ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text On The Navigation Bar?

Jan 18, 2003

My functioning navigation bar is called like this:

_root.attachMovie("navigation_cb", "navigation_mc", 100000);

I want to have dynamic text on the navigation bar that I can changecontroll on different frames, so I added a dynamic text box inside the navigation movie clip. On the frame (in the main time line) that I want the text in the dynamic text box to change, I have this:

_level100000.navigation_mc.mainTxt2.text = "Introduction";

//where mainTxt2 is the var name of the dynamic text box...
//no luck however...not working

if the dynamic text box needs to live at _root, (taken out of the navigation_mc) then how do I get it to appear above level100000?

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Actionscript 3 :: Dynamic Flash Navigation Menu

Mar 10, 2010

I am trying to create a Dynamic flash Navigation Menu which will disable the button of the page you are on leaving the button in the "hit" state and then active it once you have called for a new page and deactivate the new button. I know this can be done with movie clips and some old school gotoAndPlay/Stop slight of hand but I would like to do this in actionscript so its nice, clean, and scalable for other projects.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating A Completely Dynamic Navigation

Aug 21, 2006

I am working on a navigation for a page that consists of an image container, a text block, and a navigation. I have all the content in an xml file that is loaded and parsed placing each part of the site in its respectable spot. My question is I need to have the data for this site change when a button in the nav is pressed, so that the image and desc content is passed that corresponds to its button. this is in flash 8, as 2.0.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Navigation - Keeps Each Button X Pixels Away From Each Other?

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so i am working on some buttons that are arranged in a vertical group. When you click on one it expands pushing the others away, and collapsing when clicked again bringing them back together. I thinking it would be easiest to make each button how i want it, then have some code that keeps each button x pixels away from each other...make sense?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Navigation Bar - Tracing Index No Of Array

Jun 28, 2009

The Action script code below takes the strings in the array (pgtit) and creates a dynamic navigation bar I am trying to trace the index number of the array being click I just seem to get -1.

var pgtit:Array=["link1","link2","link3","link4"];
var xPos = 0;
var menuHolder:MovieClip = new MovieClip;
for(var i:uint = 0; i < pgtit.length; i++){
var btn:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
[Code] .....

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I'm currently putting together a navigation that will be XML driven. The broad outline of what I'm trying to do is:XML > Custom XML parser class > Native Actionscript representation > Abstract Navigation Class > Concrete Navigation Class.The concrete Navigation class would have setter methods to allow you to skin it's appearance using display objects.

This is fine if the Display object is purely Class based and draws itself programatically,


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Numbers Display For Page Navigation?

Oct 13, 2006

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Paragraphs Spacing - Line Space Flash Creates When A Dynamic Text Is Loaded In A Dynamic Text Field

Jun 8, 2009

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i already set a Textformat to my dynamic text with i tryied to play with the "Leading".. but i think it something dealing with paragraph. how i can decrease spacing between paragraphs??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Menu - Moving Down Items To Show Sub Navigation

Oct 30, 2006

I have a vertical menu which is generated via xml. Each menu item also has its own sub menu (not shown). When clicking on the top level item I want the rest of the items to move down to show the sub navigation. i.e.

menu item 1
menu item 2
menu item 3
menu item 4

menu item 1
sub menu 1
sub menu 2
sub menu 3
menu item 2
menu item 3
menu item 4

I have that working fine. Say if I have clicked on menu item 1, and the sub menu is displaying, before i have can view another sub menu I have to click on menu item 1 to close it before I can click on menu item 2.

This is the code that I am using to tell whether or not to move the buttons up or down:
menuButton.clicked = false;
menuButton.onRelease = function () {
if(menuButton.clicked == false) {
_root.moveMovieDown(buttonNum, buttonHeights);
menuButton.clicked = true;
[Code] .....
Basically I want to be able to click on any menu item button, if a menu item is open, I want it to close, and then open the new one. Just like this one. [URL

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Main Navigation Buttons - Dynamic Page Indicator

Jun 21, 2004

I have a website, basic overview. I have my main movie, which contains the logo and navigation. I have a blank movieclip created with actionscript that loads the individual movie swf files. That works fine. What I want to do is dynamically have the main navigation buttons' text indicate what page you the user is on. Right now the code is on each button instance, example:

//work button Definition
if(_root.pageHolder != "work") {
_root.pageHolder = "work";
_root.mcContainer.loadMovie(_root.pageHolder+".swf", this);
[Code] .....

Each button has the same code, just pointing to their respective pages. Here is the code in the first frame for setCurrentMarker()n function:
var aMenu = new Array(home, jschaer, work, contact);
function setCurrentMarker(){
for(i=0; i<= (_root.aMenu.length-1); i++){
if(_root.aMenu[i] == pageHolder){
[Code] .....

So the variable aMenu holds the moveclip names of the buttons. PageHolder holds the the name of the current page that is loaded. Thats how I change the pages to be loaded. To explain, if you look at the button code, the text for each button is by default greay and when you rollover it becomes black and off and it becomes gray again. That is on the first frame.

On the second frame the text is black. In the code I tried to make the black dynamically, but it didn't work, so I settled for going to the second frame and stopping. How do you get those little scroll boxes where you can put code. I guess its preference, but is it generally good to put the code on each instance of a button or put in in the main frame where your code lies. Is there any benefit either way?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Object Oriented Programming - Add Text From String To Dynamic Text Field When Click Dynamic Buttons

Oct 14, 2011

All I want to do is add text from my string to dynamic text field when I click dynamic buttons. What should the as code be for this? Here is my code. Right now I just have the click returning another shape.


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Created A Dynamic Accordion Style Navigation Button Using Both Falsh And XML

Jun 11, 2009

I have created a dynamic accordion style navigation button using both Falsh and XML.I have the XML loading at a certain keyframe after the navigation button is fully expanded creating 7 sub navigation buttons which link to a certain website.

The Issue I'm having is when the user rolls off the button the it collaspes but the 7 sub navigation buttons still remain.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Navigation Scheme With A Dynamic List Of Movieclips That Cycles?

Nov 10, 2008

I need to create a navigation scheme with a dynamic list of movieclips that cycles, the user being able to cycle through the list left or right seamlessly.For example, say there are 12 items in the list, and at any given time three of them are to be displayed, with the center one being the focus/selected item. If the user clicks on the center/focus item, it takes them to a page, no trouble. If they click on the one to the left of the focus item, the list slides right, with the clicked one becoming the new center, focus item.

So, now say that the three visible items are 10, 11, and 12 in our array. If the user clicks on number 12, the list will slide left, with number 12 becoming the focus, and the goal would be to have item number 1 become the new, right-most item in the display - thus, the visible three would be 11, 12, 1. If the user then clicked on one, the cycle would continue, making number 1 the focus and the visible items would be 12, 1, 2. This should work seamlessly at both extremes of the list.

So in one instance, I have created a single movieclip that contains all of the items in the list, plus four extra at the end, to allow the appearance of seamlessness; when the user got to the end, the entire clip jumped to the start. This works, more or less, but it's clunky and I need to find a better way.

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AS2 :: Use Input Text As Navigation Flash 8?

Sep 21, 2009

I'm trying to find out if you can use an input text fields as navigation?
The idea: If I open my page and then enter (G-12226) or a (MiniGrim) into an input text field is it possible that the flash navigates itself to the Number or Name that is been entered in the input text field, Either automatically or via the touch of a button have no idea what is easiest No idea if this is possible?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Text Input Navigation?

Aug 1, 2007

Edit: NVM i firgured it out alone.

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Professional :: Controlling Navigation Using Text Links?

Jul 7, 2010

I'm creating a project that is going to be quite text heavy. I'm putting the text into external text files (HTML formatted), so I can change to text without affecting the rest of my project.The problem is I want to have text link (i.e different colored and underlines words) in the text that takes you to other parts of the resource (similar to a hyperlink in a web site). I want the text links to move the movie to a different area of the timeline.

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CS3 Hyperlink Text Animation Navigation Change Color

Apr 7, 2009

I have CS4 and have (it has taken over a month) created a banner with moving clouds (912 x 74). To the left is our company name and all I want to do is have a navigation menu across the bottom. I did not want buttons, but text with a dignified mouse over effect or color change. The links would be to .php pages and the would read Requirements, Samples, Pricing, FAQs and Contact. The dev site is at [URL] where you can see what I have already done.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create OnHover Random Navigation Text

Jul 24, 2006

how would i create an effect as seen here: [URL] when you hover over the navigation text...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Alpha - Find A Component That Allows Alpha Control With A Dynamic Text Box?

Feb 26, 2005

As far as I know theres in no way to cahnge the alpha of a dynamic text box. I put one in a movie clip and when i try to change the alpha of it everything else in it changes its alpha but the not the DT box. Could someone plz verify for me that u can't change alpha and help me find a component that allows alpha control with a dynamic text box. thx in advance.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading New Dynamic Text From A Dynamic Text Box

Jan 28, 2004

I'm relatively new to Actionscript, in fact, I just figured out today how to load text from an external source. I have another issue that I'm not sure how to handle. I have buttons for my main nav, a main text box, and a mini text box (both text boxes are loaded dynamically from external files). I want to have the mini text box load new external text files in the main text box. For instance, I have a button for music, which loads a list of songs in the mini text box. I want to be able to click on the name of one of the songs and have it load the lyrics in the main text box. I'm sure it's simple, I'm just new.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading New Dynamic Text From A Dynamic Text Box?

Jan 28, 2004

I have another issue that I'm not sure how to handle. I have buttons for my main nav, a main text box, and a mini text box (both text boxes are loaded dynamically from external files). I want to have the mini text box load new external text files in the main text box. For instance, I have a button for music, which loads a list of songs in the mini text box. I want to be able to click on the name of one of the songs and have it load the lyrics in the main text box.

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Simple Text Enlarger - Increases The Text Size Of A Dynamic Text Field

Apr 24, 2010

Problem: I am trying to get a very simple text resize going, for my main content area in a flash website. My aim is to get a button, that on click, increases the text size of a dynamic text field.


This is what I tried, I am very new to Action Script, so excuse the futility of my code.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Box / Xml Content - Text Is Too Close To Border Of Text Box?

Nov 28, 2006

If you take a look at my flash movie you will see that I have draggable movie clips, which contain dynamic text fields. These text fields contain text drawn in from a simple xml document. The problem I have is that the text in the text fields is hedged right next to the border of the autosized text box. This makes them look untidy and in the worst case difficult to read. I wonder how I can add some margin to the left and right of the text to fill in some space.The code which formats the text boxes is:

with (main["dragAct"+i].dragActText) {
text = actText[i+1];
background = true;


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IDE :: Have 4 Dynamic Text Boxes Which Duplicates The Text From A Main Input Text Box?

Jan 27, 2009

I have 4 dynamic text boxes which duplicates the text from a main input text box. How do I write a code to make visible only the dynamic text box I want when clicked it's check box.What is the CODE to make each "DYNAMIC TEXTBOX" visible when clicked on it's checkbox?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Show Dynamic Text Field Content In Another Dynamic Text Field?

May 13, 2011

I have a dynamic text on the stage which gets updated (shows numbers) when some buttons are pressed.I just need to know if it is possible to show the first dynamic textfield in another dynamic textfield.Lets say the first dynamic textfield called "price" and the second one called "price2". when a button is pressed, the first dynamic textfield "price" will show a number. is it possible to show whatever is shown in the "price" in "price2" ?

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AS3 :: Setting A Dynamic Position For A Text Field Relative To Another Dynamic Text Field

Dec 8, 2010

I'm creating an XML-driven pie chart in AS3 with 2 text boxes in each pie slice. Both text fields are dynamic in the sense that they are populated by the XML doc and then told where to place themselves in the AS3. I've got them both using the same x and y position to place themselves at the moment (which of course puts them right one top of each other), but I'd like to make one of the fields (which acts like a label or a title to the larger number and % text field) place itself in a particular spot around the other text field. The result I'm looking for is to have the smaller "title" text field appear approximately 5 pixels above and left-justified to the larger "percentage" field.

Anyway, here are two sections of code that I've currently got. The first chunk, for the Tags portion, sets the position for the "percentage" text field using a good old x and y method. The second chunk, for Titles, is setting the position for the smaller "title" text.

//evaluate tags
private function evaluateTags():void{
for (s=0; s


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Background Controlled By Navigation (Dynamic Background)?

May 26, 2009

create an effect that loads a fullscreen background image that changes according to the navigation selection. The background will be replaced everytime the navigation is activated

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Send Data From Dynamic Text Field On Stage To Dynamic Textfield In Mc?

Sep 28, 2010

I have 2 input textfields on the stage and 1 dynamic textfield.

-input1 is for quantity

-input2 is for page count

When a user enters a number into the page count it makes a calculation and places the outcome into the dynamic textfield. This textfield is for the individual price.All of this so far works. What I want to do now is create another dynamic textfield for the total. So the individual price is multiplied by the quantity and this result is put in the new dynamic text field. I have the code for that working but here is where it gets tricky (for me anyway).The total price is to start off invisible. When I roll over the individual price the total price is to appear (For a test lets just say when I roll over an area the total price appears).To stop cursor flickering this should be done inside a movieclip. So... I have create a movieclip and placed a dynamic textfield inside it. They all have instance names BUT how do I reference it in script?I need to tell the resulting calculation to be placed inside the textfield which is inside the movieclip. If it isn't inside a movie clip I can do it. But how to I reference it when inside one?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text In Button Nested In Dynamic Movie Clip?

Jan 23, 2010

I've made a flash movie which will load four movie clips at runtime. Actually, the number of movie clips will depend upon number of "NODE" in XML file. Keeping XML file thing aside, I've tried hardcoded values; 4. Let me describe you the structure very well:

There is a main empty movie clip, instance name "mc_scroll" which will be only item on stage. In this movie clip, another movie clip whose identifier name is "blueMovie" will be loaded dynamically. Inside this "blueMovie" MC, there is a button instance name is "blueButton" and inside this button there is a "Dynamic Text" field instance name is "btn_text".

Phewww.. so long chain... inshort:

Now, I can load 4 or any number of "blueMovie" inside "mc_scroll". But I also want to set the button text for each button inside each MC!! I'm sure you guys are getting what I want to do. But its not working. Below is the code:

for(i=0; i<4; i++)


how to assign the text dynamically which is inside a button and this button inside a MC which is created dynamically inside a main MC!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Menu / Every New Duplicated Mc Contains Dynamic Text Area As A Label

Oct 14, 2009

i have a problem with my flash menu. It's simple menu that contains one MC at start that works as button, u can edit size of the menu from external .txt file by changing the value of menu length. All that works fine , my problem is that every new duplicated mc contains dynamic text area as a label. Labels are also loaded from that .txt file , but that works only for the 1st mc because the newly created text areas in mc's dont have Instance Name set. How can i assign them from as?

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