Add A Widget Board To Flash Project So Users Can Embed Project In Their Webpage?
Jul 4, 2009
I would like to add a widget board to my flash project so users can embed my project in their web page or wiget display. To see what I'm talking bout go here [URL] and click the white + mark on their widgets.If your a moderater please put this in the correct area, and consider making it a sticky so we can post new ways to impliment in different sites as they become available.
I cant "center" my project, like you can see its "fixed" (yellow lines) in the left side and I cant see "invisible" part of project... (area around the project). how can I move my project so I can see the not-project area around the project. (picture 2).
At the moment situation... (cant see that area around the project)
I just wanted to ask if I have a project created in authorware and one more in director.I just wanted to ask can we convert authorware project in flash directly or indirectly?Or can we import authorware project and/or director project in flash.does anybody know or anybody has done this b4???
I am developing a project in Flash Builder which will load a file built by Flash CS4. The code in Flash CS4 is below, it's a doc class. I am sure the dispatchEvent has been invoked[code]...
I posted this in one of the other sub-forums before I realised this one was available. I am moving over to using the Flex based embed metadata tags to import assets into my Flash CS4 IDE based project. This is working very well but I have hit one small problem - how do you now create a pre-loader? I've done the usual google to look for a solution and found many Flex based solutions and tried them all out but they do not appear to work from within a CS4 IDE based project - even when tried out on a web page.
I have a CodeIgniter project and I made a back-office in Flex. I was wondering how I can implement the Flex project in my CodeIgniter since I'm working with routing I can't route to any directory. So there isn't a way to display the back-office.
I am working on this one project that has a couple of movieclips (already placed on stage) which have a custom class set to export via the Library. Each of those custom classes loads an external SWF using URLRequest().
Is it possible (or, what is the best way) to preload the whole project first, including the external SWFs?
With parent artifactId of swf, swc, war set to swf, swc, test respectively.On executing mvn on test folder(for that matter clean or anything) I get this following error.
G:Projects est>mvn -e + Error stacktraces are turned on. [INFO] Scanning for projects... Downloading:
Looks like its trying to download the project from maven's central repository instead of building it.
The docs seems completely silent on this (other than to assert the embed metadata tag can be used to do it). Macdobe gives us examples of jpgs, pngs, wav files, even movie clips from swfs but nothing on fonts.
I'm working on a AS3 project that required a lot of UI, since Flex was used for time-saving for this part we ended up having a Flex Project (UI) and pure AS3 one (All BackEnd) or, in other words, two different .swf files.Currently I can successfully comunicate both of them using a common interface and by loading the UI .swf into the AS3 .swf using a Loader class:
var loader:Loader = new Loader(); var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("CustomUIModule.swf");
The actual code contains listeners for SystemManagerHandler so Flex doesn't complain.Since we are delivering two different files it is not really practical whenever we release a build of the project. For this case the meta tag [Embed] seems to be a better way to achieve this (With no satisfactory results to date).
With the above information (hopefully I made myself clear enough) what would be the best approach to ultimately generate a single swf? Or how should we properly implement the [Embed] tag for Flex swf?
I'm having some issue with embedding Traditional Chinese characters from the Arial Unicode MS font. I've used the character set described here (0x4E00 - 0x4FFF).[code]...
I've recently started making a game in FlexBuilder. The game is currently a Flex project. Is there any downside to using Flex as opposed to just Actionscript? A friend of a friend told me that Flex is slower than an Actionscript project. I've been unable to validate this on the internet; is there any truth to that claim?
I have set up a Flash Project to publish two FLAs simultaneously.However, when I click on "Test Project" I get the following error message:Quote:Cannot open a protected movie.However, when I publish each of these FLAs independently, I do not get the error message and the file publishes and runs with no problem.
I am trying to embed a flash file onto the homepage of my Ruby application. The homepage is in /app/view/home, and the flash file is in the projects /public/flash/myflash.swf.When I load the home page, I don't see anything, although the text is bumped below a square of the proper size I defined the file as.The code I am using to try and load the file is
I am thinking that either I am calling the file wrong by using value=/flash/Blox.swf, or that I am storing my flash file in the wrong place period. How can I get my flash file to load?
I have one Eclipse Workspace containing two projects. - The first is my actual library. - The second is example code for using the library.When I push this code to GitHub, I don't want two separate projects, I want the example code to go into an "example" folder of the second library.How and where would I do this? From Eclipse, GIT, or GitHub?Or is there a better way of including sample code in GitHub projects? (the example code doesn't actually need any version control)
I have 2 flex projects which were create in flash builder can i call one project from second??? the best would execute to the same window.... I'm interesting about both possibility (in browser and air too).
I am going to make an Arabic application using Flex builder 4.5. I have two questions that need to be answered What is the difference between ActionScript Mobile Project and Flex Mobile Project. (AS Mobile Project supports iOS and Android but I doubt about it!!) Is Arabic support available in Flex Mobile Projects or AS Mobile Projects? I know TLF supports Desktop and web apps but does it support mobile platforms?
I am trying to figure out how to embed the Google Voice (GV) code I have been given through my GV account into a Flash web page using Action Script, but instead of using the default GV icon, use my own, which then opens the GV 'Call' interface. Here is the GV code:
Someone know the code for embedded the Hubnut vimeo videos in a flash website?Anyone with experience with vimeo widget video embed into flash site?I've seen here in a thread of vimeo forum the code for embedding single video..[url]...But could not find anything to embed the videos with widget hubnut.. I search and many forums but can't find anything..
I need urgently the code to embed the widget vimeo hubnut in my flash website that I will publish tomorrow, and being as a project of my internship .. and i still can't find anywhere how to implement vimeo hubnut.
For my wishlist site, I would like to propose widgets to my users in order to publish their wishlist on their blog or personal website. The idea is to propose a few lines of code to my users that they only need to copy/paste to insert the widget displaying their wishlist. What is the best way to create/develop a widget ?
I'm starting to learn in flex and ruby on rails. I see some projects there is a flex folder under rails_project/app which contains controller, models, views. I think it's not mannually to add these folders to rails project.
I'm working on a web page which will display information updated periodically via javascript. I want to have it displayed in a Solari Board, complete with the flipping tiles animation. Is there an existing Flash or Javascript implementation I can use? Here's my super-lousy javascript test for one letter. The solution should take a string and figure out how to flip the existing letters to update it. On a real board they all start at once and each stop after the number of flips needed.
I have a flash which is embeded on an object tag. (or a div tag or whatever).below the embed swf I want to place a link to my can I check from inside the swf that this is the usert who embed the swf didnt change the link or deleted it?
I have a "Loader.exe" that loads a bunch of external swfs. Ideally, I would've liked to be able to give my client just 1 exe, so that they wouldn't have to deal with multiple files/directories etc. However; each of the external swfs have audio, and in some cases video, which makes trying to combine everything into 1 .fla prohibitive because the file size of that .fla shoots through the roof. Even just trying to navigate through graphics to edit animation becomes a sloooow process.
So, I was trying to come up with ways to bundle/package my Loader.exe as well as the external swfs into a single file (almost like a .zip file). I know there are 3rd party programs out there (Flash Jugglor) that can do this... but I was hoping there may be some built-in feature. So, I thought using a Flash Project (.flp) might be able to accomplish something similar, but I could only find the following couple of sentences about FLPs:
"Create a new Flash Project file (*.flp). Use Flash Project files to group related files (*.fla, *.as, *.jsfl, and media files), set up publish settings for the group, and implement version control options."