ActionScript 2.0 :: RGB Changing Is Working But Not Changing All The Time

Feb 1, 2006

basically when you load the .swf it changed everytime u re-load it , i want it to keep on changing even when the user hasnt reloaded the image


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clip1_mc.onRollOver = function () {
clip2_mc._visible = false;
clip3_mc._visible = false;


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package {
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
import flash.display.Graphics;


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Text Is Not Changing In SWF?

Nov 9, 2009

I've got a flash template, and was just messing around to see how tough it is to work with. Anyways, I changed some text, saved it, exported, and in the SWF, it did not change, it stayed as what it used to say.

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why certain text does not show as changed in the SWF?

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CSS Isn't Changing XML File?

Nov 10, 2009

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Changing GetURL In A Template?

Apr 30, 2009

I am customising a Template Monster template that has a flash menu.When I changed the getURL code (using AS2) of my flash menu buttons they work for an external URL but do nothing in my site. EG.THIS WORKSgetURL("index.html");THIS DOESNTI have everything in the same root folder and the animated menu bar works perfectly in-situ, just wont go from page to page.

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Aug 5, 2009

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Changing Slides In A Slideshow

Aug 25, 2009

I am trying to create a slide show using actionscript that changes the images automatically. I have the script for a slide show that has buttons to let the user change the slides. It gets the images from a specified folder (which I want it to do- they are all named 1.jpeg, 2.jpeg...etc which makes it easy to update them) and loads it into an image holder named (imageHolder). There is a function called nextImage which loads the next picture, but at the moment is controlled by the buttons. I'm not sure how to get it to change images automatically using actionscript.

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Changing The Cursor With Coordinates?

Nov 4, 2009

I am trying to change the cursor with coordinates.

I have attached the cursor to the mouse, which is a Red Circle

what I want to happen is when it gets beyond the half way point on the screen for it to turn blue.

I can do it as a rollover but I need to make it to it with if statements and coordinates.

Below is the code I have used to attache the cursor to the mouse

circle_mc.onEnterFrame = function(){
this._x = _xmouse;
this._y =_ymouse;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Variable In Other Mc

May 3, 2010

I have a movieclip called 'Sitecontent'. Within this movieclip I'm using a variable to determine on which page my website is. The pages are seperate movieclips which I load throug addchild.When I load (for example) page 1, it start playing a openingAnimation which stops at a specific frame. After it stopped, I want to update my variable in the SiteContent mc. How to acces the variable from a other movieclip?

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Flash8 Changing Subtitles?

Jun 5, 2010

I'm making a flash animation with voices and I wanted to add subtitles to it. What I actually want is an option in the main menu to change the subtitles between english, spanish and no subtitles. I know basically everything there is to know about the graphic part, but my action scripting is very basic. i can barely make a simple loadbar.The options I had in mind were:

1) two layers, one with the english subtitles, the other with spanish subtitles, and that a button shifts the visibility of those layers.

2) two movie clips that can be hidden when not chosen.

3) a dynamic text that will need endless lines of code (this means I prefer options one and two)And if any of those doesn't work, perhaps I can do like some other animators do, and use a hidden button during the animation, that when hovering over it, makes the subtitles apear... but perhaps it's better if I do that later.

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Changing Height From Center Rather Than Top?

Sep 14, 2010

I'm using myship.height =+=1 to change objects height but it changes height from top of picture rather than the center. How do I change it so its origin is central and grows outwards rather than downwards if that makes sense.

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Changing From One Scene To Another Without Buttons

Oct 23, 2010

I'm creating a game in which you have to click/shoot the correct number as it passes by and when the scoreboard reaches 2 certain scores I need the scenes to change. I've managed to make it work for one scene where when the score hits 10 it changes to the next part of the game. However I also need to make it so that when the score hits -5 the scene changes to the "Final Score" scene where the player is taken if they lose. When I tried to use the same script I used the first time I just didn't know where to place it and it didn't work. How can I have 2 scripts working on the same timeline so that if the score reaches 10 the game proceeds but if it reaches -5 the game ends?

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