Flash :: Correctly Load An .md2 Mesh Description With Papervision 3D 2.1.932?

Jan 15, 2010

How to correctly load an .md2 mesh description with Papervision 3D 2.1.932 ?

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Actionscript 3 :: Load A Papervision/Flex Application (SWF) As A Material On A Papervision Plane?

Mar 24, 2011

I am trying to build a portfolio application similar to the used by Whitevoid. I am using Flex 4 and Papervision3D 2. I have everything working except for one issue. When I try to load an external SWF as a material on one of the planes, I can see any native Flex or Flash components in their correct positions, but the papervision objects are not being rendered properly. It looks like the viewport is not being set in the nested swf. I have posted my code for loading the swf below.

private function loadMovie(path:String=""):void
loader = new Loader();
request = new URLRequest(path);


Below I have posted two pictures. The first is a shot of the application running by itself. The second is the application as a MovieMaterial on a Plane. You can see how the button created as a spark object in the mxml stays in the correct position, but papervision sphere (which is rotating) is in the wrong location.

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Flash - Use A Movieclip On A Mesh ?

Feb 12, 2010

I need to use a movieclip on a mesh, I mean, make that the shape of my movieclip fits in a mesh, my movieclip now have a rectangular form, and I want it to adopt a cylindrical one.

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Internet Explorer 8 - IE8 With Loading FLASH. SWF Loads And Renders Correctly On Initial Load, But On Any Subsequent Refresh It Fails To Load

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I need some help? Anyone experience this problem before with IE8 FLASH bug? Can not get this to work on all subsequent refresh to the flash. I have a flash piece which simply renders only on the first initial load. After that, if i refresh or visit the page, it does not load correctly. It seems I am having this problem with the swf only on subsequent loading of the page or whenever a refresh happens.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Description Text With Images?

Mar 19, 2003

im making somekind of an imageloader flash files, with a next and previous button, and a square to load the *.jpg file, and another square to put a description text. how if i want to give a description text using a *.txt file who has the same name as the image file? how to tell flash to display texts inside a textfile in a square?

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AS2 :: Load External SWF Correctly To Main Flash File As Root And Level0 Using LoadMovie()?

Jan 5, 2012

I have 2 flash files,one is mine (the main container) and one is a external swf.I want to load the external SWF to my container SWF.I write this code in my AS2 container, inside the main timeline flash (mine flash).In the first method, I add a movie clip with instance name mc1 to the first layer:

mc1._lockroot = true;
countdown = function(){
countdownIt = setInterval(countdown,1000);

This code works fine in most of the cases, but I found many SWFs files that it dosen't work with. These SWFs and work with the following code instead:

countdown = function(){
countdownIt = setInterval(countdown,1000);

I really try to use that code - BUT !!! -> if I use this code the external SWF predominant, my main SWF code and all the rest of my code dosen't work (like the setInterval() timer).... I want to load the SWF like the second example and still run the setInterval() function.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Away3D - Scaling When Replacing Faces On Mesh

Aug 26, 2010

The problem relates from trying to create BitmapMaterials from scaled bitmap images. Away3D is being used, but I guess the principles at work are general. The source images are of different sizes and scales. The idea is to map the images onto a 400*300 mesh, adding empty space to the sides of the image when the scales differ - so, for example, an overwide image would be scaled down to have a width of 400, with blank space being used to fill gaps at the top and bottom of the image. An initial function creates a mesh, and adds two faces using the material. This works perfectly. However, a near identical function is used to remove the faces and replace them with new faces using a different image, and this produces an incorrect scale - the faces end up displaying the zoomed center of the source image.

Here's the ActionScript Code:
//WIDTH = 400 , HEIGHT = 300
var loadedBitmap:Bitmap = event.currentTarget.content as Bitmap;
var newBitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData( WIDTH, HEIGHT, true, 0xff );
var targetRect : Rectangle = new Rectangle( 0, 0, loadedBitmap.width,
loadedBitmap.height );
[Code] .....

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Swf Won't Load / Import Correctly

Feb 23, 2010

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Professional :: Publish Site On Flash? (read Description)

Jun 11, 2010

I need to publish it to web so if you go url... you see my flash website (I'm using Flash CS5).I heard from somewhere I need Dreamweaver, also, to publish a site made in Flash to the web.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: HTML Doesn't Load Correctly Into Textbox?

May 29, 2009

I am trying to load html into a text box from a website. when i load to the text box, everything goes fine except that it is loaded as something that looks like this:


I just need to convert it to html. I understand a lot of the tags wont work the same way bc as2 doesnt accept them, but I can deal with those after. Here is my loader:

var my_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
my_lv.onLoad = function(success:Boolean)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Carousel Icons Load Bug - Doesn't Show Correctly

Apr 20, 2008

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Professional :: SWF File Doesn't Load Images Correctly And Buttons Do Not Always Work Properly.

Jan 7, 2011

I have a big problem - I decided to make a website using flash as I am good with photoshop and thought it would be fairly easy to construct in flash using tutorials. All went well except now the website is published, weird things happen. The homepage works fine but when you click on "portfolio" some of the buttons don't appear and when you try the buttons, some images don't appear. Occasionally some of the buttons take you to the wrong place also. When I test the movie in flash, everything works fine so I can't work it out. I am a complete novice so advice will have to be spelt out in black and white.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SWF File Doesn't Load Images Correctly And Buttons Do Not Always Work Properly

Jan 7, 2011

I decided to make a website using flash as I am good with photoshop and thought it would be fairly easy to construct in flash using tutorials. All went well except now the website is published, weird things happen. The homepage works fine but when you click on "portfolio" some of the buttons don't appear and when you try the buttons, some images don't appear. Occasionally some of the buttons take you to the wrong place also. When I test the movie in flash, everything works fine so I can't work it out.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: ClipEvent - Reset Or Refresh (unload, Reload) This Function So It Works Correctly Everytime Load A New JPG?

Sep 1, 2006

I have a blank container mc into which I am loading JPGs after you click on a button. There are 10 buttons in the movie, each associated with a different JPG.This container_mc is part of a function called on the main Timeline.The Flash movie is 1 frame on the main Timeline. This code works correctly on the first JPG when I click on a button for the first time), but then when you click on a different button I believe it just uses the dimensions and coordinates of the first JPG. How can I reset or refresh (unload, reload) this function so it works correctly every time I load a new JPG?

//after full size image loads into detailthumb_mc,
//resize image so that neither width nor height is > 150, tben recenter
onClipEvent(load) {
var maxWidth = 150;


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Flash :: SWF Loading In An SWF Containing A Papervision Scene

Apr 25, 2010

I have an SWF loading in an SWF containing a papervision scene.I've done it before yet problem is, I get an error - I'm not sure what the issue really is.[code]

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Flash :: Importing DAE Files To Papervision?

Sep 14, 2010

i created a 3d model using sketchup and exported it as a DAE file.

then i try to import the model into papervision, but the model never appear.

when i use the DAE file provided in the examples, it works. only when i tried to create my own models, it doesn't work. does this have anything to do with sketchup?

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Flash :: Using Papervision To Create A 3d Game

Oct 22, 2010

now i need to add a health bar and countdown timer on the screen. how am i going to do it? adding a plane in the 3d scene? the health bar is always on the top right corner of the screen. is there anyway of NOT using 3d concept to implement this. i mean i could do it with a plane keep changing it's texture to show the status of the character. is there any cleaner way of doing it?

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Flash :: Papervision 3d Development Alive?

Dec 18, 2010

So I wonder if papervision 3d development alive? Any google code or ght..?

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Flash :: Having Simple Buttons In Papervision

Jul 22, 2011

there's a simple thing in papervision I can't do , I want to have a simple button on my swf like we have in flash , just a 2d square which is on screen and you can click on it and have some action

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Professional :: Setting Classpath For Papervision In Flash CS5?

Jul 17, 2010

I keep trying to get started with Papervision, but I must be entering the classpath incorrectly as I keep getting errors that the compiler cannot find the classes.Is there some kind of bug with setting the classpath on a mac?I checked out the papervision stuff so it sits in:
/Applications/Adobe Flash CS 5/Papervision/as3/trunk/src/
Inside the src folder is a folder called "org", which contains "papervision3d" and the folders of classes.To set the classpath, I've gone to Preferences, chosen ActionScript, clicked on the ActionScript 3.0 button at the bottom, clicked the plus sign, and then clicked on the little folder button to add a path to the Library box (the middle box). I browsed and selected:
  /Applications/Adobe Flash CS 5/Papervision/as3/trunk/src/
I thought at this point (after quitting and restarting Flash) that if I created a class file that had, for example,
import org.papervision3d.cameras.*
that it would work -- but it doesn't. It only works if I save the .fla and .as files themselves in /Applications/Adobe Flash CS 5/Papervision/as3/trunk/src/, in the same folder as the "org" folder. And I guess this means that the path in the Preferences setting is useless. 

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Flash :: Getting 2D Screen Coordinates Of A 3D Object In Papervision 2.0

Jan 27, 2010

How do I get the 2D screen coordinates of a 3D object when using Papervision 2.0 (Great White)? I've read that following properties should return the screen coords but these always return 0.


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Flash - InteractiveScene3DEvent Not Firing In Papervision BasicView

Oct 2, 2010

I'm using BasicView to setup my PV3D scene, and the scene itself works fine (3d carousel of movie posters) but the InteractiveScene3DEvent is not firing when a poster is clicked or moused over. I set my viewport to interactive... twice.
view = new BasicView(stage.stageWidth,stage.stageHeight,true,true);
view.viewport.buttonMode = true;
view.viewport.interactive = true;

And here is the part of the loop where it the event listener is added.
var mm:filmsPoster = new filmsPoster();
var mat:MovieMaterial = new MovieMaterial(mm);
mat.interactive = true;
mat.animated = true;
mat.smooth = true;
mat.doubleSided = true;
mat.name = filmName;
mat.addEventListener(InteractiveScene3DEvent.OBJECT_CLICK, posterClick);

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Actionscript 3 :: Convert CAD Model For Use In Flash / Papervision?

Jan 14, 2011

I need to convert a CAD drawing of a product into a form that is usable by Papervision3D (or an equivalent 3D engine) in the Flash Player.

Are there any tools that do this? I understand that the Collada DAE format is supported in Papervision3D, but I don't know what steps/tools are involved (export directly from AutoCAD?).

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Flash :: Papervision 3d HitTestObject Doesn't Work?

Jul 4, 2011

I'm new to papervision 3d and I created two display objects in basic view.
Here's a part of the code :

_stick = new Cube(materials, 50, 5, 500);
_ball = new Sphere(new ColorMaterial(0xfc0000), 80);

In the onRenderTick method, I tried to check whether two objects are hitted


However, stick.hitTestObject always returns false even if the stick really hits the ball as I see in the flash.

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Professional :: Embed HTML In Flash - When I Click ,opens The Correct Description Text File In The Second Text Box?

Apr 17, 2011

Is there any way I can embed HTML in flash? I know I can do this with text boxes but is there any other way I can do it? If not I know theres is the load feature where I can load text from a text file. With the html text box editing, Can i link that to the text file?. As in when you edit the text box with html could i have the textbox's instance name equal to the text file? With this my issue is with the <a href> in one textbox, I would like when i click those it open another text file in a different text box.

Clarification: I have two text boxes in my flash file.One has current products. And the other is the description of the product they select. I would like a way to edit and change the products in the first text box without having to keep using the FLA file. Which is why i am using this code

var myTextLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); myTextLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);
function onLoaded(e:Event):void {trace(e.target.data);} 
myTextLoader.load(new URLRequest("myText.txt"));

The contents of myText.txt are <a href=(not sure what to put here)> Product 1 </a> But all that does is put it in the text output section in flash.It does not show it in flash. I need help getting it to show up in a text box.That is the first part But the main problem is im not sure how to code the a href correctly so that when i click it, another text file opens in the second text box.So that when a user clicks on a product ,like "Product 1" It opens the correct description text file in the second text box.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Interactive Flash Site And Recently Installed Papervision?

Sep 25, 2009

I am making an interactive Flash site and recently installed Papervision. I thought it would be cool to have a spinning 3D cube (using Papervision imports and so on). Unfortunately when I click on the 'Links' page (the 'links' keyframe with the AS3 actions) the cube appears, but when I got back to other pages (for example Homepage) the cube is still there!!

I was wondering how I unload/remove/un-import/?? this so that it works ONLY on that one keyframe.


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ActionScript 1/2 :: How To Add Description Tag

May 24, 2009

How to add description tag.I have an xml file that loads the pictures, but I want to add a description tag for each picture. Below is the xml file for this.add a description tag that would work?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <galleries> <!-- **&#160;&#160;&#160; Please read this information to learn how to add more galleries to your website. **&#160;&#160;&#160; **&#160;&#160;&#160; Here are all the galleries that you can use for the website pages. Each gallery has **&#160;&#160;&#160; an index or ID. With the help of index the gallery can be connected with the definite


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add Description Tag?

May 24, 2009

I have an xml file that loads the pictures, but I want to add a description tag for each picture. Below is the xml file for this.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

** how to add more galleries to your website.

** Here are all the galleries that you can use for the website pages. Each gallery has

** an index or ID. With the help of index the gallery can be connected with the definite

** website page with gallery type.Also this page must have galleryID which should be equal

** Each gallery consists of the list of images. Each image has and url parameter and also

** width and height parameters that define dimensions of the box for the image.**

** It is recommended to use an XML editor to make changes to this file because it�s less

** possible to make an error in the markup which can cause a not working website.

** The recommended size for image_icon=333x333 px.
<gallery id="1" name="nature">
<image image_icon="22598_nature_icon_15.jpg" image="22598_nature_b_15.jpg"/>[code]....

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ActionScript 1/2 :: External Image / Once The Site Loads If Go To The "Contact Us" Page The Content Doesn't Load Correctly

Jun 11, 2010

[URL] Above is a link to view the project I'm working on. Once the site loads if you go to the "Contact Us" page the content doesn't load correctly. I'm using an extrnal .xml and .css files for the content. I'm also embedding the fonts dynamicly. If I test the file locally on my computer is works fine the image loads as it's supposed to and content looks correct. However when I post the files to the server (which work exactly the same way) I get the white box when you can see from the link above. I'm at a complete loss as to how to to fix this.

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IDE :: Add A Title/description To The Image?

Jan 19, 2009

I have the 3dwall feature - but i don't know how to add a title/description to the image. I have followed the instructions, - I don't understand what it is asking me to do.

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