into Flash. Placed in Flash at original size, transparency looks great. However, when I scale the images to any different size, the edges of the alpha channel get real rough, not smooth and aligned to object. I've experimented with png, targa, gif, but all seem to have this problem. Is this some issue with Flash? I don't remember seeing this problem in say Powerpoint.
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May 6, 2010
is there a way to add alpha channel to an image that is imported to a library and doest have alpha channel? e.g if i use setPixel32 to set a pixel of an image, the alpha channel is ignored. do i have to copy the entire image data into a new bitmap or is there a better and faster way?
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Mar 6, 2009
Interactive Image Panning [URL]...Tutorial and the
Easing on Mouseclick [URL]... Now i tried to combine these 2 together and nothing happens , either 1 works or the other one works but never the 2 together.... [URL]...
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Jun 4, 2009
I am building a flash based website and have a large rectangle mc that I am panning left to right that has buttons nested inside. I followed the kirupa tutorial called "interactive image panning" and everything seems to be working fine. My problem is this. I want this panned mc to be centered and framed by a black border that will also act as a mask hiding the ends of the rectangle that have not yet been panned to. When I add this black border the code thinks the stage dimensions are larger and the panning gets whacky. How can I contain this panned mc so it doesn't react to a change in the stage dimensions. it also does this when I open the published HTML in the browser. I basically want it to behave like the sample image on the first page of the "interactive image panning tutorial". There must be an easy solution.
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Sep 16, 2006
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May 7, 2009
im trying to make a interactive panning with the tutorial Interactive Image Panning, Page 1 but this swf loads in a main swf.. the code i am using for the panning swf is
this.onMouseMove = function() {
constrainedMove(bg_mc, 8, 8);
the problem im having is that the panning swf is using the with of the main swf that is holding it
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Feb 16, 2009
just wanted to get some second opinions on something before I dive into a project.I would like to use the same effect executed in this website: http:[url] to go about doing that. I have a few ideas but am quite intermediate when it comes to code, so I was trying to search for some help topics and tutorials that might spark something.But I can't figure out what this sort of method is called! Where all the content slides like that as you click on different parts of the navigation.
* I should add that I am more proficient in AS2 but wouldn't mind learning how to do this in AS3.
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Mar 19, 2010
I am looking to create a site (or part of a site) that is similar to the following links (which both contain panning movie clips with interactive elements within them). One of the keys to this is that it does not pan until you get to the extreme left or right portion of the screen, so that folks can have an effortless (and un-annoying) experience. Anyways...I have done a TON of research online and have found some stuff, but nothing that has really fit what I'm looking for. No more rambling. Here are the two sites.[URL]..."enter site" to see what I'm talking about)
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Mar 24, 2009
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Aug 8, 2011
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Jan 20, 2010
I am experimenting with video using the alpha channel capability of the FlashCS3. I followed the tutorial on the gotoandlearn website on how to create chroma keyed video. I exported an avi video file having removed the background. Ive used Flash video encoder for VP6 and flash player 8 with encode alpha channel ticked. However my swf is not showing the video, just a white blank where it should be. It puts out the audio only.
This is the log file.
- Source file: C:downloadsflash greenscreenvideoscreentestalpha.avi
- Output file: C:downloadsflash greenscreenvideoscreentestalpha2.flv
- Video codec: On2 VP6
- Alpha channel encoded: yes
- Deinterlace: no
- Frame rate: 25 fps
- Key frame interval: 50 frames
- Video data rate: 40 kbps
- Width: 720 pixels
- Height: 576 pixels
- Audio codec: MPEG Layer III (MP3)
- Audio data rate: 16 kbps (mono)
- FLV duration: 00:00:10
- Encoding time: 00:01:00
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Jun 7, 2007
i can now getPixel() from a external jpg but what i finallly want to achieve, is getPixel32() the alpha value is always FF(255)
[URL] take a look on this sample~ in this sample the photo is partially transparent, i can see that in photoshop if i put my code in this file, the color picker can tell the alpha changes. that why i still think there is a chance for getting the alpha value from external .png~ just don'y know how to achieve it T_T (i've try transparent png and also alpha channel added png, doesn't work like the sample)
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
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Nov 3, 2009
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May 9, 2007
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Jun 25, 2011
I have this FLA with animation and when played, the animation has alpha channel. I cant understand why when I look in the library I see the frames without the alpha channel and also when I try to export/extract the image again the image dont have alpha channel. How is it that in flash this image has alpha channel and how to get it out like that into PNG? Here is the link to download the FLA:[URL]..
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Dec 6, 2010
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Nov 8, 2011
Is it possible to import a QuickTime movie with alpha channel into an FLA and have the FLA recognize the Alpha channel? When I've done this, it just shows opaque black instead of an alpha channel. I need that black to be transparent so I can see the layers below the video layer.
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Sep 21, 2010
What is the best way to create a video with an alpha channel, suitable for flex/flash? Does it need to be FLV, or can it be MP4/MOV as well?
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Aug 23, 2011
I have this FLV movie file that's got a premultiplied alpha channel and I want to insert it into a webpage to play as an animation, I imported it into flash and that's where I'm a bit lost as to how to make it appear transparent
The video looks to be inverted so background is black and the animation is white so if I try to publish it like that it just stays the same so it doesn't look right
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Jun 21, 2010
I'm building a custom UI for a program and I'm having trouble with a mouse event on an object that is visible, but is |. Imagine the top object being a frame and the lower object being a photo. I want to detect mouse events on the photo. So what happens currently is that only mouse events on the top object are detected. Thoughts on how to get around this?
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