ActionScript 2.0 :: Increase _alpha To Certain Percent?
Jan 19, 2004
im using the current code on an mc to fade in
this._alpha = 0
fadespeed = 15;
_alpha += fadespeed;
} [/AS]
how can i make this increment until it reaches 75% instead of 100?
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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
strDnk = "dnk"+(_currentframe-1);
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if ( == 100) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
speed = 50;[code]....
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ActionScript Code:
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
_alpha = 0;
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function swapScreen(swapType:String, ID:String, screen:String):Void
if (swapType == "swap")
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if (loaded) {
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Jun 20, 2007
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firstMC.on(_alpha==0) = secondMC.beginFade;
EDIT: I don't want to put any code on movie clips -- my code all runs from the root/main timeline.
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Dec 12, 2007
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var mc_top:MovieClip;
mc_top._alpha = 68;
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But now the _alpha setting isn't shown??
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img1.onEnterFrame = function() {
this._alpha +=10;
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Aug 20, 2007
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//define and set current section variable
var w:Number = 1;[code].....
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Oct 22, 2002
why this makes all the created movieClips have an _alpha = to 20, instead of just the one I RollOver?
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Mar 4, 2010
mainBar.onRollOver = function()
mainBar._alpha = 100;
mainBar.onRollOut = function()
mainBar._alpha = 0;
My mainBar(movieClip type) consists of several buttons. If i don't put the codes above, the buttons would work as per normal. but if i put these codes, the buttons do not respond when i click on them. I want to make the mainBar, which is some sort of a control bar, transparent when the mouse cursor is not over it. when the mouse cursor is over it, then it will re-appear. but the buttons on the control bar doesn't seem to work when i try to use this feature.
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Mar 27, 2004
In the library, I have a movie clip - DraggableButton that has OnPress with StartDrag with parameters and OnRelase with StopDrag. I have a slider with this Draggable button and a bar to slide the button on. I also have two movie clips Clip1 and Clip2. In my main movie I have two instances MC1 and MC2 of Clip1 an Clip2. I have an instance of the Slider. I want to set the _alpha property of MC1 and MC2 depending on the location of the button on the slider.
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Dec 24, 2011
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Feb 18, 2011
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Jan 11, 2010
like object.width = 20% but that does not work
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Jun 3, 2006
whats wrong with this code:
var: myMCL:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
myMCL1 = new Object();
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Jun 21, 2011
I need to convert a value that I have loaded from an ArcGIS Server and convert it to a percentage. The data loads just fine and on the mouse over I see the correct data I just need to make it a percentage on line 27.
I am using Flash Builder 4 and the ArcGIS API for Flex.
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Aug 7, 2010
I have a vertical list of movieclips added to the stage all spaced out evenly from top to bottom based of the last movieclips position. I also have defined a center Y point which I would like to find out the percentage of each clip away from that center point. The reason for this number is to scale everything from the center point which is scale 1 then they next item from the center would scale to a percentage from the center point. each clips scaling percentage would be based off of how far they are from the center point in each direction. Keeping in mind the center point is always scale to 1. I also want to make sure my scale never goes below 0.3 so the range has to be between 0.3 and 1 my centerY is also not half the height of the content but a number I decide. AS it the content might be 1000 in height but the center point could be set to 300.
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