Actionscript 3 :: How To Show List Of Components In Flex

Oct 7, 2011

I'm building a multiplayer game which when connecting to the server, the server sends back a list of available rooms (each room has MaxPlayers,MinRank,TableId,TableName,Password) so everytime I recieve these 5 strings, I create an instance of Mxml UI Component I have created and fill it with the relevant details. In the main.MXML i've added an AS3 script variable to hold the GameInstances object i've created when rcvd data back from the server: private var gameInstances:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(); GameInstance.mxml is a component that has UI components in it and AS3 script to set some data. When rcving data from the server in main.mxml :


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Fix List Components That Overrun To The Side In Flex?

Sep 15, 2009

So you've created a list and hooked it up to your data. But wait! Someone decided to enter, street as their address. Or named their kid John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, and all of a sudden, your list has a bizarre scrollbar running across it, right in the middle of the component, where no human being would possibly want a scrollbar.

As someone who considers himself clever, I've tried setting the width of the individual list components. This fixes the immediate problem of the scrollbar, but now the overrun from the list has hid itself invisibly underneath the next list element.

Is there a sane way to deal with this so that the elements of the list will adjust themselves vertically to hold the content?

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<s:List id='lstItems' dataProvider="{data.Items}" width="50%" borderVisible="false" contentBackgroundColor="#222222">


Now, what happens is when data containing many items is set to, the list resizes itself larger and displays fine. However, after this, if data containing few items is set to, the component momentarily displays larger than it needs to be, then resizes itself smaller.

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AS3 :: IDE : CellRenderer - Components Don't Show Up

Apr 15, 2010

I'm used to item renderers in Flex but inexperienced with Flash AS3 components.I want to create a List that renderers items like this:

1) a slider

2) a couple of text fields that my designer can place and style as he likes

It's a survey form. I expect to grab the _listData.owner and dispatch the user inputs and bubble them up to the form.

1) drag a list onto the stage
2) create a symbol in the library with the base class of com.blah.skins.renderers.SurveyItemRenderer
3) Export this class as SurveyItemRenderer
4) set the list's cellRenderer style to SurveyItem renderer
5) give the list data to show

I tried using CellRenderer, but the class seems to reject being associated with a symbol (and I could not find any examples of CellRenderer being used that way), so SurveyItemRenderer implements ICellRenderer.When I run it, other library symbols and graphics shows up in the renderer--WITH THE EXCEPTION of the slider. Other Flash components that I put on the stage do not show up either, until you roll over (Button), or if they have text in the them (Label). Slider never shows up.

Components will show up on the stage, just not in the SurveyItemRenderer. WHY NOT? I feel like I'm missing something basic. Here is the class, minimal because I'm still testing:

public class SurveyItemRenderer extends MovieClip implements ICellRenderer
protected var _listData:ListData;
protected var _data:Object;
protected var _selected:Boolean;


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CS3 AS2 - Populating List Components?

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how to get this to work, but I've finally gotten Loadvars working dynamically. However, now I need to take the "avatar" variable and use it to populate a list component. I keep reading dozens of different ways to do it - turn your variable into an array in Flash, etc. What is the best method?

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May 25, 2011

What i have is a list box populated from an XML file, in this XML file it will contain name and description What i would like is when a name is clicked/hovered over from the list menu... in a seperate text box component the description for that report will appear!!

Here is the XML :

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<reportdetails name="Product Installations and Removals">


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Sep 15, 2010

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Actionscript 3 :: Show And Hide MXML Components?

Nov 9, 2011

I am working on an application where I need to basically have 2 separate screens and I need to be able to switch between them. I am a total noob to Flex & Flash and I have not found anything on how to do this in my 2 days of Googling. It really shouldn't be this hard to do!

Here is what I have tried. I created a Flex Project and added 2 MXML Component files called Test1 & Test2 and each simply have a button in them which have a label of Button1 & Button2 so I can see if the correct component is showing. Below is the button code in the Test1 MXML Component file[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Masked Components Unable To Show

Feb 15, 2009

I'm having some problem with my masked components. These are the components in my fla file.

A static text.
a TextInput
a button

I converted all these 3 components into a movie clip call form.

I tried adding on a mask, i added an actions layer into the movie clip:form. In the actions layer i added the code submit.setStyle("embedFonts", true);

Result :

I still can't see my submit buttons text. I also did the same thing to my text input and the same problem occurs.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Color In List Components?

Jan 3, 2008

Just switched over to CS3, still adjusting to the many many changes. How on earth do you change the text color styles of a List component in AS3? I know it was easier to directly access the .color, .rollOverColor properties in AS2, but I can't find *ANY* comparable feature in AS3. I can see how everything else is skinned, by navigating the layers of symbols within the component.

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Actionscript 3 :: Dynamically Generate A List Of Components?

Apr 15, 2012

I'm making a game and I an in-game editor that is able to create entities on the fly (rather than hard coding them). I'm using a component-aggregation model, so my entities are nothing but a list of components.

What would be the best way to obtain or generate a list of components? I really don't want to have to manually add entries for all possible components in some giant registerAllComponents() method or something.

I was thinking maybe somehow with reflection via either the knowledge that all components inherit from the base Component class, or possibly via custom metatags but I haven't been able to find ways to get a list of all classes that derive from a class or all classes that have custom metatags.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Installed Components Doesnt Show In Flash CS4 IDE?

Feb 19, 2010

i installed a few components (gaia framework, flash eff 2 demo and a rain drop water effect) to use in Flash.
in the Adobe Extension Manager they are all enabled , however, i dont see anything in Window -> Other Panels neither in the Components panel.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Give Vertical Gap Between The Cells Of List Components?

Sep 2, 2011

I have a list component
var theList:List = new List();
theList.dataProvider = new DataProvider(listArray);
theList.rowHeight  = 93;
theList.rowCount  = 4;
how can i specify vertical gap between the cells of List?

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Actionscript 3 :: Updating View Spark.components.List?

Sep 23, 2010

I am using a List component inside an itemRenderer. The main user interaction involves dragging an item from the List in one renderer and dropping it in another. My problem: When the data object is updated I want the Lists' height to be modified according to the number of objects in the dataprovider(dp), which is passed to the List from the data object. Now I have tried to invalidate the display of the List, refresh its dp and have tried putting this line assets.length > 0 ? assetList.percentHeight = 100 : assetList.height = 10; in other event handlers, such as dragdrop handlers, collection event handlers for the dp etc. I have also tried refreshing the dp for the List component that is using this renderer. The view does eventually get updated but only if I resize the list, or use the scroller or when I begin dragging a new List item but never after the drop.


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Flash :: Multiple Custom Components And The Display List?

Oct 18, 2011

I am using several instances of the same custom component on the same SWF. The component is essentially just a textfield with special sizing requirements. I also have another "wrapper" component that deals with the info from the textfield components. I was initially planning on using the stage index to associate the data with the textfield component it came from. This became more complicated than I anticipated. When I trace from the wrapper i can't get the index of the textfield components. So I got it in the component code and sent it with the info to the wrapper via a custom event. The problem there is that i can't tell which component is which because they are indexed identically. I can also see the component shim as well as the textfield.I'm just really confused about how programmatic components work on the display list.

My main Question. Is there a better way to associate the info with the proper component? I guess that's my only question. Please point me in the right direction.

EDIT2: I created a dummy place-holder component that just draws a rectangle then at runtime replaces it with programmatically generated textfield component.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create List Components In Mobile Phone?

May 24, 2011

how to create a List components for Nokia mobile. For your information, i have visited the Nokia website about that.[URL] That website also can download the source code and documentation. What the problem is, that documentation doesn't show the tutorial how to add item, scroll the list and so on. Below is the feature of my mobile phone for clarify.

Mobile Phone: Nokia 5800
Flash : Flash Lite 3.0
Feature: Mobile Phone Touch screen

how to use a List components from Nokia. Just to know how to use the code for add the item, delete the item and scroll list.

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