ActionScript 2.0 :: Include In A Class The Implementation Of The OnLoad Function Of The XML Class?
Dec 14, 2005how to include in a class the implementation of the onLoad function of the XML class. I have something like:
how to include in a class the implementation of the onLoad function of the XML class. I have something like:
I'm trying to call a function with a onLoad function in a Class
XML_var.onLoad = function(success) {
I have created the following classes for sharing images. They implement an interface, but I need a way of switching between them with user interaction. I've done it the following way:As you can see, service 1 and service 2 implement iSharingServices, and inherit from PolimorphSharing.PolimorphSharing is simply and an abstract class that implements the methods I want public from Service 1 and Service 2. Those methods will then be overridden on the Service 1 and Service 2. Because I need a way to switch the service in runtime, I've created a gateway class that inherits from PolimorphSharing. I can then call it the following way:
private var sharingService:PolimorphSharing = new SharingServicesGW('svc1').createService();
This all works flawlessly, and I can now switch between services with no problem whatsoever. However, I feel there's something wrong about it, so I would like to ask you guys for some advice on how to better implement this.
Just adding some more insight to this. Basically the idea here is for my client to be able to upload images with various different public sharing services such as imageshack, imgur etc. I want my client to be able to select the service in which the image is to be published to (hence the "switching between them with user interaction" bit of the question.
The method that does the uploading bit, is requestShareImage(), processResults() simply turns whatever gets returned to a unique format, so my client can read off it always the same way. getObject() is my accessor, and onIOError will handle exceptions with any of the public API's
I'm trying to implement class ImageViewer in AS2 (Actionscript 2).Here is the full source attached:
I receive an error.I'm not sure if container_mc is the instance name of the image that is converted in movieclip symbol.
I am working on a project were I'd like to implement a sort of MVC. The idea is the following: have a Viewer app that connects to a database and reads the object to be displayed (based on some ID); have a Setter app that connects to the database and sets the object to be displayed for a particular ID.
What i am trying to do is have an interface that declares common methods for the Object class (like draw, etc.) and have implementations of that interface be loaded dynamically from the database in the Viewer.
I am writting an image gallery that loads one intial xml file named galleries.xml.From this point each xml node loads a XMl file for that gallery that holds all the images.The problem arises in the fact that to do this I need a onload function within an onload function.Onload functions dont accept parameters so I can pass down the variable that shows what loop the gallery loop is on as I need that in the function that holds the images.
View 4 Replieshave read the brilliant OOP for actionscript 1 tutorial from cover to cover and it has me enormouslyMy problem is with a class i wrote called frameSound which extends the Sound object. Well that was the plan but.. it doesn't seem to react to the onLoad event. Here's the code:
//custom frameSound class constructor.
frameSound = function(){
My problem is with a class i wrote called frameSound which extends the Sound object. Well that was the plan but.. it doesn't seem to react to the onLoad event. Here's the code:
//custom frameSound class constructor.
frameSound = function(){
how do use a function from a doc class.... to call a function to work on in
I'm building an external class file that other developers can use to include a set of functions that essentially read and write data to MySQL via PHP.
The idea is that their AS2 script calls a method in my class which uses LoadVars to verify the data passed to it and write it to a database, and then it returns a value back to the AS.
I'm having a problem where the delay in waiting for OnLoad means that the calling AS function gets an undefined value back. i.e.
var returnValue=myClass.myMethod(params);
This (I assume) is setting returnValue instantly, despite the fact that LoadVars can take a little while to work.
What's the recommended/normal way to deal with this? I don't want to have to bring the OnLoad part of the process back into the developer's script, it would be nice to keep it all in the class. is there a way to make the calling script wait for a response?
Is there a conflict with using an include statement in a frame script when you have a document class? We have an include statement in the main timeline that works fine when there is no document class. But when we add a document class we get:
"Error 1068: Unable to open included file . . . .".
Say I have the following set up of classes.
Road - extends MovieClip Car - extends Road
Controller - extends Car
And I want to incorporate some common Mathematical functions in them all to make them faster e.g.(replacing Math classes with some speedy bitwise versions).
What is the best way to incorporate these functions into all of them without writing the functions in the classes or extending from class of the functions. Is importing the class into each the fastest way or is their a better way?
If I have three classes:
public class Example {
public function Example () {
You can see that the two last classes extend the first one, and both have the 'variable' property. In case that I have an instance of Example and I am sure it is also an ExtendedExample OR AnotherExtendedExample instance, is there some way to access the 'variable' property? Something like
function functionThatReceivesAnExtendedExample (ex:Example):void {
if(some condition that I may need) {
public class Character{
protected var _hp:uint = 50; //Character Health Points
protected var _power:uint = 5; //Damage dealt
I`m instancing a Character and a Player in the Main Timeline, all in frame 1.
When I use: ""player.attack(character)"" it works fine by itself.
So I added the if (defender._hp <= 0) which gives me the following error:
1061: Call to a possibly undefined method win through a reference with static type Character.
"defender" is a Character instance, "this" is a Player instance and "win()" is a Player method. I try to call the Player method inside a Character method using the Player instance adding the "." and his method name
Do I really need to define the win() function in the Character class? Is there a bypass to use a subclass method in a parent class method if it`s called from an instance of the subclass?
I was wondering why my current code for calling a setInterval on a function doesn't work inside my class.I have this code inside one function, calling a second function.
intID = setInterval(selfReferential, dupe, 30, 0x000000);
The selfReferential keyword refers to the current class,but was defined previously (selfReferential = this; ).I get no errors, but the dupe() function is never called.and I had the selfReferential variable replaced with the this keyword at one point as well.
I'm not sure that I'm on the right track here. I've got what is essentially a 'gateway' movieclip and depending on the CLICK a corresponding movieclip (form) is loaded -- these all being in their own AS file. There are multiple corresponding pages that will all load/close in their own fashion but the 'gateway' will reload in it's own function-- consequently, I have this function on the main_AS. Can I trigger this function from the sub class or do I need to move the 'reload' function to a 'reload' class.
View 2 RepliesI've been searching around trying to work this out for a while now. There's been various ideas popping up, like dispatchEvent etc but nothing that seems to be a clear, simple way of doing this.What I'm trying to do is call a function from a class seperate (but in the same folder as) my document class.Specifically, I want to 'spawn' an object and run a function within that object's class from my snippet I have at the moment is as follows;
var object:class_Object = new class_Object();
How can I run function of the main document class from a class of a MovieClip? I usually just used MovieClip(parent).function(), but now my MovieClip has another parent. Or what do I have to pass to the MovieClip class when creating the MovieClip to acess the main document class?
View 9 RepliesI keep getting an "undefined property" error when I try to call an external function from within the Doc class. I added the error message to the Doc Class below so you can see where it occurs.
If I take the code from the below and place it on the FLA's main timeline I can get things working fine, but I would like to move all script to classes. The document class structure looks like this:
package {
import Tooltip;// Import custom class
public class Drag_and_Drop extends MovieClip {
I realize that I could just combine all the code in the Doc class to get it working, but it would be nice to separate out this particular code which has only one use.
Lets say I have a Main Document Class called Main. I also have a child class called childClass that call a function from the Main class and is also imported in the Main class. How should I call the function? I tried this , but when calling the function, it's getting me error.
Main class :
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import com.childClass;
I'm trying to have a class reference a variable within the document class and have scoured the web but can't seem to find a solution. It seems relatively simple, but is a major stumbling block for me.
I want the variable in the doc class to increment each time a draggable object is within bounds and snapped to a box in the subclass. By tracking successful snaps, the objects will be placed one under the other each time.
I have a Document class that instantiates a class named Other. I need to call a function in the Other class from the Document class.I'm getting this error: Call to a possibly undefined method OtherFunction through a reference with static type Other.I have read online that you need to use make the functions static or use a getter function but I'm unclear how to do that. I haven't been able to make it work and I feel like i'm missing something fundemental with this problem.below are simplified versions of the classes.
Document class
package {[code]......
I have a document class called In the class constructor I have the following listener:
enter code here
var listeningFORModeChangeToStudent:Sprite = new Sprite;
In a third class I make a call to the despatcher in the previous class:
enter code here
var ThisTellAllModeChangeToStudent:TellAllModeChangeToStudent = new TellAllModeChangeToStudent;
I have trace statements in eveything and from this I know the despatcher in TellAllModeChangeToStudent is being called.The problem is that the listener in the is not calling the function exp.I cant see why and I dont know how to check if the listener is actually seeing the dispatch event?
can i call a class public function from another class? what's the cleaniest solution to do that?
a button wich is istanced in Menu, run showTheThumbs method, in Thumbs.
My first experience is build an aquarium with a lot of fish swimming, and they can be clicked. When one of them is clicked we should receive a trace message saying ("I�m a Fish!"). To do this, I thought that the best way will be:
1- create a document class, named
2- create a base class, named
2- create a movie clip with a fish.
3- export the movieclip to actionscript. In the mc properties set Class as "fish" and Base Class as "Clicked".
I want to call a function that is inside in a document class from another class how can i do this ??
View 1 Repliesi have a game that i want to put load screen on, which i created a separate class for. first the main class is initialized and in the constructor function, it does an addChild(loadScreen) which places an instance of the loadScreen MC on the stage. within the loadScreen is a "Play Button" that when a user presses this button i want it to continue startGame in the Main class. the way i tried it was Main.startGame from the loadScreen class, but that obviously does not work. is it possible to call a function from a different class.i have three files:
the file:
import flash.text.*;
import flash.display.*;
I'm trying to do this,
instance is a public static variable on the default class, Main. I can do Main.instance.defaultClassFunction() with no problems at all, I use it to access functions and variables from within other classes. Is it possible to use this method to call a function on the subclass, currently I have to do this,
I have a two classes. One is linked to a menu and controls that. The other is linked to a 'viewer' movieclip. At the start (in the contructor function of the classes that relates to that mc) the 'viewer' mc feeds off an XML document, and an image is loaded into itself. When I click on a menu tab I want the image to change.
Both the viewer mc and the menu mc are on stage already. I tried to import the viewer classes into the menu class...
My question today revolves around a CustomEvent I'm trying to send from one sub Class to another.
I've used my CustomEvent class to pass an event from a sub Class to my main class fine, but I'm not sure who to do that between sub classes.
My Custom Event Class
package {
public class CustomEvent extends Event