ActionScript 2.0 :: Embed Fonts In A FLEX Project?
Nov 7, 2006
The docs seems completely silent on this (other than to assert the embed metadata tag can be used to do it). Macdobe gives us examples of jpgs, pngs, wav files, even movie clips from swfs but nothing on fonts.
Since the [Embed(source="1.ttf", fontName="bla", fontWeight="Bold", imeType="application/x-font-truetype")] is not embeding fonts i want couse of errros like with helvetica i try otherway. Since Flash IDE always work nice with embed fonts. I made a SWF that embed the font i want. After I make a class that have a method that returns the fontname. In my flex app i load that SWF.. set a var to the fontname of the included SWF.
Now what i create a new textfield with textformat set to that fontname all work ok. But the quality of the font is so pixel. I tried the AntiAliasType etc.. no real effect. When i look in the SWF with the embed font.. it looks nice and smooth..
I have been trying to embed fonts for a program for the last couple of days. I have found many places that explain how to do it, but none of them have worked. I am wondering, do I have to use Flex SDK to embed fonts?I need to embed 18 fonts in a program, and I have even tried adding 18 textFields off of the stage, each with text in one of the 18 fonts and embeding the fonts via the properties panel. That doesn't seem to work either
I have a question regarding flex and embed fonts , i want to have a library of embed fonts that will have about 30 different fonts Is there any way i can only load the fonts that i use? ( dynamicaly )
I've never used flex and don't have the library as far as I know, but I have a custom font I want to use in my flash program, and even though I have it imported into my library, when I move my files to another computer that does not have the custom font I'm using installed, it's replaced with a system default font.
I'm working on a AS3 project that required a lot of UI, since Flex was used for time-saving for this part we ended up having a Flex Project (UI) and pure AS3 one (All BackEnd) or, in other words, two different .swf files.Currently I can successfully comunicate both of them using a common interface and by loading the UI .swf into the AS3 .swf using a Loader class:
var loader:Loader = new Loader(); var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("CustomUIModule.swf");
The actual code contains listeners for SystemManagerHandler so Flex doesn't complain.Since we are delivering two different files it is not really practical whenever we release a build of the project. For this case the meta tag [Embed] seems to be a better way to achieve this (With no satisfactory results to date).
With the above information (hopefully I made myself clear enough) what would be the best approach to ultimately generate a single swf? Or how should we properly implement the [Embed] tag for Flex swf?
But there is no change in the appearance of the Text whatsoever.. I need the text to be crisp and clear.Just like the way it looks when we embed the fonts using the Embed... Button in the Flash IDE.
I would like to add a widget board to my flash project so users can embed my project in their web page or wiget display. To see what I'm talking bout go here [URL] and click the white + mark on their widgets.If your a moderater please put this in the correct area, and consider making it a sticky so we can post new ways to impliment in different sites as they become available.
Is there any solution to dynamic fonts yet. I have tried to write classes and followed so much stuff on various blogs but none of them is working. For example, i'm using a font(which is not installed in most machines) say "abc" on my Input and other TextFields/Combos/Radio etc. Now no matter whatever i do, it uses some default font instead of "abc" if accessed from a PC in which this font isn't installed.
One (bad)solution is to embed fonts using the Embed button in "Properties" FOR EACH TEXT FIELd seperately and increase the file size? Still this way wouldn't work for Combos and radio Btns.
What I need to do to use an external style sheet? Should it be a style sheet or an mxml file?I saw this tutorial, which offers quite a bit of good information (some of which I also found in the livedocs) via the comments.[code]...
Is there a way to embed fonts by using actionscript? I have many different text areas on a flash page that use exotic fonts. Instead of changing each one of those into "dynamic text " and then embedding it, can I just use code?
I have been trying to embed a font into a project I am working and its just not happening. I am having 2 problems first I am trying to embed a font that I do not have installed on my machine (Helvetica Neue Bold), I do have a copy of the otf file though. As far as I know what I have tried should work however when I run the swf I only get Times New Roman. From the enumerated fonts I can see the font has embedded but it just wont show. Secondly if I replace the Helvetia font with one I do have on my machine (Arial for example) the text displays with the correct font but if I then set embedFonts = true the text disappears.
I've been trying to learn me some XML and i found a simple tutorial which works, but can't figure out how to format it using simple tags (bold, italics, etc). i've tried many other tutes but can't get it to work with mine. i understand i need to embed fonts and use cdata but it's not working, as i'm not sure where to add it.
Can somebody check the attached .txt file with the simple XML and AS and show me where to add the code to each? I left out my failed attempts so not to confuse. I'm not very skilled in XML
How do you import fonts, so that you are absolutely sure, that everyone will be able to display that font? (otherwise, makybe his computer doesn't have the font).
Just wondering how to embed fonts using code, and not the library - the examples I have used are giving me errors, so I'm obviously not understanding something.I originally set up a library font, and got it to work fine using the following code, but ideally I'd like to embed using just code.I set up and populate a dynamic text field (JX)g1.textParamFunc(JX);[code]So how would I use the following code to replace the library font?Is there a way to take part of the code, and place it in the g1 package above? Or do I have to create a separate external as for it, and somehow call it into the g1 as?[code]
I have a shared fonts.swf file containing a variety of fonts that my main swf uses. I have a movieclip within the fonts.swf file which is exported for runtime sharing. In my main swf I have the fonts.swf imported for runtime via a movieclip. This all works fine and allows me to use the fonts within the fonts.swf file in my main swf. I am trying to work out how to import fonts.swf for runtime via as2 (instead of manually within the library), as in different circumstances different fonts are required and it is massively increasing the filesize having to import all fonts every time when only a few are needed.
I was going to use a TextField with a UIScrollBar but godaddy disables UIScrollBar so I'm using a TextArea for my output. So far I'm able to disable text input, load htmlText and use the TextFormat class but I can't figure how to embed a font in it. Here's what I'm using now:
var myFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); myFormat.font = "Bitstream Vera Sans";myFormat.size = 14;myFormat.leading = 2.5; externalLoad.load(externalReq);externalLoad.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,
but it does not work. if i comment out the embedFonts the css works fine but the text is very aliased. but as3 does not support the embed font property within css.
I went to research these Text Fields on Google and came across some very interesting articles about them.Now I've always known that you have to Embed Fonts, but those articles thought me that there are several ways to embed these characters.What I am very curious about is, what the best way is to properly, cleanly and safely embed fonts with the desired styles.
I have a dynamic Textbox in my SWF. It is attached to a movieclip and can be moved around and such. All somewhat simple. That's not the issue yet
What I need to accomplish is for it to accept different non-standard Fonts (from a list of about 50 Fonts that need to be available). I don't care if it's done by using the "htmlText"-property of the textfield or the "font" property of the TextFormat object... or any other way- I just need it to work.
What I mean it- I need to find a way to get the characters of a bunch of non-standard Fonts (such as "Army.ttf" and "College.ttf") to be available in my SWF so that the textfield can draw from that resource.
I know how to use textfields and TextFormat (at least well enough, I think) and AS 2.0 in general (though I am certainly not a pro)... I know how to Embed a Font to a Textfield (not that that is an accomplishment. heh) I just can't seem to tie the loose ends.
I thought it might be enough to have some textfields in the SWF, "off stage" (one for every font I wanted to embed) and have *them* embed the font I want in order for it to be in the SWF file for the *dynamic* Textfield to use... but I guess it's not at all that simple.
I'm wondering if there's a way to have a text and use 2 different embed fonts.Basically, i have a text from a xml file and one textfield that I want to scroll but I want to use a different font for the title.I tried something like:
I realize you can embed fonts using Text-Font Embedding in Flash CS5, but I see no option for a custom font. Not sure if this is possible anyways, but let's say I create all the letters in the alphabet using Illustrator, could I have those converted to a font usable in Flash CS5 (where each image corresponds to a letter.) If so, how?