ActionScript 3.0 :: Return Vector Object From Composing Class
Mar 16, 2011
I have a CSV reader class that parses a CSV file.....
The CSV reader class works and produces a Vector.<Point> ... However the container class (which includes an instance of the CSVFile class) needs to access the resultant Vector. Whenever I 'return' the Vector.<Point> to the container via a CSV method it is always empty...I don't know if its something to do with the size of the Vector<> or what?
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Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Vector.
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ActionScript Code:
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ActionScript Code:
_delsUI = new Vector.<Single>();
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Jul 7, 2010
I'm having a very weird problem with a vector in my application.
Details...I have the following classes.
Player extends Person. Person extends ObjectProxy in order to enable binding.So the Player class has the [Bindable] tag.The PlayerController class contains a remote object calling a php method to receive a firstname and a lastname and when the CallResponder gets the result from the call,the result handler creates a Player instance. At that moment I am trying to push the player object into a Vector..
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ActionScript Code:
public var mList:Vector.<cusClass> = new Vector.<cusClass>();
The data is read by a second class like so:
ActionScript Code:
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When I call path.concat( myNextPoint ); I get the above error. In order to troubleshoot the problem, added the additional lines declaring 'iAPath'. When I work with the arrays everything works fine. The arrays are entirely populated with points and there is no error.
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Dec 20, 2009
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so when using Flex Library Project it fails..., but when i compile the same thing using compc there are no problems any idea why only the library project is complaining about Vector ?
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Jun 14, 2011
As you all know, Vector support type checking by added Type parameter.
var v:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>();
I wonder if I am able to create a custom class that have Type parameter, something like this
var myClassInstance: MyClassDefinition.<String>;
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private static function closestVertexOnOBB(p:Vector, r:RectangleParticle):Vector {
var d:Vector = p.minus(r.samp);
var q:Vector= new Vector(r.samp.x, r.samp.y);
for (var i:int = 0; i < 2; i++) {
[Code] .....
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Apr 16, 2011
Is there no way to extend the vector class or write functions for a generic vector without specifying the class? There are a few basic reusable functions I want to use and I'd prefer to stick with vectors rather than arrays.
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Jan 1, 2012
what I try I can't get the Setter function to work on a vector.<object>
Mean while the getter works fine Example as below
public function get frameData() :Vector.<Object>
the code runs fine without the set function, but not without the get.
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Feb 9, 2010
I am trying to snap 2 vector points together but for some reason its moving the entire object instead of the point. I am trying to follow instructions in a book and the book shows that it is using the solid (filled) selection tool and it has the magnet turned on for snap options. It shows I am suppose to click where the (right triangle) appears beside the mouse arrow and then snap. but it keeps moving the entire Object even with the (right triangle) appear beside the mouse arrow. what could I be doing wrong ??
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Jan 17, 2012
Because of the inability to create Vectors dynamically, I'm forced to create one with a very primitive type, i.e. Object: var list:Vector.<Object> = new Vector.<Object>(); I'm assuming that Vector gains its power from being typed as closely as possible, rather than the above, but I may be wrong and there are in-fact still gains when using the above in place of a normal Array or Object:
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