Flex :: List Add A Label And Show Text?

Jan 26, 2012

I am trying to add an item to a list and have text display and have a different hidden value when i access selected items. I also need to do this with a loop.

Currently i am trying to add a label and set the labels id to my value. But the list just shows the ID and not the text.

var theLabel:Label = new Label();
theLabel.id = "123";
theLabel.text = "test";


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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Flex :: Get Label Height After Setting Text Property?

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how to get the label height?

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Actionscript 3 :: Change The Label Text At Runtime In Flex?

Oct 17, 2011

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addElement (myGroup )
myGroup.addElement ( button 1 )
myGroup.addElement ( label )
myGroup.addElement ( button 2 )

now when i click on one button 2 i can get event.currentTarget.

How can i change the text of label using this event.currentTarget. How can i target the label

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Flex :: Mx:formitem Multiple Labels - Add A Second Label To A Text Box?

Nov 21, 2011

I'm a new to Flex, and I'm trying to add a second label to a text box.

like this: Label [_______] label 2

So the first label will describe the text box and the second the unit, for example:

cost of cleaning [_______] $ per hour

Can I do this with a label inside the form item?

what I have tried looks like this:

mx:FormItem label="cost of cleaning">
<mx:TextInput id="proSRO2YO" text="" width="120" maxChars="20"/>
<mx:Label text="dollars per hour"/>

but that results in a second label one line below, I need these on the same line.

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Mobile - Text Gradient On Spark.label In Flex

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Flex :: Get The Line Height Of The Text In A Spark Label?

Jan 31, 2012

How do you determine the line height (in pixels) of the text in a Spark Label?

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Flex :: Size - Find The Width Of Text In A Spark Label?

Oct 11, 2011

Suppose I have a (Spark) label. What is the best way to find the length of the text in it? I looked at the myLable.measureText("bla bla") method but it says: To measure text in Spark components, get the measurements of a spark.components.Label or spark.components.RichTextfter looking around I cannot find what this is refering to. I tried myLabel.measureWidth() but this does not return anything usefull (it frequently returns zero). Note: I am explicitly setting the width like this:<s:Lable width="{globalWidthVariable"} .../>If the text overflows I would like to increse the globalWidthVariable to the size of the text.

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Flex :: Hide (or Remove) Label Text Without Changing The Button Size?

Dec 21, 2010

I have a button with variable-length of label text. I have a User Setting that can turn on or off the label text on this button.

How can I implement this?

NOTE: the button's background has a gradient color.

I tried using BlendMode.LAYER, no luck;

I tried using Button.resizeHandler

private function resizeHandler(event:ResizeEvent):void
if (event.oldWidth > this.width)


but it only worked if the initial UserSetting value is true.

How about embedded font? I don't know how to apply it to button

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Part Of The Canvas Label Text As Unerderlined In Flex?

Oct 19, 2011

I need to underline particular character of the tab header(like Account) A has to be underlined. We are using tab navigator and canvas container controls to create the tabs in our screen( Canvas label has to be underlined).

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Flex :: Change Text Color Of Component Label/selected Item In ComboBox?

Jun 2, 2010

When I set style color, it changes both the text color for the selected item/component label and the text in the dropdown menu.

Type: uint Format: Color CSS Inheritance: yes
Color of text in the component, including the component label. The default value is 0x0B333C.

I would really like the label to be white and the text to be black.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Input Field >= Show The Label Description?

Mar 16, 2012

I have drop down list if i select the Bank draft or money order it should show the description in one of the lable. it is showing now. But i want to display the description if one of the other box value is greater than 1500, actaully there are two field one field has value for Security deposit amount and second is drop down security deposit type in this if the value is > 1500 the description should show.

Field One (Input box)
Deposit amount (entering values in the box)
Field two (dropdown)
Deposit Type (Bank Draft/ Money order/Personal check)

If the value is in the deposit amount >1500 then it show the description under one lable "Please Send your postal address proof)i have that funciton

ActionScript Code:
IncludeInfoItems = function (bool) {
if (!bool) {


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