ActionScript 2.0 :: Masked Components Unable To Show
Feb 15, 2009
I'm having some problem with my masked components. These are the components in my fla file.
A static text.
a TextInput
a button
I converted all these 3 components into a movie clip call form.
I tried adding on a mask, i added an actions layer into the movie clip:form. In the actions layer i added the code submit.setStyle("embedFonts", true);
Result :
I still can't see my submit buttons text. I also did the same thing to my text input and the same problem occurs.
I have some textinput components on a masked layer. Once they become visible to the user, they can get focus by a user clicking on them (the input box gets highlighted with a blue line so I know it's getting focus), but they won't accept any input!If I change the layer from masked to normal it works fine.
I'm used to item renderers in Flex but inexperienced with Flash AS3 components.I want to create a List that renderers items like this:
1) a slider
2) a couple of text fields that my designer can place and style as he likes
It's a survey form. I expect to grab the _listData.owner and dispatch the user inputs and bubble them up to the form.
1) drag a list onto the stage 2) create a symbol in the library with the base class of com.blah.skins.renderers.SurveyItemRenderer 3) Export this class as SurveyItemRenderer 4) set the list's cellRenderer style to SurveyItem renderer 5) give the list data to show
I tried using CellRenderer, but the class seems to reject being associated with a symbol (and I could not find any examples of CellRenderer being used that way), so SurveyItemRenderer implements ICellRenderer.When I run it, other library symbols and graphics shows up in the renderer--WITH THE EXCEPTION of the slider. Other Flash components that I put on the stage do not show up either, until you roll over (Button), or if they have text in the them (Label). Slider never shows up.
Components will show up on the stage, just not in the SurveyItemRenderer. WHY NOT? I feel like I'm missing something basic. Here is the class, minimal because I'm still testing:
Code: public class SurveyItemRenderer extends MovieClip implements ICellRenderer { protected var _listData:ListData; protected var _data:Object; protected var _selected:Boolean;
I'm building a multiplayer game which when connecting to the server, the server sends back a list of available rooms (each room has MaxPlayers,MinRank,TableId,TableName,Password) so everytime I recieve these 5 strings, I create an instance of Mxml UI Component I have created and fill it with the relevant details. In the main.MXML i've added an AS3 script variable to hold the GameInstances object i've created when rcvd data back from the server: private var gameInstances:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(); GameInstance.mxml is a component that has UI components in it and AS3 script to set some data. When rcving data from the server in main.mxml :
I am working on an application where I need to basically have 2 separate screens and I need to be able to switch between them. I am a total noob to Flex & Flash and I have not found anything on how to do this in my 2 days of Googling. It really shouldn't be this hard to do!
Here is what I have tried. I created a Flex Project and added 2 MXML Component files called Test1 & Test2 and each simply have a button in them which have a label of Button1 & Button2 so I can see if the correct component is showing. Below is the button code in the Test1 MXML Component file[code]...
i installed a few components (gaia framework, flash eff 2 demo and a rain drop water effect) to use in Flash. in the Adobe Extension Manager they are all enabled , however, i dont see anything in Window -> Other Panels neither in the Components panel.
I have quite some experience with Flex and I am just starting to write my first AIR application and would like to use as much Spark as possible here. So I started withe a simple Hello World application:
Unfortunately this simple example shows no child components and even none of the initialize handlers is triggered. However as soon as I change the root tag to mx:WindowedApplication everything behaves as expected: The label and the button are shown and the console shows the output of the two trace statements.
I need to be able to load a jpeg/png image from disk and show it in flex and send it to a server as a base64 encoded string. But once the image file is loaded, in my flash.display.LoaderInfo object, the bytes property (type of ByteArray) contains more byte than the file content.
I am creating a loader for .swf , everything is fine, but I am unable to show the hand cursor. I get an error message : Scene 1, Layer 'action', Frame 1, Line 26 1119: Access of possibly undefined property buttonMode through a reference with static type flash.display:SimpleButton.
Here is the code i use everything works except I am unable to show the hand cursor (I have disable it for now ): var swf1:MovieClip; var loader1:Loader = new Loader(); var defaultSWF1:URLRequest = new URLRequest("1.swf"); loader1.load(defaultSWF1); addChild(loader1); [Code] .....
I'm trying to add a DataGrid inside a spark TitleWindow and for some reason its not showing up correctly.When I put the same code in the main mxml, it comes up correctly. The exact same code shows up weird in the TitleWindow.
I am created a dynamically adding a VBox, that contains two images. Into a Custom Component that is derived from UIComponent. The problem is the Vbox that contains the two image is only a really tiny size. I would like the VBox stretch to the size of the two images. This is how I am creating the Vbox....
Is it bad practice/design to nest components inside components using Flex 4? Should I simply be creating components and inserting them into my main application as below, or doesn't it matter?
how i can use actionscript component code in mmxl components,as in actionscript components we use classes ,but in mmxl component we can not use classes function, so how i can use actionscript component code in mmxl component
but i cant use this code in mmxl components how i can use public class DialogTitle extends HBox implements IBindingClient in mmxl component code,what are the way to use it,sorry i am newbie if it is silly question
I work with Flash Pro allmost 11 hours per day and every while i get a error which messes up everything. Approximetly i get this after about 2-3 hours withevery project.After i get this error there is no chance to test movies afterwards.I see a fast flash of the loader window but it dissapears so fast i cant even really see if it is loader.
I have a 'puzzle' with the pieces 'scattered' haphazardly around. These pieces are all instances of my class, which works great for all intents and purposes. When the user selects a photo from the picture library, the pieces all properly display their 'masked' portion of the image. However, I have a problem in that the masked bitmap displayed in each piece is only 'masked' and not cropped.
This means that, for instance on the third piece down on the left hand side, 100 not-visible pixels of bitmap extend below the piece and out of the 'framed' area. This totally throws off my calculations when I go to scale and then print the screen using the AIR PrintJob, and when I scale that 'card' down to a 'button' on the menu where the user chooses which 'card' they wish to use. Is there a way to crop the not-visible area out, or copy only the visible pixels as BitmapData into a new Bitmap entity so that the layout is entirely contained within the 'frame'?
I'm working on a site for a client right now and the only thing I have left on it, is loading jpg's into the swf so they can browse items.I have code and it somewhat works I guess. It loads, but doesn't show until I click another option, then it shows for a split second before the mc is moved off stage, then it returns blank.I have this code on the main timeline not in any functions:[code]there's more to the code as an entirety but this just deals with loading the jpg into the source.images = "bars" whenever you click on the link "bars".it's not showing once it hits the frame thats supposed to show it. but when I click on (e.g: cabinets) it's shows the image a split second then it shows the cabinets part.I can go to the next part where images load into a loaded swf..
I'm doing a drawing application, and the 'paint' on it is a mask. When I try to print, it either prints only the whole mask, or only the shape, all in black.
I have a movieclip that I am masking dynamically. The reason for masking the movieclip is because it can be different heights depending on user feedback to some questions. I want to add a scrollbar if the movieclip exceeds the mask area that will allow the user to scroll to see the rest of the movieclip.
I have a DateChooser component that is on a masked layer along with TextFields. I can set Character Embedding for the TextFields and they render fine, but the DateChooser does not.
I am trying to create a very simple 'fruit/slot machine' effect using moving numbers, and a mask.I want the numbers to start at 0,000, spinning through to 1,700. The '1' and '7' work fine, but the two '00' disappear during the tween, then reappear at the end (I have a 'stop' in place).I have the spinning numbers as a 'movie clip', and I have tried uisng 4 different number clips (at the moment 1 clip is duplicated).
I am trying to take a snapshot of the masked region of an image... so, I load my image then perform the following functions:
private function manageLoadedImage(e:Event):void { _bitdata = e.currentTarget.content; // get the bitmap _bithold.addChild( _bitdata ); // add the bitmap to a sprite on the stage
I have a movie, inside that movie I have a thumbnail editor name ThumbEdit.
ThumbEdit has a movieclip on its stage called "holder1". In the document class of ThumbEdit I create a sprite "_bithold" and place it on the stage at holder1.x and holder1.y. When the image loads, I add the image to _bithold and then mask _bithold with a shape. So, I want to grab a snapshot of the masked region of _bithold but I'm not sure how I should go about doing that.
Im having problems with listening double clicks on masked obj. i have the double click enabled = true, listeners set etc, but double clicks done on a masked area are not captured.if i click outside the mask, everything works.
change the following php/AS3 to make it save the dynamically created masked image to the server instead of offering it for download? You have to pass it variables from the as3 AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST...
PHP - <?php if(isset($_FILES['Filedata'])) { // basically if file data exists to actually upload.
I have a three masked pictures all are movie clips on the main timeline and the mask works ok. The problem I am having is a set of buttons on the main timeline which allow you to move between the frames the three pictures are on. They allow me to do this ok but when the movie is started the first time one of the buttons is pressed the masked pictures can be seen on screen briefly before the screen displays the material properly.
This is the script I am currently using: room_pic.setMask("mc_mask"); mc_mask.onEnterFrame=function(){ this._x=this._x+this._xmouse*0.300000; this._y=this._y+this._ymouse*0.500000;}
I have three layers the main picture which is a bitmap; the three masked pictures are in the layer above this; and the mask object is in a layer above this and is a movieclip.
Say I have a flash project, with 3 layers (a, b, c). Layer C is the background, and A has a couple of shapes that masks B. Now I'm just wondering if there's a way to add my objects (MovieClips) to the stage using AS3 and still maintain the masks coming from A, seeing as merely putting my code in Layer B doesn't do the trick
I need to print a movieclip that has a mask, the mask is there because the content will be larger than the screen, so the movieclip has a scrollThe thing is that when I print the movieclip, it only prints the visible area (the masked one), and if I remove the mask it only prints the visible area (up the the stage height).