ActionScript 2.0 :: Senocular's XML Drop Down Menu Into Classes?

Aug 6, 2005

I'm trying to create a large site where I'm using AS2.0 classes to manage everything. I've started working on porting the XML drop down menu by Senocular into a XMLMenu class with limited success. I have two issues/problems.I'd love to offer this AS2.0 class to anyone once I have it figured out. (One note, it's already slightly modified to be a horizontal menu with the submenus appearing below each menuitem).

#1: On top level items that are in the XML that don't have submenu's (they are just <item/>), I get a weird extra menuitem with "undefined" as the label, and the placement is off by one menuitem.

#2: I'm not getting the submenu's to appear at all. I thought it was an XML issue, but I'm pretty sure it's getting the XML right now...I wish I had more info to give here.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Senocular's Xml Driven Drop Down Menu Tute?

Oct 25, 2004

I'm slowly trying to get my pea sized brain wrapped around using xml in question is how do i convert what senocular has here:

Actions = Object();
Actions.gotoURL = function(urlVar){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Based Menu By Senocular?

Jul 31, 2007

I followed the XML based menu by senocular a long time ago and modified it to display a title when the sub menu is chosen simply a movie with an image of a menu button in it: http:[url]....I need to modify this so that when the title is hovered over it displays the sub menu. Essentially imitating the behaviour when the first menu is hovered over.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Senocular's Zooming, Springy Menu?

Sep 25, 2006

[URL]..i've been trying to create something like this for ages but haven't been able to - quite new to actionscripting.anyway, i want to be able to display text in the boxes so that it relates to my website. at the moment, it'll only generate "item0, item1, item2, etc." but i want the text to display "home, gallery, etc."

here's a part of the script that i think needs to be edited to get it working but i don't seem to be able to do it.


there is 1 movieclip in the library called "item" and this is being re-used i think. but i don't know how to edit this source file to allow different text to be shown. also, if someone can let me know how i can add in the actual links that would be fantastic. ie: i want to go to home.html when home is clicked, go to gallery.html if gallery is pressed.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Images To Senocular's XML Menu?

Jan 9, 2007

I'm working on a navigation bar based off of senocular's amazing XML drop-down menututorial. I've managed to make the menu horizontal, and changed the boxes from rectangles to squares. All of that works fine. Now I need to figure out how to add an image to the inside of each element, and I can't figure out how to do that. I've addedCode:curr_item.image = curr_node.attributes.image; to the AS, and added an 'image' movieclip inside my menuitem, but that doesn't appear to work. Here's my complete actionscript:

GenerateMenu = function(container, name, x, y, depth, node_xml) {
var curr_node;


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How could I solve this, should I use a timer to disable the button until the tween finishes (or this would be good for nothing)?


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Apr 16, 2004

I love Senocular's XML-Driven Drop-Down Tutorial. But I can't seem to get it to make the menu headers look different from the submenus.

(and if anyone is interested, i've turned it into a horizonal menu... reply and i'll post the code. better yet, help me fix the GUI issue and i'll post it )

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MenuArray=new array();

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Oct 13, 2005

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When I try to add a popup menu to "galleries" to the over state in galleries, the popup menu dissappears when you rollover the first item.

Here is the .fla, click on gallery, and open up popup_but to see what I've done in the "over" state:


This if my first flash site, and I long over schedule

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Drop Down Menu When AddEventListeners To Check The Clicks On The Invisible Buttons On Frame 19 Of The "menu" Movieclip

Nov 10, 2009

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Drag, Drop, HitTargetObject, Classes, MouseEvents, MovieClip Variables?

May 18, 2009

I've got 3 coloured balls and 3 zones which any of the balls can be dropped in. The idea is that once a ball is placed in a zone, it stays in that zone and no other ball can be added to that zone until the current ball is removed.
I've got to a point so that any ball can be placed in any zone. However, the problem is there seems to be some hierarchy with regards to the balls.  ball0_mc seems to be the chief ball, and will replace any of the other two balls if there placed in a zone, instead of snapping back to it's original position because the zone is full.  ball0_mc also can't be replaced by any of the other balls if its placed in a zone.  ball1_mc is the next one down the line and when in a zone, can be replaced by ball0_mc if its dragged over it, but it cannot be replaced by the third and final ball2_mc.  ball2_mc seems to be the runt of the pack and can be replaced by either of the two other balls when its in a zone and cannot replace any of the other balls when they're in a zone.
Hope you're still with me?!  So, what I'd like to do is make it so each ball is equal, so when any ball is placed in a zone, it can't be replaced with another ball until the current ball has been removed...and they live happily ever after in the land of ballshire.
Here's my code.  I've created two classes, one linked to the movie clip balls called 'Ball', and another called 'EgoGame' which is being used as the document class for the main .fla file.


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MX Drop Down Menu Not Collapsing

Aug 26, 2010

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What Height To Set For Drop Down Menu

Aug 22, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drop Down Menu Fix?

Aug 26, 2009

any Action Script tutorials to activate the menu and sub menu found here:currently the drop down menu is part of the "over" frame of the button.this flash project will function only as a menu for an HTML site (probably using HTML frames). I am brand new to action script but have experience with basic key frame animation.

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Flash Drop Down Menu?

Dec 16, 2009

I've been trying to to create a flash drop down menu for weeks now,i am trying to do a drop down menu that comes over the HTML items. i am using flash cs4 with Action script 3i would add the file but i cant.

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Flash Drop Down Menu XML

Dec 14, 2007

I have a vertical dropdown menu created in Flash linking to an XML file. Each of my submenus needs to link to a document within my website. I am using a getURL command in flash to link to my page but when I put the page name into the xml file it isn't working correctly. eg, when I click on the sub menu button the URL address for the page should be [URL]. It is coming up as [URL]. If I correct the URL the page is there but how do I program flash to bring up the correct URL.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drop Down Menu Bar

Apr 21, 2011

I have a made menu bar with effects and everything. The menu bar height is about 60px, and it must stay that way. But one of the menu options, needs a on ROLL_OVER effect that will open like five other options underneath the menu. My problem is that I am embeding this menubar into HTML, so I need it to stay 60px, and the vertical dropdown menu must appear over it, and have its own effect... Any Ideas? I am thinking that I need something that will either extend the width of my flash stage size, or maybe some code that will open a whole separate swf and i can position it properly.

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Drop Down Menu And External Swf

Jul 25, 2011

i have contact form which is full working in xml files and i set it as external swf to my flash site

so all is working fine except the drop down menu which is not filling the box

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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML Drop Down Menu?

Jan 6, 2008

information on building an XML driven drop down menu with AS3?

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IDE :: Drop Down Menu Woes?

Oct 10, 2009

ve got a main menu on my website with buttons. one of the buttons plays a movieclip instance where a dropdown menu appears with more buttons. The dropdown stops on a frame containing a new movieclip with this bit of script on it:

onClipEvent (enterFrame)


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IDE :: Drop Down Menu Not Working?

Feb 19, 2010

I use a flash header on my website with a slideshow and i want to create a drop down menu. I have created a movie clip for this menu and can get it to drop down but when i attempt to add buttons for links to other pages within the website on the menu i get errors and the menu blinks.

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