ActionScript 2.0 :: Compare 2 Fields Like An Email Verify Form?
Mar 12, 2010
I have 2 input boxes one i will add an email the second i want it to compare the details.So i add a persons email, the second box the same email would be added and when i press submit it compares the two and if correct goes here... im using something like this.
on(press) {
if( usr==uName && pwd==pWord) {
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Jul 17, 2010
I have only two fields Name and Email in a Order form and a PayPal button for payment at PayPal ( into my account).I can do the mail portion but have no idea about PayPal code, however on search here I found one code and after pasting this one to the PayPal button it redirects to my PayPal account. But the question is anybody can post a message and leave the site without paying me. How can I do this thing so that the user will forced to pay before posting the mail form. No idea how to proceed?
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Jun 22, 2003
I want to verifiy if user insert an email. example:
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May 15, 2008
I am trying to create a form in actiocsript that verifies correct user input before submitting. So far I have the form checking that NewEmail contains characters, an "@" symbol and a "." symbol. However is there code that can check that the layout of the email is correct before submitting i.e. <"sometext"@"sometext"."sometext">
Also I need to insert a seperate name verifier to check that there are no numbers included in a text box. This is my code so far:
_global.detailsCheck = function() {
if ( _root.NewEmail.length == 0 | _root.NewEmail.length == "" | _root.NewEmail eq "") {
// Alerts the user that their password is incorrect
_root.Guide2 = "Please Fill All Detail Fields";
[Code] .....
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Mar 10, 2006
I have made my contact form and it works, but I need some kind of script to work with the "email" text field. I need it to only send me mails with real email addresses.
Btw. the form is off of this: [URL]
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Dec 4, 2010
I don't know if this is too much to ask but could someone give me a quick overview on how to create an email form that actually sends the information to my email? I have the form created, and I'll post the .fla file (I allow a laugh at my elementary flash movie. This is just a final project for an intro to flash class), and I understand I'll need the .asp file from GoDaddy setup on my hosted space.
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Mar 21, 2005
I have used the kirupa tutorial on a flash email form and it works GREAT! The only thing is I want to have required fields that need to be entered in for the form to send. If the user doesn't enter anything, it will ask them to in order to send the I can do this or adapt it to the kirupa tutorial code?
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Feb 20, 2010
I've created a form in flash to for customers to send email from the website. I'm using action script 3 - (mailto: ) There are two problems.
1) It doesn't send. A blank email form comes up that the user has to fill out - doesn't work with their email client.
2) How can I get it to validate?
View 2 Replies
Jan 20, 2010
iam trying to create an email form with flash cs4. so i've designed the layout and i've written a script to check that the details given are correct. but i am having problems while i am trying to sent those details to my email. here is the script after the details were checked:
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Feb 4, 2009
I am having some issues with a php email form that I am using in my AS3 project. the form works perfect and all communication is good.however when the user is on the page and wants to tab to the next text field it jumps to one of my hyperlinks on the same page and not to the next text field down on the php form.
is there any way to stop this from happening.I have tried placing the php form on a seperate layer in a seperate mc and I have done the same with the hyperlinks .you can see what I mean by visiting this development site.(after entering go to contact)http:[url].....
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May 24, 2010
Is it possible to create a link that once clicked on would start a new email like a mailto link but then populate the email with text from a dynamic text field?
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Jul 9, 2003
I'm creating a form in Flash MX and I need to created a script that check if the two passwrod text intup field are the same or not, if they are the same it will go to one frame and is they don't match it will go to a diferent frame. I need to created another script that will check if the text input field for the email has the symbol @ and .com, if this is true or false it will go to one frame or another.
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Jul 1, 2010
I have several input text fields that I need to be placed in the body of an email. Here is the code I have...
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Jul 2, 2007
I have a movieclip called Inquire.fla.In this movieclip i have a form and a button.The form is made up of 4 text fields.... name, email, phone, and message. Each has been given variable names. I converted the 4 text fields to a movieclip, and gave it the instance name "form".I back out to the main scene, click on the form movie clip and give it the actionscript:
I also have a button that is on the main scene. It has been given the actionscript:
on(release) {
form.loadVariables("email.php", "POST");
I then created email.php using dreamweaver with the following code:
$sendTo = "";
$subject = "My Flash site reply";[code]....
The movie Inquire.swf is an external movieclip that is loaded into my main Index.swf. I upload the Inquire.swf, Inquire.html and email.php onto the server. When i view my webpage and fill it out.... absolutely nothing happens.
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Jun 19, 2008
I'm using Flash CS3 with AS2 and have been trying to set up a basic contact form and nothing seems to work. I used this [Url]to create the AS code for the send button for my form + the php code as well from this Kirupa link.I'm being hosted by Godaddy with the linux server with the email being sent to...When I fill out the form and submit - nothing is recieved in my inbox.Having tested the forwarding from Godaddy to yahoo - does work!
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Feb 25, 2009
made a basic email form in my flash movie based on the script that is on the Kirupa site (i practicully copied everything and just changed my var names in my flash and php file)
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Feb 16, 2010
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Jan 7, 2005
i am trying to build a form just like If you go to there contact you will see what I am trying to do. I have it all working great, but I want the text not to change after the viewer inputs text.. Mine always takes out the text and go back to the default names if you go back and forth??[URL]..
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Jan 22, 2009
I have a form in Flash. I have the tab order set up thusly:
fname.tabIndex = 1;
mi.tabIndex = 2;
lname.tabIndex = 3;
Everything is fine, except the "state" field is actually a combo box component. It will tab from "city" to "state", but when you hit "Tab", it does not move the focus to the next field.
Is there some trick to this or some other code or a paramater I'm overlooking? Do I have to make a customer key listener to make it tab off a combo box?
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Mar 18, 2009
I just created a feedback form. It uses a php file to email the info back to us. The form works fine, but I need help making my text fields required fields.
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Jun 27, 2006
I am trying to create an email form in Flash 8 that sends mail to my hosting account email address. GoDaddy says that you have to use their coding, but how do I get this to work with Flash 8?Can anyone give me a hand? Below is a link to GoDaddy's write up on creating a PHP form-mailer.URL...
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Nov 3, 2011
Trying to create a email form and link it to a php file; however when I test it, I click send and it does not send. Here is the action script that I added to the send button:
on (release) {
// send variables in form movieclip (the textfields)
// to email PHP page which will send the mail
form.loadVariables("contact.php", "POST");
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Mar 11, 2009
I have found a bunch of AS3 tutorials on making flash email forms with PHP. Is there anyway I can make this work from a CD or a user's desktop? about 99.9% of the projects we make are meant to be viewed from a CD, and I can't make any of the samples work from a CD (or my desktop).
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Nov 15, 2011
In my application Flash with AS2,i want to create a form (Name, email, tél,...) like this : [URL]That will be shown after a click on a button; this form should be in light box.I can do that with motion tween and transparency and... (Baby work), that is not good form there a solution with action script 2, and the form called from another .swf ?
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Jan 27, 2010
Do you know any good and mainly working AS3 contact or email form?
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Apr 25, 2010
I have been looking at tutorials for adding an email form to the flash site that I am building. Everything on it works including receiving the email. The problem is that none of the information inputted into the form shows up in the emails I receive. I will be glad to post whatever code snippets that someone might need to help me figure this out.I am using flash cs4.The tutorial I used had me create two php files, one called "" the other called "process.php"Very little actionscripting was used so I almost feel like it has to be a php issue.URL...
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May 19, 2011
I am having problem making my email form validate emails...
ActionScript Code:
System.useCodePage = true;
var emailData:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
var request:URLRequest;
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
function sendMail(e:MouseEvent){
[Code] .....
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May 29, 2009
I have tried following the tutorial for building a Flash webpage email contact form using Actionscript 2.0 and the PHP script written in Dreamweaver to process the website visitor's information.When I receive the inbound email message in my inbox, it only contains the "Name: ", "Email: ", and "Message: " titles that I wrote into the PHP script followed by nothing. The actual visitor's info and text that was entered into the text inputs and text fields on the Flash webpage is missing.I have a button symbol instance named "sender" on the root timeline. When clicking that to send the email, Flash does not make use of the Boolean value returned in the echo PHP function of the variable $sentOk to move the Flash movie timeline to either the success or failed messages on those respective frames of the timeline. The movie just stays on the current frame which is all of the form objects and the "sender" button.[code]My GoDaddy web hosting account ( on a Linux server ) has assured me that PHP is allowed to run on my remote web domain. Does anyone in the Forum, any of the moderators, know of why I am not receiving the same email results that Lee demonstrates in the PHP Email tutorial?
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Jun 5, 2009
I did a flash email form with AS2 with ASP as my host doesn't allow php. So when I clicked send the email did send and I did received an email from my site but there are no content in it.
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Nov 16, 2003
how to link a form to my email. So that any info my user's input will go to my email. I have forms already but I don't know how to link it to my email correctly.
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