Flex :: Tree Won't Show Label Just Icon
Aug 5, 2011
I get the folder icon, never the label. I've tried numerous datasources, always the same thing. File, ajax call, text, it always fails.
In the code below I even set a custom handler and watch the XML come in, I set a static text label going out. Never anything shown. This happens without the label function and using labelField. Yes, I'm 100% sure the attribute matches. Again, tried with numerous different datasources.[code]...
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<services:DocumentService id="$document"/>
<s:CallResponder id="$newFolderAdded" result="$newFolderAdded_resultHandler(event)"/>
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<node label="Desktop">
<node label="Documents">
Also, I don't need to have an XML file loaded. If there's an easy way that does it all within Flash, please tell me. I just need to be able to handle events from the Tree.
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var theLabel:Label = new Label();
theLabel.id = "123";
theLabel.text = "test";
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
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PHP Code:
var blue:Sprite = new blue_mc();
var yellow:Sprite = new yellow_mc();
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Feb 3, 2010
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Mar 7, 2012
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Mar 14, 2011
I am facing some problem that I add some title widows to the ItemRenderer of tree. but some time tree don't show those tiny title windows in tree item-renderer.. is this the issue that tree re-use its renderers..(these windows are skinned like little cricles, and added specific to the data of item renderer.. these TitleWindows are added using addElement() to a s:BorderContainer in the renderer)[code]...
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Mar 16, 2012
I have drop down list if i select the Bank draft or money order it should show the description in one of the lable. it is showing now. But i want to display the description if one of the other box value is greater than 1500, actaully there are two field one field has value for Security deposit amount and second is drop down security deposit type in this if the value is > 1500 the description should show.
Field One (Input box)
Deposit amount (entering values in the box)
Field two (dropdown)
Deposit Type (Bank Draft/ Money order/Personal check)
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ActionScript Code:
IncludeInfoItems = function (bool) {
if (!bool) {
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Jan 13, 2008
I adopted the tsunami effect that i've got from this link [URL] but the problem is how can i plug the title on each icon, showing up on an icon when i point on it (on rollOver)
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Jan 18, 2011
I am loading the data externally from xml and displaying in a datagrid. I have 2 buttons addRow and deleteRow. My datagrid headertext names are "name" "age" "rollno" "image", where image also will be loading externally thru an xml file. now when i am pressing the deleteRow button, whole row is getting deleted but an image icon is still appearing under "image" headertext. It was not an actual image but a blank image icon kind of thing is appearing, how to remove the icon. i want my whole row to be deleted. but its not happening.
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Jul 5, 2010
I have a intro to a picture of a tree which has buttons on it. The intro is an embedded flv video (not using the FLV component). The video starts on frame one and runs to frame 2. The tree is on frame 3.When I click a button on the tree, it runs the respective frames then returns to the tree. When the tree appears, the sound of the video is playing in the background.How can I make this stop?
//video Mouse Click[code].....
Frame 3 just includes all the mouse clicks for the tree.
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Jan 23, 2012
In my flex datagird i have a checkbox and a datgrid with seven columns. im populating values in first five column(remaining two column no values) of datgrid by an Arraycollection. now,By clicking the checkbox i want to show all seven column values and if i uncheck five columns has to show... how its possible?? heres my code
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Nov 17, 2009
I'm trying to put some File objects into a DataGrid, but I can't find a way to display the File.icon in there.
So far I have this: (ms[x] is a File)
filename and path are displayed correctly, I just can't get the file icon to show.
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