ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Get Url Links To Operate

Oct 27, 2010

I am having a major problem trying to insert links in to a swf file.The file has three animated pictures that need to link to different sections of a website.

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XML :: How To Operate Element Using ActionScript

Feb 7, 2012

<fpdl:StartNode Id="Goods_Deliver_Process.START_NODE" Name="START_NODE" DisplayName="">
<fpdl:ExtendedAttribute Name="FIRE_FLOW.bounds.height" Value="20"/>
<fpdl:ExtendedAttribute Name="FIRE_FLOW.bounds.width" Value="20"/>
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<fpdl:ExtendedAttribute Name="FIRE_FLOW.bounds.y" Value="117"/>

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function zone(mc, zquestion){
if(man._y < mc._y +25 && man._y > mc._y -25 && man._x < mc._x +25 && man._x > mc._x -25){            mc.onRelease = function(){                trace(zquestion);            }        }else { null;}        }                    onEnterFrame = function(){    zone(block1, "Insert Important Question here?");                    if(Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)){man._x -= 5;}    if(Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)){man._x += 5;}    if(Key.isDown(Key.UP)){man._y -= 5;}    if(Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)){man._y += 5;}        }
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i created a flash slideshow with pictures of events and link each picture with its own event (ie. each pictures has its own links to the website). I created the fade in and fade out effect using the class motion tween. With the link, I created a layer with a button that has alpha= 0 (so the user don't see it) and then I used code snippet to make another layer with the action script "click to go to url."

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ActionScript Code:
function messStyling() {
messCSS = new TextField.StyleSheet();
var messCSSURL = "include/links.css";


The problem, however, is that my links don't work. The rollover works from the CSS styling, but the links don't actually go anywhere. When I rollover the links, the hand cursor doesn't appear, and clicking only serves to change the color back to the non-hover value.

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Code: Select all// Catalogue Bottom Button
//hide button on the stage[code]..........

I dont know how to assign links to dynamic created buttons.

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Links From Swf Will Not Work

Apr 14, 2009

alright, here is the deal: i have published a .swf AND a macintosh projector file and the only thing the movie contains is one button with a link to a web page. here is my actionscript:

on(release) {

i click on the button and absolutely nothing happens. has anyone ever come across something like this? is this a settings problem?

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Put Links In Tilelists?

Dec 2, 2009

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2.How to make the image source of the items be a graphic in your library intead of from the internet.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Links From Xml?

Oct 24, 2006

i have an xml file and some of the items have links and some dont.

is there a way in flash to say if that xml node is empty then to do nothing but if it has a link in it then to open that window?

i tried using:

target_mc.onRelease = function (){
if (reports[k] = !null) {
getURL(reports[k]. "_blank");}


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IDE :: Add Links To The MC Buttons?

Mar 12, 2009

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IDE :: Links Are Not Working?

Apr 18, 2010

I am using flash CS4, i have created a small flash presentation , it has some hyper links to external web site . All the links are perfectly working in my system but the links are not working when i tried into other system(system does not have flash installed ).

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IDE :: How To Get Links Working

Apr 22, 2010

I've been building a website in flash for the first time and I'm struggling how to get the links working, this is how I've been doing, putting the whole file name into the link under options then link, the links when i open the swf files don't work at all. But the htmp pages work on my computer but on an other computer the links don't work cos I have linked the html pages to my folder on the computer I'm working on.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: No WWW No Links?

Sep 3, 2010

Im having an odd issue. I have a swf that I use for a nav bar and load that into another swf with AS3.The navbar swf is a pretty basic set up with links to my other pages.Here's one of the functions triggered by a mouse click.

}function goStreaming(event:MouseEvent):void{
navigateToURL(new URLRequest("http://www.streaming.html"),"_self");


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CS3 :: Create Url Links From Images In Xml?

Mar 30, 2009

Is there a way to create a url link on an image loaded from an xml file. So for example in my photo gallery, I have my set of thumbnails which when clicked on would show the larger image. I'd like to click on the larger image and have another window popup and go to the proper url with an even larger image.[code]...

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Links In Movieclip Don't Work

Apr 23, 2009

I'm making my website at the moment. I made a little mill which goes around, in there I made a movieclip which has two frames, one with links and one without. I made it so that if you are staying on it (rollover) it stops and you can click the links but the links don't work. this is the fla file:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Links From Xml?

May 26, 2009

I am trying to generate a list of links via xml using as3. I have created a movie linkHolder and a text field called linkText.

I then add link text to linkHolder and add linkHolder to the stage. I have an eventListener attached to linkHOlder which calls a function and when I roll over the links it activates the function correctly.

How do I give a unique id or reference to each button so that I can pull up the correct link associated with it?

Here's some of my code:


function createVideoLinks():void{
for (var i:int=0; i<externalXML.videoClip.length();i++){
//build the arrays of link text and link destination


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