ActionScript 2.0 :: Code Which Upon The Pressing Of The Letter "s" Opens Up A New Url In A Uiloader Window
Mar 23, 2010
I have the following code which upon the pressing of the letter "s" opens up a new url in a uiloader window. If you press "s" repeatly it continues to open the window over and over without it finish fully playing, is there a way to add a timer to the "s" so it can only work once every few seconds or possibly a way to make the url completly open before you can press the "s" again??
i would like that my window opens and closes (opens: scale out; closes: scale in) not by clicking on the button but on the window are 3 applications of mine (schuifwindow, scroll and fotoalbum).
Grtz,Jan the man
here are 3 applications of mine (schuifwindow, scroll and fotoalbum). schuifwindow only picture one (left up corner) has a X button (i dont want to use this button)
this popup opens in the SAME window and not ina new window. What can I do to let it open in a new window and given the same properties to this new window as above: toolbar=No,location=No,scrollbars=No,status=No etc.... a geturl opens it in a new window but does not give toolbar=No,location=No,scrollbars=No,status=No etc.... properties to the window
I currently have a website that has a photo gallery. The home page has a link to the actual photo gallery. I'm using the (getURL) to open the photo gallery in a new window, however the new window opens up to the same size as the home page. I would like to shrink down the window size of the photo gallery so the user can still see some of the home page behind the new window.
I know javascript can take care of this problem, but I was wondering if there is a way to do it with Flash? I just need to specify the size of the new window when it opens.
I've used Greensocks Tween lite to build a photo gallery that resizes with the window browser. The only problem is that when I first open up the window the gallery is not properly scaled to fit the window size. How can I make is so when you first open up the window the movieclip is told to resize to the current window size? Here is my code below.
The swf buttons on my website open double browser windows in Safari - it's fine in IE and FF, just have this problem in Safari.So, why Safari opens the same window twice?
i am trying to make a flash site, and anyway i got some problems i want to make a button that when pressed opens a window (set size of 500 400) what actions should the button have?
i have game im doing, and i want it to jump to level 2 upon completing the first level, but the problem is, the level 2 is a seperate swf, i've tried to use
I have a .swf I'm inserting at the top of a page in DW. I have a button named "aboutUs_btn" which when pressed needs to load "aboutUs.html. That part works fine, but it always loads the page into a new window. How do I make it load into the same window? I could do this in AS2 with getURL and using _self. Here is what I have:
var aboutUsLink:URLRequest = new URLRequest("aboutUs.html"); aboutUs_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,aboutUsClick); function aboutUsClick(event:MouseEvent):void{navigateToURL(aboutUsLink);}
CS3 Actionscript 2.0: I'm trying to get a nested movie clip to open the default mail app. on release. I used the on (release){ getURL("mailto:. which opens the mail window fine, but it also opens a blank browser window (Mac OS). Can someone tell me how to stop this from occurring?
I see this question crops up a lot but after many searches I haven't been able to find the solution anywhere. Forgive me, but I'm new to Flash/Actionscript. My script:
I have been using this function for a long time and this problem never occured. When the user press send button it does send the form as email but it also opens my aspx file in a seperate window.[code]...
I know letters have a number code to them, or ascii code, how can I use this to trace a letter with a number, for example lets say the ascii code for the letter 'a' is 97, in AS3 is there a way todo something like:
I'm working in flash Cs4 and I just learned cash and I'm wondering if there's a way to use the Uiloader to load multiple images and have them change every couple of secondes like msn or actionvillage. This is my code so far:
next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextImage); var imageNumber:Number = 1 function checkNumber():void
I have buttons below my uiloader that changes the images when you click on the manually but when you don't click on the arrows I would like the images to change automatically.
I've got an inputfield.OnChange Event Handler.When someone types a letter, i want the letter to become 0, then 1, then 2, and so on until 9 and then i want the letter to be there.And when they click on another letter, same effect at the end if i typed, "testing", each letter scrolls 0-9 like a roll dial and settles on the letter typed.What i've managed to do is make it work, but if i type at normal speed and not slow, i end up getting something like: t32t43g
I have a combo box that I'm trying to enter a letter for to search values for that particular letter and I keep getting this error. Every other combo box works fine when a key is pressed so I'm not sure why this particular combo box registers an error. The complete error looks like this:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at mx.controls.listClasses::ListBase/findStringLoop()[C:autobuild3.2.0frameworksprojectsframeworks] at mx.controls.listClasses::ListBase/findString()[C:autobuild3.2.0frameworksprojectsframeworks]
I'm trying to create an RPG-like game text effect where the text string is displayed letter by letter, like a typewriter.Here's my code:
Actionscript Code: function doSomething(number){ var errors:Array = new Array(); errors[0] = "The specified file could not be located."; errors[1] = "Another error"; var
In many RPG games, messages appear in textboxes letter by letter (usually accompanied by a repetitive beeping). I've been trying to simulate this in Flash for a game I've been working on in AS2. When it comes to programming, I'm fairly new and so far, the best I've got is this:
var num:Number = 0; var s:String = "This message will appear."; function onEnterFrame():Void {
I have issues with the buttons working from the SWF file which is brought into the main flash site via UILoader.
I gathered that it is most probably due to the fact that I have constructed a button in the improper way.I tried to redo a button but it was the same result.I would like to try to access it through the main timeline. What would be the whole block of code to put a function on the button located inside an external SWF which is called in via a UILoader?
I'm a complete newbie to Actionscript. In Flash I'm building a button that I'd like to open a URL in the same window when clicked. did a Google search and found this:
I have a flash website at the moment which is my index.html file, i wish to open up a new window and launch a new swf file from this window ( the file will be a new dreamweaver page)[URL]the code i have at present in my main file is:
Code: Select all images.onRelease = function () { getURL("", "_blank");
I have a new web page I've doing that works fine except that when one clicks on a link then you have to go all the way back to the introduction of the site. What would the code be for allowing one to "stay in the same window" after clicking on this link?
For example: <a href=""><u>"View From the Past"-Self-Portrait</u></a></font><br><font color="#ffc56c">
I have created a _blank browser window that goes to [URL] with the features I want it to have, but my problem is that the code is bringing up an extra browser window that is untitled. I can't figure out what part of the code is doing this and how to alter it. Having another set of experienced eyes to look at this and give me some direction on what is wrong would be great. This is my Code
function getPage(Event:MouseEvent):void { navigateToURL( new URLRequest(""),"_self"); }
I'm just checking the swf in Flash CS5 using ActionScript 3, publishing with command+F12 (key command on Mac OSX), but that alone should work right without exporting? And to go a little off topic, could someone kindly tell me how to embed the swf as HTML code, as I'm trying to setup this swf as an intro to my website and need to embed it as HTML for my index.html page.
I'm wondering if its possible to have a box open up once clicked.I want to do a enter page with a gift box sitting there, and then once clicked open itself up and page content comes out.Can anyone point me in the right direction? I can show an example of the box I want to use.
I want to use a flash file I made as a menu for a website, but when I click a link it opens a new tab rather then navigating to a new page in the same tab. I'm using this [code]...