ActionScript 2.0 :: Get The Nodevalue Summary And Description In Tag OBJECT?

Nov 5, 2009

Please, anyone can help me to parse this xml sample. I want get the nodevalue summary and description in tag OBJECT? I need actionscript code.


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<node label="Products">
<node label="Tryout">


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<title>My Title</title>
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<painting ref="01">


I can get the node names but the node value is "null", and the nodeType of my node "<title>" returns "1"...

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ActionScript 1/2 :: How To Add Description Tag

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <galleries> <!-- **&#160;&#160;&#160; Please read this information to learn how to add more galleries to your website. **&#160;&#160;&#160; **&#160;&#160;&#160; Here are all the galleries that you can use for the website pages. Each gallery has **&#160;&#160;&#160; an index or ID. With the help of index the gallery can be connected with the definite


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

** how to add more galleries to your website.

** Here are all the galleries that you can use for the website pages. Each gallery has

** an index or ID. With the help of index the gallery can be connected with the definite

** website page with gallery type.Also this page must have galleryID which should be equal

** Each gallery consists of the list of images. Each image has and url parameter and also

** width and height parameters that define dimensions of the box for the image.**

** It is recommended to use an XML editor to make changes to this file because it�s less

** possible to make an error in the markup which can cause a not working website.

** The recommended size for image_icon=333x333 px.
<gallery id="1" name="nature">
<image image_icon="22598_nature_icon_15.jpg" image="22598_nature_b_15.jpg"/>[code]....

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ActionScript Code:
var pageDESCRIPTION:String;
var metas:Array = new Array('window.document.getElementsByTagName("meta")'));


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Rollover Description?

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how to create a rollover description whereby when i rollover a button a description box pops up at the bottom which either scrolls information or shows shows some text.

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IDE :: Add A Description For Each Picture In A Text Field?

Apr 22, 2009

in the if statement below ? I'm looking to add a description for each picture in a text field... something like: if picture1 selected, text="", else if picture2 selected, text="", else text="";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Title And Image Description

Jul 30, 2010

I bought an xml flash template and i am trying to modify it.In main.fla file there is a layer named functions. At this layer there is actionscript code where i saw this part:[code]When i push the image gallery from the main menu, then the image_gallery.swf loads. There, i have 2 categories with photos, each of whom loads title and description of images from website_xml_imagegallery_xml/category1.xml and website_ xml_ imagegallery_ xml/category2.xml. My problem is that whether i open a photo from one category or from the second category, the title and the description remain the same as the first category's. I figured out that the title and the descrption of the first photo of the second category is the same as the title and the description of the first photo of the first category and this depends of what i am using at the last line of the attached code:images.load ("website_xml_imagegallery_xml/category1.xml");So, if i write category2.xml instead of category1.xml, then the first photo of the first category will have the same title and same description as the first photo of the second category.It seems like each category cannot read from its category.xml. Look at the xml files as well.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Title And Description From External XML

Feb 15, 2009

I am creating an Autorun for CD using flash CS4 in which Tilelist will show product image and slider will slide across images. when slided, product Title and Description should be shown.But instead of showing, Text field goes blank and nothing is shown.

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Professional :: Changing Meta Tags And Description On SWF?

Feb 22, 2010

I bought a template, made some changes, published it and upload it on FTP. But each time I do a search, one one the search results is one of the orignal page names. Any tips on how to change it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display A Description Of The Information In The Combo Box?

Sep 19, 2011

I want a combo box to display a description of the information in the combo box. The name property is a good way to do this in my opinion " = This is what I named this Box". I have a text field ("textDescription") set to display the name of the comboBox on MOUSE_OVER, but only on the edges does the actual name of the comboBox appear. When in the middle, the textDescription displays "instance #" where # is an actual number. Is there some kind of container placed over the combo box or something??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A URL Link For The Description Text?

May 26, 2010

I want to create a URL link for the description text. Everything works fine until I get to the actual link - it's displaying the HTML. I've clicked on the HTML button in the properties inspector for the text field (see the attached photo); I've also added the following in the AS:

desc_txt.html = true;
desc_txt.multiline = true;

No luck; it's still displaying the HTML.

function nextImage() {
if (p<(total-1)) {


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