ActionScript 2.0 :: Any Server Script To Count No. Of Images In A Folder ?
Feb 9, 2004
I just want to count how many images in a folder. give me such .asp, php or any script, which can count no. of image in a folder, so that i can call that value to flash.For now, i m doing this with the text file, but i manually have to enter a value for no. of images in that text file. Instead of that, I want that my script should count no. images in that folder.
.asp, php or any script, which can count no. of image in a folder, so that i can call that value to flash.
For now, i m doing this with the text file, but i manually have to enter a value for no. of images in that text file. Instead of that, I want that my script should count no. images in that folder.
I am using Flash CS3 and Actionscript 2.0.I want to make a photo.jpg that is in my images folder load into a swf that is in a swf folder. It works fine when I have the photo.jpg in the same folder as the swf. But it does not work when I have the photo.jpg in a different folder. What must I do to the AS2 to make this happen? Here is the path: mcLoader.loadClip("swf/images/photo1.jpg",mcHolder);
I've got this Flash project where there are a number of different photo galleries that hold images. Now, I want Flash to be able to see how many pictures are available within a folder so it can create the right number of thumbnails.
At this time, you might think... well there are numerous topics about this issue and PHP is the answer. But I perhaps have a workaround and I was wondering whether it is an 'acceptable' one or if it poses to many problems.
How about I let flash create an 'experimental' loader that loads images rapidly, theoretically till infinity. This loader starts with 1.jpg, followed by 2.jpg, 3.jpg, etc... (also the names of the images inside the folder obviously). There is also an eventlistener added to the contentLoaderInfo stating:
As soon as Flash is trying to open the file, let's say, 51.jpg and this file does not exist, the Event described above fires. This event will then tell Flash to stop counting since it apparently reached the end. The experimental loader will then be removed and the normal thumbnail loaders will be created up till 50.jpg.
how to count the number of image files in a folder?The swf is gonna be launched locally, not on a server... so i guess php is not gonna work... The photos are gonna be named according to the person in the photo, so i can't count using the naming method ( 1.jpg, 2.jpg ) also.
I have this question but do not know how to begin.Let say I have some images in c:img they are:photo-1.jpg photo-2.jpg photo-3.jpg image-1.jpg image-2.jpg image-3.jpgI would like to count how many file begin with "photo-", what should I do in actiionscript3?
Our problem is: When we used Flash Media Developer Server 4.5 (Trial), we can use Share folder. However, when we bought Streaming Server and deployed with same file structure, we can't use Share folder but Local folder only.
Is there any limitation of using Share folder in Streaming Server?
Configuration: It's standard. we set fms.ini in Windows. i.e., VOD_DIR = C:Program FilesAdobeFlash Media Server 4.5applicationsvodmedia
Create a new folder named AudioStreams at C:Program FilesAdobeFlash Media Server 4.5applications. Open the AudioStreams folder and add a new folder named streams. Inside this folder place a new folder named _definst_ and copy the four audio files in the Exercise to the _definst_ folder. I am confused when should we create definst folder and when C:Program FilesAdobeFlash Media Server 4.5applicationslivemedia folder?
I have a slight issue generating a swf using the flash IDE. I can import c300 images via the 'Import To Stage' option but then the program crashes and dies as it runs out of memory.
Is there a way to create a swf by reading a folder of images? PHP is a possibility but the swf capabilities are limited.
I'm not sure what's going on...basically, I have a flash file that loads images from a xml file and this works fine without any problems. But when I try to load the swf file into html, the images only load if the html file is in the same folder as the swf.I'm not sure if this is related to a problem with the xml link in the swf file or something else... this is how the xml is being called from the swf:
Code: xmlData = new XML(); xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
I'd like to tell a movie clip to look into a specific folder (via url or whatever) and load all images from that folder into the movie clip. I do not want to have to give the movie the exact address of each image, as they files may change / be added to over time.
i know in AS3 i have to use the loader class and then the addChild to put the loaded stuff into the movie (and thats all i know), but i just dont know how to get all available images blindly.
I want to create a flash app where the site owner can simply put images in a folder, and the flash app finds all the images in the folder, and will display a slide show from them.
Is there any way to list all files in a folder, so I can load them without prior knowledge of their names? I'd prefer not to have to tell a dumb customer what an XML file is and how to edit it, and also the images need to keep their original names so I can get titles for the images from the names.
I'm working on an application where users can use their webcam to take a picture and load it to my server.They also will be able to do this from our mobile app.All images are stored to the same directory on my server.What I need to do next .. is I have a pattern of squares ( movieclips ) that makes a shape / design.I need a way to load this entire folder of images and make the individual images load inside of each of the individual movieclips that make up the pattern.I don't want to use any XML files.Is there a way to load the entire folder and then refresh the load of images every couple minutes ?
Instead of plugging the paths to each individual jpg or gif into the XML. How would I get flash to load every jpg within a folder without considering the technical stuff.
To load an external image we useCode:loader.load(new URLRequest("Pictures/image.jpg"));Can we make it load every image knowing only the folder name? Something like this (this code does not work obviously, but trying to grab all images from folder):Code:loader.load(new URLRequest("Pictures/*.*"));
How do I import a set of images (a folder containing 10 images) into the timeline so that each picture appears in a separate keyframe? When I try to do this, all image seems to appear in a single keyframe. Or maybe this is they way to do it? I want to make a movieclip with 10 pictures showing after each other.
I have a flash file that load an xml file and the links for a folder where I have some images that want to display with a greensock fade effect. the problem its that even the images are little, they take sometime to load because my client's internet its slow, there is a way to preload the images from the external source?
I have a really annoying slide show that shows pairs of before and after pictures. What I need is to be able to preload a folder of images and then load those images into movieClip holders. I have no idea how to get the images to preload.What I really wanted is a slide show that has pairs of images that fade from before to after. With buttons along the bottom that take you to the next pair of images. AND have all the images loaded in from an XML document. Bonus to anyone who can give me a hint on that one.Really i would settle how to preload the images while the preloader is going. And then loading the first pair of slides. [URL]
Im wondering how and if I can edit this script so that it loads the 5 latest images which were added to a folder. the folder will consist out of 60 images, but id like to only display the 5 latest. All images wil have various generated names.If possible id like to exclude the latest image
1.png � is not displayed 2.png - is displayed 3.png - is displayed