ActionScript 2.0 :: Photo Gallery - Attaching MovieClips To Thumbnails
Mar 6, 2008
I'm trying to make a photo gallery using AS2 and XML, my thumbnails work fine, a reflect added via the Reflect class works too but I'd like to attach a movieClip to my thumbnails so that when you roll over it, this movieClip starts to play. I've tried the attachMovie method after the loading of the thumbnails (onLoadInit then) but it's still not working !! The same attachMovie to the scene works but not when I try to attach it to my thumbnails, I think I've got some trouble with the targeting of my thumbnails or with the place in the script where I try to do the trick
var monTableauSrc:Array = new Array();
var monLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var monListener:Object = new Object();
var monXml = new XML();
[Code] .....
I'm making a gallery using MovieClipLoader&loadClip. I follwed a tutorial and everything works fine, although the preloader is just plain text. I want a graphic preloader instead, so I imported in the library a gif, turned into a movieClip, and linked it for actionscript, but I can't find a way to attach it to the thumbnails.
This is my thumbnails function: Code: function callThumbs() { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("container_mc",_root.getNextHighestDepth()); container_mc._x = _root.gallery_x; container_mc._y = _root.gallery_y; var clipLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); [Code] .....
I've tried creating an empty movieClip and using attachMovie inside onLoadStart & Progress, but nothing shows up. Here's a link so you can see exactly how the actual preloader is [URL]. So basically instead of the percentages as text for each thumbnail I would like to place in a MovieClip with my own loading animation.
how to use thumbnails to navigate to a specific photo within a series. The slideshow is set up to display photos from an XML file (starting with the first photo) and then you can click forward and back in the series. But I need to navigate via a thumbnail to any photo in the series and then play forward and back from there.
Action script:
//photogallery function loadXML(loaded) { if (loaded) {[code].....
I have it set up to load multiple XML files, but, when you select a new book/xml, i want it the thumbnails to refresh starting with thumbnail #1, instead of wherever it left off in the arraythis obviously has something to do with the variable k, but i am having a lot of trouble figuring out where to fix this at.
// Buttons to call each Gallery and reload data bookone_btn.onRelease = function() { xmlURL = "book1.xml"; // sets xml file
I'm trying to use the flash gallery with thumbnails that was in one of the tutorials on this site. See here:
http:[url]....I wanted to make the flash player bigger, so I changed the doc size and then scaled the area mask that shows the image. I don't see why this would scale the image; it should just make the viewing window larger.But when I make an image the size I want it in photoshop, it is displaying the image far larger (blurry and cut off) than it is supposed to.Does it have to do with the action scripting, or the graphics in the document?
I create a photo gallery from xml using AS3 and it loads fine. I want to limit 5 thumbnails on stage. To see more you have to click the next button to see the next set of 5. Click prev button to see the previous 5.
So i tried modifying the xml gallery code a bit to include thumbnails that load up ynamically. Here is the code i'm using, not that much of it has changed except the loadXml function:
I am trying to produce a photo gallery with thumbnails. I cant work out whats wrong i keep getting these 2 compiler error codes, 1021: Duplicate function definition & 1023: Incompatible override.
Ok basically I want to create a simple Gallery one that has small thumb nails at the side where when clicked on will show in a larger movie clip. I also need to beable to scroll down on the thumbnails as there will be quite a few. Also on the larger image I want left and right buttons to scroll between the images aswell and when clicked on the large image it will load that image in a new window for people to save the image or just simply be able to click on it to download. I have searched everywhere for a tutorial or template and cant find one that is simply this and in AS3.
Kind of like this but instead of scrolling to mouse move, the user would have to click the arrows. And it would be vertical instead of horizontal: [URL]
I need to make a XML Driven Photo slide in Flash CS5.It needs to have a Box that contains 5 Thumbnails(by XML) act as buttons.The Box sits on top of the Main photo area and shrinks (or close out) when user click its close button. And it opens out by clicking on a open button.I'm sure it can be done by using timeline, Tweening or you name it..But what about the Thumbnails that run from the XML file?Can they disappear with the Box and retrieve when it opens? is it possible? Here is the ActionScript.
I'm trying to create the simple photo gallery with thumbnails which is in the tutorial Adding Thumbnails, but I'm having a bit of a problem. I've just done the Photo Gallery Using XML and Flash tutorial [URL] which worked perfectly . I've then gone on to the Adding Thumbnails tutorial, [URL] which follows on.I've been working my way throught the tutorial, but when I get to point ix. on page three, I don't get the thumbnails loading at all. I have checked, and double checked the code I have, and I've copied the code from the tutorial assuming that this is right, but nothing appears to work.I'm using Flash MX, not MX 2004.
Regarding the XML and Flash Photo Gallery with thumbnails tutorial
Instead of scrolling thumbnails, I would like to have a Grid but I don�t how to archive that. I have 8 pictures and I would I like to have a Grid with 3 images in each row.
Am using the XML Photo Gallery tutorial (with grid thumbnails) - it was a slight modification by a Kirupa user here:
I have a problem though. I have several sections that you visit from the main page, and one of these is the photo gallery. However, when I visit this page and then goto any other section of the site, the thumbnails remain visible.Thumbs still visible when going to other sections:My guess is that the actionscript needs to say somewhere - hide or get rid off thumbnails when moving out of the gallery?
I need to make a XML Driven Photo slide in Flash CS5.It needs to have a Box that contains 5 Thumbnails(by XML) act as buttons.The Box sits on top of the Main photo area and shrinks (or close out) when user click its close button. And it opens out by clicking on a open button.I'm sure it can be done by using timeline, Tweening or you name it..But what about the Thumbnails that run from the XML file?Can they disappear with the Box and retrieve when it opens?[code]
I saw the tutorial here on how to make a Flash XML photo gallery with a scrolling thumbnail bar. Awesome!
The thing is, the example he DIDN'T choose to illustrate is the one I want make - exactly.[URl]..Is there somewhere else I can find this? The problem is that I have say, 16 photos and I want 4 displaying on the stage at one time. I want a forward / back button available to switch through the remaining 12 images, when the user clicks the buttons (as opposed to a scroller, which I find difficult to control and therefore less useable).
The problem comes when loading the four images from my XML file. I am able to load the first four, but how do I indicate in AS that the next four images are to be loaded, until there are no more images left? What if I add 5 more, I want to be able to have that AS load them. I was using a mod function in my script, but I keep getting the wrong remainder. I'll have to post the code later.
how to incorporate a link from the picture thumbnails of the photo gallery so that when the user clicks on the thumbnail, it may link to another part of the same website or to an url.
i want each image that opens up from the scrolling thumbnails below to have another set buttons relating to the main image. for instance:
numbers = buttons linked to another set of external images that are related to the big image. the problem is i don't know what controls the thumbnail/main image when i click on the scroller (i'm kinda lost in the code). so right now i have only one set of numbers regardless of which big image opens up.
I was wondering in the photo gallery thumbnail tutorial how do I make the thumbnails display vertically not horizontally. Also how do you add the picture caption underneath the thumbnail? [URL]
I've got a website with three links to three different thumbnail galleries. When I click the link to a gallery that has a lesser number of thumbnails, it fills the difference in numbers in with thumbnails from the previous gallery.
original: I really just need to figure out how to center the pictures. here is what I did I have modified the tutorial that I finished to have a bigger stage for bigger pictures. Everything is working properly but the pictures are displayed on the left side, I want to have them centered in the stage for the images, after clicking on the thumbnails, plus my images are different sizes as well. ranging from 200x410 to 744x410 but all are the same height of 410. i will post up what I am talking about at the end. I believe it is something within either the action script or the xml coding that allows the position of the image to be differently? please help here is what i am talking about[URL] Continued: Here is my coding in action script:
its for a photo gallery that I downlowded,the images fades in and out, but only start that when you click a button(timer).I'm trying to founf out where in the script I can change this, so that the photo's start automatically,rather than, on a button click.I have pasted the script below, is that ok, or would people rather a zip file of the files?
// (c) Copyright by Andrew DiFiore. All rights reserved. DO NOT REMOVE. fscommand("allowscale", "false"); Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";[code]......
I have an XML photo gallery, that when it starts it has a loader for the photos. It always starts with the XML file determined sequence, which is fine, but what happens is that the tabs on the right hand side of the photo loader go astray while it is loading the first photo. If the first photo was loaded instantly this wouldnt be an issue.Is there a way that I can preload that first photo, so that it is in memory when the swf file reads the XML file, allowing the first photo to be instantly loaded ?Amongst other things, I tried embedding the photo in the swf file, but it didnt work...obviously I have no idea what to script...I also created another scene, prior to the main scene, to preload the photo.. but it didnt work either, again probably used useless script...Going further in detail, this is the main script:
I have been searching for a particular photo gallery, and haven't got far. Here is an example of what I am looking for. With the example I wanting the user to be able to click on a photo for it to appear in the box above. I am looking for a tutorial, so I can customise to fit in my client's flash website.
What I want to do is to make a gallery based on the tutorial gallery here (thumbs), but I want the user to be able to choose different galleries from within the movie. I figured that I could make a loop to cycle through the galleries, then nest another loop inside it to cycle through the pics, captions and thumbs. While I wrote, I constantly tested the output with trace commands, but when I tried nesting the loop I lost all output.. I'm pretty new to both Flash and Actionscript, so if theres an obvious solution I havent been able to see it.. This is my temp XML file: