ActionScript 2.0 :: While Posting Mail It Opens My Aspx File In A Separate Window
Aug 7, 2006
I have been using this function for a long time and this problem never occured. When the user press send button it does send the form as email but it also opens my aspx file in a seperate window.[code]...
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Grtz,Jan the man
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on (release) {
loadMovie("MyAccountPage.swf", "_blank");
After this, I still do not get a respond when I test run the script.
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this popup opens in the SAME window and not ina new window. What can I do to let it open in a new window and given the same properties to this new window as above: toolbar=No,location=No,scrollbars=No,status=No etc.... a geturl opens it in a new window but does not give toolbar=No,location=No,scrollbars=No,status=No etc.... properties to the window
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Using CS3
AS 2.0
I have a button that when pressed it opens a url in a new window. Works on Safari great, but not in Explorer.
on (release) {
getURL(" of website", "_blank");
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however when u use:
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<%@language = "VBScript" %>
strName = Request.Form("FirstName")[code].....
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import gs.*;
import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.Tween;
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var aboutUsLink:URLRequest = new URLRequest("aboutUs.html");
function aboutUsClick(event:MouseEvent):void{navigateToURL(aboutUsLink);}
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Jun 12, 2009
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oil.f4v (the movie file)
Test.html (the html page in which the swf file is embedded to play back the movie)
Test.swf (the swf file that is embedded in the html page)
SkinUnderPlayStopSeekMuteVol.swf (the skin file that is linked to from the Test.swf file??)
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Jan 20, 2010
I am trying to pass a variable from my .aspx page into my published swf file. I am using the code below, and using swfobject to try to pass my variable. (I am very comfortable with swfobject and would prefer, if possible, to avoid using FlashVars.) The variable myVar represents the name of an image file, and will be a different image for each user on my site. I am using Flash CS4, and AS3. I only mention that because I was able to do this in CS3 using AS3, yet certain things have been deprecated in CS4 - hence my code does not work. And for what I'm doing and how I'm doing it I cannot use CS3 to create my swf file. Anyway, here is the code:
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Sep 15, 2009
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xmlFile = "flash/info.aspx?id=1"
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Mar 23, 2010
I have the following code which upon the pressing of the letter "s" opens up a new url in a uiloader window. If you press "s" repeatly it continues to open the window over and over without it finish fully playing, is there a way to add a timer to the "s" so it can only work once every few seconds or possibly a way to make the url completly open before you can press the "s" again??
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Aug 14, 2011
I want to launch another app, in a separate window - like Excel or something . I can predict a hard coded path to it - like "c:myappapp.exe".
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Nov 6, 2003
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Jan 11, 2011
I have a problem showing up a SWF file (Flash) in an ASP MVC file.I have problems adjusting the height to 100%. If this is showed in Firefox or Opera the result is the picture you see below (everything works fine under Chrome and IE).[code]
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Jan 12, 2010
I am a bit of a beginner to Flash and found a template online to use for my website. One issue I am having is that an image with a link is opening in the main window and I want it to open in a separate window. I am going to attach the code as it is now. Can someone tell me what I need to add or change to make the url link open in a separate window?
onClipEvent (load) {
loadMovie(_root.url+imageProperties['name'], this.cont.pic);
loadMovie(_root.url+imageProperties['name'], this.cont.pic1);
targetWindow = imageProperties['target'];
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