Above is a pic of a combo box loded with values. Id like to have it so when you mouse over the dropdown, a hover descripition of the value the mouse is currently on appears on the screen. I have it complete for the most part...but as you can see, the description displays behind the dropdown. Ive tried this.setChildIndex(textDescription, this.numChildren - 1)" and no luck.
I have map of the world (in photoshop) where each continent is in separate layer and separate coloured. How can I make link in flash of each continent. I want mouse hover over the exact colour (continent). My problem is that mouse hover always over the whole selection box of object (whole rectangle).
i have map of the world (in photoshop) where each continent is in separate layer and separate coloured.how can i make link in flash of each continent. i want mouse hover over the exact colour(continent). My problem is that mouse hover always hover over the whole selection box of object.
Ach. I have a class that extends MovieClip called AxonClip, and a class that extends AxonClip called Target. I create several new Target objects like so:
Code: Targets[i] = new Target("Targ"+i); Targets[i].attachMovie("TargetArt", "TarGuy"+i, iDepth);
the flaw of this code is, after the marker detected, yes, the 3D object got rendered. but after the marker were not detected, the object still appeared on the screen (even though it did not move)
I need to catch a hover event on top of a flash object, so I set the wmode and created an invisible div on top of it to attach the event listeners to. Thing is, I can't click the flash object. The cover is swallowing the clicks, and the things I've tried to go around this have made a mess of the hover events. This is the 30th problem I ran into in 2 days time and it's driving me crazy xD.
How to add description tag.I have an xml file that loads the pictures, but I want to add a description tag for each picture. Below is the xml file for this.add a description tag that would work?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <galleries> <!-- **    Please read this information to learn how to add more galleries to your website. **    **    Here are all the galleries that you can use for the website pages. Each gallery has **    an index or ID. With the help of index the gallery can be connected with the definite
I have the 3dwall feature - but i don't know how to add a title/description to the image. I have followed the instructions, - I don't understand what it is asking me to do.
how can I make a windows popup when I put my mouse cursor over a item? The popup should display the item name and it's characteristics. When the cursor rolls out fo the item, the popup windows disappears.
I've modified a flash movie that displays images in a slider control. When the user mouses over the image I display a tooltip. The problem is I cannot figure out how to parse the Description(desc) out of the image tag in XML to display as the tooltip text. Heres what I want the image tag to look like:[code]In the actionScript how could I simply parse out the description to pass in as the tooltip text?
I am new to flex and am using flex builder 3 , many a times code assist shows a lot of function but i am not sure what these functions do. How can i configure flex builder so that it also shows descriptions of the methods like the one we get in java.
how to create a rollover description whereby when i rollover a button a description box pops up at the bottom which either scrolls information or shows shows some text.
I've created my buttons and have used "hover captions" which have worked perfectly, however i would like a description box at the bottom of my button so when i rollover the button some text scrolls or just displays a box where i could put a lot of text.
in the if statement below ? I'm looking to add a description for each picture in a text field... something like: if picture1 selected, text="", else if picture2 selected, text="", else text="";
I bought an xml flash template and i am trying to modify it.In main.fla file there is a layer named functions. At this layer there is actionscript code where i saw this part:[code]When i push the image gallery from the main menu, then the image_gallery.swf loads. There, i have 2 categories with photos, each of whom loads title and description of images from website_xml_imagegallery_xml/category1.xml and website_ xml_ imagegallery_ xml/category2.xml. My problem is that whether i open a photo from one category or from the second category, the title and the description remain the same as the first category's. I figured out that the title and the descrption of the first photo of the second category is the same as the title and the description of the first photo of the first category and this depends of what i am using at the last line of the attached code:images.load ("website_xml_imagegallery_xml/category1.xml");So, if i write category2.xml instead of category1.xml, then the first photo of the first category will have the same title and same description as the first photo of the second category.It seems like each category cannot read from its category.xml. Look at the xml files as well.
I am creating an Autorun for CD using flash CS4 in which Tilelist will show product image and slider will slide across images. when slided, product Title and Description should be shown.But instead of showing, Text field goes blank and nothing is shown.
I bought a template, made some changes, published it and upload it on FTP. But each time I do a search, one one the search results is one of the orignal page names. Any tips on how to change it?
I want a combo box to display a description of the information in the combo box. The name property is a good way to do this in my opinion "comboBox.name = This is what I named this Box". I have a text field ("textDescription") set to display the name of the comboBox on MOUSE_OVER, but only on the edges does the actual name of the comboBox appear. When in the middle, the textDescription displays "instance #" where # is an actual number. Is there some kind of container placed over the combo box or something??
I want to create a URL link for the description text. Everything works fine until I get to the actual link - it's displaying the HTML. I've clicked on the HTML button in the properties inspector for the text field (see the attached photo); I've also added the following in the AS:
im making somekind of an imageloader flash files, with a next and previous button, and a square to load the *.jpg file, and another square to put a description text. how if i want to give a description text using a *.txt file who has the same name as the image file? how to tell flash to display texts inside a textfile in a square?
What I have: A scrolling thumbnail portfolio page that is linked to external xml file so the client can add pictures as needed by adding to the xml file. (actionscript from within Flash is enclosed just in a .txt document, along with the .xml file)
What I need: To add a description to each image, so when you click on the thumbnail, it loads the larger picture, along with the description. I have a mc called description_txt where I would like the description to load for each image, but don't know how to set it up to associate with each image. I have seen XML files that call to a different .txt document for each image, with the descriptions in it, but I'm not sure of the mechanics of it. . . how I should set up the .txt file, how I can call to it, and how to revise my actionscript to retrieve it.
I need to publish it to web so if you go url... you see my flash website (I'm using Flash CS5).I heard from somewhere I need Dreamweaver, also, to publish a site made in Flash to the web.
I have a picture gallery that loads a few thumbnails into a holder via xml and AS3. When you click on the thumbnail it loads the full-size image into a Loader.How could I add a description from the xml to the to the full size image.[code]
I'm making a media player which has a playlist of 8 or 9 flv's, I'm using 'videosourcepro' as my basis.
What I need to do, is when a user selects from the playlist (populated dynamically from an xml file), the title of the selected track is displayed in the title_txt dynamic text field.
which I could perform the afore mentioned task?
I've uploaded my source files and you can download them here
I have a picture gallery that loads a few thumbnails into a holder via xml and AS3. When you click on the thumbnail it loads the full-size image into a Loader.How could I add a description from the xml to the to the full size image.
I have drop down list if i select the Bank draft or money order it should show the description in one of the lable. it is showing now. But i want to display the description if one of the other box value is greater than 1500, actaully there are two field one field has value for Security deposit amount and second is drop down security deposit type in this if the value is > 1500 the description should show.
Field One (Input box) Deposit amount (entering values in the box) Field two (dropdown) Deposit Type (Bank Draft/ Money order/Personal check)
If the value is in the deposit amount >1500 then it show the description under one lable "Please Send your postal address proof)i have that funciton
ActionScript Code: IncludeInfoItems = function (bool) { if (!bool) {
I started a search engine in flash for a small 15 pages website,and in these cases I think it's best to create an XML file as a database... I need to say that I am a beginner in using actionscript and Macromedia Flash as I used other software before. here is the progress so far: Search engine and here is the XML file to get an idea: XML file and the actionscript: Actionscript TXT or Actionscript PDF there are some words in Romanian in the search engine link
1).I need to compare the VAR entered by the user in the search box with the DESCRIPTION from the XML, what I was able to do is to compare if they are equal, that means you need to enter the exact description to get a result, what I need to obtain is for example to enter "goo" and still get the result for GOOGLE, or "gle" or whatever...
2). I also need to use the search button as a trigger and also the key ENTER, I was able to do it but not together, it was either ENTER or the button, I need to specify here that the function from the onRelease command of the button is a very complex one.