ActionScript 2.0 :: Composing A Cd With .exe?

Aug 5, 2004

i need to be able to launch pdf files from a .exe off a cd. simple enough. the problem starts here.... when i wiew the movie using .swf or .exe some images shift a tiny bit and then shif back during some of the animations. (god knows why but it dosent look great) when viewing the movie over a browser however there is no such problem. so here's where i need help. i would like to launch a browser window with no toolbars and such fit to the flash movie that can launch pdf's. again, i can launch the .exe from the cd and furthermore launch the pdf's but some images shift for some reason.. is there anyway possible to get around the security features in flash that wont allow you to launch a local file from a .swf file?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Return Vector Object From Composing Class

Mar 16, 2011

I have a CSV reader class that parses a CSV file.....
The CSV reader class works and produces a Vector.<Point> ... However the container class (which includes an instance of the CSVFile class) needs to access the resultant Vector. Whenever I 'return' the Vector.<Point> to the container via a CSV method it is always empty...I don't know if its something to do with the size of the Vector<> or what?

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