Flex :: Add An Indicator On A Tree Node Icon?
Nov 17, 2010
I want to add an indicator on a tree node icon , meaning , for example like in eclipse when there is an error the icon get a special small indicator on the regular icon. how can i do that?
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Jan 20, 2010
OK I've got a little more research on this done so I'm going to totally rephrase the question: I have two trees, I want to be able to drag items from one tree to the other. In the receiving tree I have some logic that allows or denys the drop. I am using the native cursor feedback Like this :
When the logic determines NONE it properly rejects the item except the drop position indicator sticks like in the screenshot. I know now that neither dragComplete, nor dragDrop are being fired in this situation, so I have no function to put code into that would clean that up. So how can I listen for this drag rejection? ScreenShot shows app After drop
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Jan 14, 2010
I have an AdvancedDataGrid tree with a ArrayCollection as its dataprovider. Now, for instance, i drag a leaf from one node to another node. To catch the event I'm adding a Listener to dragComplete.
My Problem: I want to know the new node where the leaf was dropped. Actually i would have expected that in the event there is a property like dropParent. This is not the case.
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Jan 18, 2011
I have a tree im my mxml that uses a XMLListCollection as dataProvider. Itīs XML is like:
<conta nome="Plano de Contas" id="1">
<conta nome="Creditos" id="2" />
<conta nome="Vendas" id="4" />
How can I make the node for, say, id==4 visible AND selected?
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Aug 5, 2011
I get the folder icon, never the label. I've tried numerous datasources, always the same thing. File, ajax call, text, it always fails.
In the code below I even set a custom handler and watch the XML come in, I set a static text label going out. Never anything shown. This happens without the label function and using labelField. Yes, I'm 100% sure the attribute matches. Again, tried with numerous different datasources.[code]...
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Aug 8, 2010
I am having some trouble with the flex Tree control.I have a control in my system and of course it is data driven.I have a group which shows a folder icon and that's fine but it also shows an expand icon when the item has no children.I don't what it to show the expand icon when the group has no children but I do want to show the folder icon, because it is different entities in my system.
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Mar 15, 2012
I'd like to change icon of the node according to the attribute automatically/dynamically in Flex.[code]
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Apr 18, 2011
does anyone knows how i could just eliminate the folder icon of a tree control and display only the leaf? supposing i have an xml structure looking this :
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Sep 10, 2009
private var company:XML =
The Particular code adds a new node to the operations, but i want to add a node any item i select.
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Sep 6, 2010
i have a tree of nodes that i dont want some type of nodes to appear in the tree, i can check the data on tree item renderer for each specific node type, so i have one type that i dont want it to be shown as tree node, like it doesn't exist.
if(this.data.type == TypeEnum.id){
this.height = 0;
else {
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May 22, 2009
I have a Tree object in my Flex code. It's width is 100%, and it is contained by a Panel with width=200. I am using a custom itemrenderer that extends TreeItemRenderer.I need the text in each node to word wrap if it's too big (as happens often). I have triedlabel.wordWrap = true;
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Dec 16, 2010
By default, the iconFunction of List and Tree return only Class as the icon, which is for embeded images or iconUtility kindly provided by this site http:[url]...... It works very well with pre-created images.But what I really want is to accept a completely runtime generate sprite object, similar to what is done by Legend, with the color changes according to what the current status. I assume I could do something to make the ListBase to accept icon argument other than Class.
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Feb 23, 2010
I've got a couple trees that I allow a user to drag and drop from one to another, works great except one apparent limitation. I'm picking up where they drop it in the list and adding it to the dataProvider manually. The user can drop it everywhere except after the last child of any particular node it seems, since it reads that position as being between the node and it's next sibling.
It seems the best way to deal with this is to add something like a dummy leaf so the user has something to drop the item in front of. I don't want this leaf in the dataProvider, so is it possible to add a leaf (or a folder) to the tree without adding it to the dataProvider?
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Aug 31, 2010
i gave the tree an ArrayCollection as dataprovider that i pulled from the database, and it contains the children, but the discloser icon wont disappear on an object that doesn't have a child.i think the problem is that the renderer doesn't recognize the leaf child, wich contains a children array of length 0, or null......
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Feb 11, 2011
I have a tree with nodes , and a delete button , first user select the node and click this delete button , I want this node to be removed from the tree , Its not XML , every node in tree is of type Object
I tried delete myTree.selectedItem (but compiler wont let me do it) also tried myTree.selectedItem = null (just unselects the item)and also how can I access reference to parent object of myTree.selectedItem ?
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Aug 20, 2010
I am currently developing a dynamic LineChart in FLEX 4.I am implementing a Tree control next to my LineChart, which will filter the LineChart dataprovider and lineseries. The tree control has several branches and ultimately 5 children (leaf nodes) at the bottom of the last branch.I need the leaf node/children to be displayed as checkboxes inside the tree control.As I understand,this will require overrides in the TreeItemRenderer class.This is where I am a little confused on how to implement that.Currently I can distinguish between leaf and branches using this code, in my main MXML component.I added this because it may be helpful to some beginning FLEXdevelopers, such as myself, who cannot easily find this functionality documented well:
private function treeClick(e:ListEvent):void {
_selectedItem = Tree(e.currentTarget).selectedItem;
if(mainTree.dataDescriptor.isBranch(_selectedItem)) {[code].....
I am looking at the TreeItemRenderer override class from the following example here: In the example, they override the "createChildden" super function to add checkboxes to the tree control.My question is, can I override the createChildren function directly in my MXML component, and not have to use an entire class file to override this functionality? Must I re-invent the wheel to do this?Also, how can I distinguish that my treeItem is a leaf node and not a parent, in the override function? I only want to add checkboxes to the leaf nodes, how can I differentiate? The following example adds checkboxes to all branches and leaf nodes, but I want to add checkboxes only to leaf node/children. How would you approach that?
override protected function createChildren( ): void
super.createChildren( );[code]............
Here is my tree tag:
<mx:Tree id="mainTree" dataProvider="{treeData}" itemRenderer="TreeCheckBoxItemRenderer" labelField="@label" showRoot="false" width="100%" height="100%" itemClick="treeClick(event)" />
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Jan 27, 2010
I have a Tree Control on which I let user add some nodes. When a node gets added I want to let the user edit the added control right away. How do I get the itemEditorInstance of a just added xml node?
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Oct 26, 2010
I'm using a flex combobox component in Flex builder 3 with sdk 3.4 and I'm trying to use it to expand and select the tree node that the user selected in the combobox component on the change event. However, I'm getting an error when I go to assign the combobox seletedItem to the tree selectedItem. Can you please help? What am I doing wrong?
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Feb 16, 2011
I have inherited a Flex air project and have not worked with trees before. The tree is displaying an xml file hierarchically. The user can make a change to the data. I need to save the data of the entire tree to a file.I can save the currently selected item to a file, no problem. But I need to save all the data from the root of the tree, forward.I would think I could make a copy of the tree, and set the selected item of my new tree to root, or something. Sort of like this pseudo code:
var treeToSave:Tree = new Tree (editedTree);
treeToSave.selectedIndex = 0;
// now save treeToSave to file...
This creates a compile error, but hopefully you can see what I'm trying to do.
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Apr 18, 2011
I need to have link buttons at end of each parent node as shown below:
-->(Parent)IBM Machines (rename | delete | disable)
Child 1 Child 2 Child 3
-->(Parent)Sony ( rename | delete | disable)
Child 1 Child 2 Child 3
Rename ,delete and disable are supposed to be link buttons. I have tried with label function and other methods also but not able get the exact requirement.
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Aug 1, 2011
If i want check parent node checkbox means below childerns checkbox will select automatic .[code]...
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Jun 24, 2009
I have a partially populated Tree component and I have to invoke a remote service when User expand (not when he select) a node to retrieve it's leafs. How I know witch node have bee selected.
I'm using Flex 3.3.
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Dec 27, 2010
The tree should have a minimum row count of 4 and a maximum of 10 (beyond which it should display the scroll bars). So, I have a tree with rowCount="4" and I want rowCount to change up to "10" depending on the currently expanded nodes. In debug I can see two of the tree's properties which I could use[code]...
But these are not accessible from outside so I can't find a way to understand if the tree is expanded or not.
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May 26, 2011
I want to have a tree node renderer which act as follow :Clicking on it change the node height.I have tried as follow : to create a custom class derived from UIComponentand then insert it inside the tree node renderer, but because of some reason it doesn't work as I expected.Here's the code :
import flash.display.Sprite;
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Jan 26, 2011
i have a Flex tree control and im trying to select a tree node 3 levels down right after the dataProvider is assigned with a collection object like the following.basically treeItem1, treeItem2, treeItem3 are the nodes in the tree and treeitem3 is a child of treeItem2 which is a child of treeItem1. Assume these treeItem(1,2,3) are referenced correctly from the collection items.
my problem is that if i wait for the whole component to load completely then select the nodes, it open/select/scrolltoIndex correctly. However, if i were to select the node right after the dataProvider is assigned, then it doesn't even open or select (basically the this.treeService.selectedItem is always null).
this.treeService.dataProvider = oPricingHelper.getCurrentPricingSercicesTreeSource();
this.treeService.expandItem(treeItem1, true);
this.treeService.expandItem(treeItem2, true);
this.treeService.selectedItem = treeItem3;
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May 20, 2010
I have a Flex tree with an ArrayCollection as data provider. The ArrayCollection is composed by objects linked eachother by the "children" field (that is an Array containing other children objects)
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May 28, 2011
I am looking for the function or event, which is called when tree node is expanded/colapsed inside Tree object in Flex 4.5.
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Jun 16, 2010
I have a flex tree that worked perfectly fine when we set the defaultLeafIcon={null} and the folderClosedIcon and folderOpenIcon to {null}. We decided to put the icons back in and took out the nulls. Now they show up fine, but if you click on the icon instead of the label or the rest of the row, it seems to change the selected item, shows the highlight around the new item, but doesn't dispatch the ItemClick event. This makes it really hard to know that the tree's selected item has changed!
The weird part is that once you have clicked on the icon once and it looked like the selectedItem changed (or at least it applied that style), if you click the same icon again, it will actually fire the itemClick event. if you click any other icon, it does the same thing again, switching the selectedItem and styling that row, but not firing the itemClick event.
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May 4, 2009
I'm using the tree component for a little Windows Parody I'm making. In my .fla, There's a tree component that loads an external XML file. I can't figure out how to add custom icons to my component, though.I know it's possible to set the icons for just the default folder and file icons, but since it's a Windows Parody, there'll be different icons for different file types, folder types, etc.In other words, I'd like to have a different icon for every item in my Tree component.
Here are the contents of my XML file:
<node label="Desktop">
<node label="Documents">
Also, I don't need to have an XML file loaded. If there's an easy way that does it all within Flash, please tell me. I just need to be able to handle events from the Tree.
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Mar 14, 2012
Introduction: I have a flat ArrayCollection of object's, which i group to create the dataProvider for an AdvancedDataGrid. In this AdvancedDataGrid i have different branches representing different type of tasks. I want to conditionally change the icon for the leaf nodes in the AdvancedDataGrid based on a date field stored in each object.For this purpose lets say each Task object contains an id and an updatedDate (Representing when the task was last updated). If the task has not been updated in the last five days (updatedDate+5 < today) the icon of that leaf node(Task) should be red, in constrast to the opposite the leaf icon in the AdvancedDatagrid should be green, e.g. like the image below. In this case task 35 has not been updated in the last 5 days, while 13 and 39 have.
Question: How do i change the leaf icons in the ADG based on the updatedDate of the underlying object? I would think that i have to extend AdvancedDataGrid and override some method, but which and how?I have seen easy ways of changing the open and closed icons on the web, but no way of conditionally changing an open node's icon :)
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