ActionScript 2.0 :: Input Field >= Show The Label Description?

Mar 16, 2012

I have drop down list if i select the Bank draft or money order it should show the description in one of the lable. it is showing now. But i want to display the description if one of the other box value is greater than 1500, actaully there are two field one field has value for Security deposit amount and second is drop down security deposit type in this if the value is > 1500 the description should show.

Field One (Input box)
Deposit amount (entering values in the box)
Field two (dropdown)
Deposit Type (Bank Draft/ Money order/Personal check)

If the value is in the deposit amount >1500 then it show the description under one lable "Please Send your postal address proof)i have that funciton

ActionScript Code:
IncludeInfoItems = function (bool) {
if (!bool) {


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