ActionScript 2.0 :: [MX] HTML Text Field Extra Space?
Feb 16, 2004
I'm using loadVars to import text from a text file and then put it into a dynamic text field - rendered in HTML. There is an extra space in the first line of text for some reason. I've checked the dynamic text field and theres no spaces or returns in it - its empty before putting the text into it.How can I get rid of that extra line?
I'm using loadVars to import text from a text file and then put it into a dynamic text field - rendered in HTML. There is an extra space in the first line of text for some reason. I've checked the dynamic text field and theres no spaces or returns in it - its empty before putting the text into it.
I am printing a dynamic text from flash. Every thing works fine, But I get unwanted spaces/ small boxes at the end of every page. Using string functions I tried to remove the last character if it is a space.Even though I am getting this problem.
I created a somewhat custom Spark button by doing the File > New > MXML skin and basing it on spark.components.button. The problem is that I need to add an extra text field to the button component and dynamically change that text...but of course, the property isn't recognized on a Spark Button.
Is there a simple way to add this field to my custom button skin & its property so it can be addressed? If not, is there a simple way to take what I've done and just extend the Spark Button? I can't seem to find any examples that show how to do it without writing it all up in ActionScript.
I've just took the K-tutorial "News Ticker" for a spin and everything worked fine. ([URL]) I have only one problem: I want to add an extra text field called "time". This extra field is been extracted from the XML file:
I can't figure out how to get rid of extra white space in the browser at the top of a swf file. It looks fine when I preview the file, but when I do publish preview in flash/ try to incorporate in HTML, there's an extra 1/4" at top of window.
I am currently maintaing a multi-linual app. It uses LoadVars.sendAndLoad() to populate dynamic fields with text appropriate to the user's current language. It works fine, except in a few cases. Certain Cyrillic characters, as well as certain Latin characters (such as Å‚) appear with an extra space after them. I have not figured out a way around this. I am using embedded fonts, and am embedding all the appropriate characters.
I've tried using different fonts, and I get the same problem with the same characters across all fonts. If I use device fonts, there is no problem, but this would have to be a last resort, since I'd like to have antialiasing, etc available. I have trace()-d the strings and have confirmed that there's no funny business going on with sendAndLoad(); the text is being properly downloaded.
Note that I am using Flash 8 targeting Flash 6, but targeting Flash 8 doesn't fix the problem. I am wondering if anyone else has run into this issue or a similar one.
Is it possible to ignore white space between characters inside a text input field let's say a user types in "bri an" instead of "brian. Is there a way that white space is ignore and treated it as one word?
i have done a project, in which, i have loaded set of check boxes in to a empty movie clip and i load that movie clip in to Scroll Pane component. all are working fine, but while scrolling, in the bottom of the scroll pane i got so much of extra empty space. How can i corrrect this.
Using RichText editor, if i add bold for my text then i am getting extra space for both side of text. for example "this is test" if i add bold for "t<b>his</b> is test" means the out is like "t his is text"whenever i add bold or italic etc.. one extra space will get add.
I've developed a relatively simple calendar app in Flash that reads an XML file and displays text based on what day it is. A different bit of text displays in the same text box. Since the text is of varying lengths, I wrote a function to resize the text to be large enough or small enough to fit the box. Here's my function:
Code: // Generic function for increasing text size to fill its container function AutoTextResize(textElement, maxHeight):void { textElement.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
It behaves as if the textHeight is LARGER than the height of the box, despite the values it outputs in the traces.
Trying to get a text field in my Flash MX movie to pull from and XML file with CDATA tags to show as HTML. I've checked the box to render as HTML for the text data field... but I'm having problems with the Actionscripting.
The field from this line is what I need to recognize as HTML reading CDATA tags:
I've got a dynamic vertical scrolling gallery which works fine except for one small thing. There is lots of space underneath the last item in the gallery which shouldn't be there... [URL] I can't for the life of me figure out why the extra space is there at the bottom...
Using the following code, I push data from an xml file into a classic dynamic text box that is configured to render text as html. For some reason there is an obscene amount of white space between paragraphs. I am not sure why it is there since I have already set it to ignore white space. How would I get rid of it?
so i have some scrollbar(track and button) and some content.the formula i am using to calculate to calculate y of content is the following:
//contentStarting.y and scrollbarButtonStarting.y are positions of sprites at the moment they are created content.y = -((contentStarting.y -scrollbarButtonStarting.y) +scrollbarButton.y) * ((content.height- content.mask.height) / (scrollbarTrack.height - scrollbarButton.height));
the only problem i have is that i need to add extra space after content, so basically i want forumla to act as if content. height = content.height + extraSpace , but unfortunatelly setting the height scalesY, which is what i don't want.
i have a problem with the line space flash creates when a dynamic text is loaded in a dynamic text field on the stage i put a dynamic textFild with istance name "profile_text". then im loadin in it a text. my text is written in the Notepad like this
i already set a Textformat to my dynamic text with i tryied to play with the "Leading".. but i think it something dealing with paragraph. how i can decrease spacing between paragraphs??
k, so i have a function that checks to see if a user name and email that's being registered already exists in my DB. if the user name previously exists, a 1 is returned. 2 for email and 3 in neither previously exist. if i hard code my user name an existing user name, "joe", who already exists, into my php file and run it in my browser, i get an echoed answer of "1" as i should- nothing less, nothing more. if i don't hard code it and run "joe" over from flash and trace(;, i get 1 with a bunch of carriage returns after it in my output window.
I am trying to parse a string in order to remove all extra white spaces.Iâm working in AS3 and at the moment the only pattern I found remove all content:
I am trying to load a html text from a XML with flash cs4 but It loads with huge whitespace before and after the text. In an older, different version of the site made in AS2 it loads the same xml with no whitespace.I've tried setting xml.ignoreWhiteSpace = true but it doesn't seem to change anything.
flash code: Code: Select allvar XMLRequest:URLRequest; var XMLLoader:URLLoader; var xml:XML;
Has anyone else ever had or heard of this situation? Its only happening around the edges of link tags,Code:Hello <a href="">world</a> my name is george.renders asHelloworldmy name is george.The link still works fine, Ive tried putting the spaces outside the link tags but it still happens.Im having to put double spaces in to get only one of them appearing its so wierd.I dont remember this happening when I was working in AS2 but cant isolate the problem at all.
I have a text field component that I am dynamically populating with text. The words appear one letter at a time in a teleprinter style fashion. I also have rendered certain words with HTML to make style changes within the text.Now all this works fine, except because the HTML text is larger than the body of the other text, I am losing theteleprintereffect at the bottom of the text field. In other words, after a set amount has been printed, users are not seeing the letters printed out one at a time, but instead just get a printed line of text appear from beneath the visible section of the text window.
I'm trying to use a dynamic text field to pull in html text that contains a bulleted list. Easy enough, that works. But the bullets dont take on the color assigned to the field. I've tried putting it in the html text and also using NewTextFormat and neither work. Can someone help me. This should be a simple fix, but I can't find it... I just want my text and bullets to both be white.
Simple code below. Using html text inside the flash document and having a dynamic field on the screen named txt. Code should turn text and bullets green, but it doesn't work, only text turns green
this.txt.html = true; var my_fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();my_fmt.color = 0x00FF00; // hex value for green this.txt.htmlText = "<P> This is the first paragraph</P><BR><UL><LI>Bullet 1</LI><LI><BR>Bullet 2</LI><LI><BR>Bullet 3</LI><LI><BR>Bullet 4</LI><LI><BR>Bullet 5</LI></UL>";this.txt.setTextFormat(my_fmt);
I am using a dynamic text field to show html formatted text from .txt files. I have set the html property both in the properties panel and in AS, and it mostly works. All html formatting show up just fine, except for when "&" is used. Flash CS3 documentation indicates that & is supported, so.? All text after the & does not appear: the only text loaded is that that comes before it. I am using CS3, AS2, publishing in Flash Player 9. Sorry if this problem has been addressed elsewhere, but I've had no luck with my searches.