I am trying to manipulate the following code so I can use the mouse wheel with the scroller. I am not sure how to link the two. The scroll bar works fine, I was just wondering if there is a small bit of code that will allow me to do this.
I have a spark List with an item renderer and a tile layout. If I scroll by clicking with the mouse on the scroll bar and trying to scroll with the mouse wheel after that, there is a problem: The interval of the scrolling is oversized, instead of scrolling one item down (or up) the List scrolls 4 items down (or up).
I found this wonderful little game on Newgrounds which somehow allows the user to scroll the mouse wheel without scrolling the HTML page.URL...Does anyone know how they've done this? I know its not a javascript solution because while the game is loading, you can scroll up and down the HTML page (even if your mouse focus is set to the SWF). But as soon as the game starts and initiates, the mouse wheel only affects the SWF and not the HTML.
I'm pretty familiar with Actionscript, and this one has me completely stumped. What I'm trying to do is to prevent people from scrolling a TextArea with their mouse wheel, as the TextArea is inside of a ScrollPane, and at the moment scrolling one will scroll the other (double scrolling). Initially I tried[code]...
im working on a website with a fullscreen toggle feature.On one of the page i got a textfield that gets all the text from an external xml file.I created a custom scrollbar that will allow scrolling for the textfield.Im looking for a way to disable to option of mouse wheel scrolling.When i publish the movie and use the html file it doesnt allow mouse scrolling but when i go to full screen and i try to scroll using the mouse wheel the textbox is scrolling, the problem is that my custom scrollbar isn't. is there a way to make sure that the scrolling will be disabled at all time ?
Is it possible to disable mousewheel scrolling on my webpage while the cursor is over my flex application?
My flex application is a map that allows user to zoom in and out using the mousewheel; however, when I put my flex app onto my webpage, the scrollwheel causes the page to scroll instead of zooming in and out.[code]...
How can I tell when I have reached the bottom of the dynamic text(agreeText) when using the mouse wheel. I have a scroll bar(scroller) and to know when I get to the bottom I use the follow...
ActionScript Code: scroller.addEventListener('scroll', evokeAgreement); function evokeAgreement(evt){ if(scroller.scrollPosition > 164) ....
I have been trying to find a way to make my flash slider bar work with the mouse wheel, but can't find how to integrate with the code I already have.
ActionScript Code: scrolling = function () { var scrollHeight:Number = scrollTrack._height; var contentHeight:Number = contentMain._height; var scrollFaceHeight:Number = scrollFace._height; var maskHeight:Number = maskedView._height; [Code] .....
I download .fla with working scrolling script and optimized it under my project.All would be good, but theres no mouse wheel support. I'm trying to get it, but i can't.
My code:
ActionScript Code: scrolling = function () { var scrollHeight:Number = scrollTrack._height; var contentHeight:Number = contentMain._height;
I have an Application displaying a spark.List. Every item of my list must be visible (no vertical scroll).
I need my Application to be scrollable in a web browser, so I've add a Scroller containing all my components. When the browser window is too small to contain all my application, scrollBar appears.
Essentially, I have flash content that scrolls on mouse wheel. It works fine, unless there is other content in the browser such that the browser's scrollbar is enabled - when that is the case, both the browser window AND my SWF scroll on mouse wheel. Is there any way to correct this behavior?
Similar question asked here:
disable mouse wheel scrolling while cursor over flex app?
which references the solution blogged about here:
But the solution does not work on all browsers! While it works on some Windows browsers, it doesn't work at all on Mac OS X - it registers mouse wheel events in Firefox, but they are not getting fired at all in Chrome and Safari.
Now I know that (per the official Adobe InteractiveObject docs) mouse wheel is supposedly only supported on Windows systems, but the event is still fired by default on Mac OS X. Is this simultaneous scroll bug the reason it is not supported?
Edit: adding more info on above solution...
Note that the above solution basically uses ExternalInterface to send the following JavaScript to the "eval" function:
var browserScrolling; function allowBrowserScroll(value) { browserScrolling = value;
I am experiencing no scrolling below a certain scroll velocity on both mouse and trackpad on my Macbook in Safari 4.I have the mouse wheel events working on my mac through the javascript bridge from http:[url]..... I also have normalized the delta in my actionscript to be -2 if below 0, and +2 if above 0. Testing the delta on the javascript side, the mouse wheel at the slowest I can scroll it reads well above or below 0, and the trackpad reads around .025 to -.025... so I'm wondering why is it that Safari doesn't see this until higher speeds?Scrolling works, I just have to give the wheel some speed before it kicks in. It works perfectly in Firefox.
I know this is simple but I dont know how to do it. code so that when you scroll the mouse wheel up and down, the number in a dynamic text box will also go up and down relevant to which direction you scroll the wheel on the mouse.
I searched for this a lot, but I couldn't find a solution for this 'bug' as it's called here:click on first flash, and use mouse wheel, then click on second flash and use mouse wheel again. Now You know perfectly what 'bug' I mean.The thing is, I believe this bug can be solved WITHOUT externalinterface. This chat is made with AS 3:pen 'codebox', hold ENTER to make a hundred of lines or so, and then test your mouse wheel.It doesn't use any externalinterface technique (both obviously as it's Kongregate, and confirmed by author), just mx.component.textArea that itself implements the scrolling nicely.I couldn't achieve that with even.preventDefault or stopPropagation.
I have researched the infamous 'Flash hogging keyboard focus' issue, but I believe our issue may involve a workaround that someone else has already come across. I've tried the various solutions I've found on stackoverflow and other sites, which I summarize below.We have a web app, and a particular interface loads several divs that we are using as "tabs". When a user clicks one of the tabs, we hide the current div and un-hide the new one. Our main tab (which is loaded when the page loads) embeds a document from Scribd, which is loaded as a Flash movie. When a user clicks on the Flash movie, they scroll with the mouse/keyboard like normal, and when they click outside of the document control returns as expected.When they navigate to another tab and then return to the original tab and click on the embedded Flash to navigate within it, the embedded Flash steals control of the mouse scroll and won't let it go. The user can click in this document and scroll with the arrow keys and then click out of the document and scroll the parent window with the arrow keys, but mouse scrolling is still bound to the embedded Flash movie. The only remedy is a hard page refresh.[code]This doesn't work -- I can confirm that the element is removed from the DOM, but when it is returned to the DOM it hogs mouse scrolling when clicked just like before.I also tried a similar solution, but instead of removing the element I called [code]
i recently doing a custom scroll bar with mouse wheel,i succes to make it scroll and wheel in internet explorer, but when it come to firefox, it can't wheel but can scroll. I wonder how can i solve this problem.Here is the script ( it actually the tutorial from kirupa, i remember some people have post it before, but i wonder he/she can wheel in firefox.)
scrolling = function () { var scrollHeight:Number = scrollTrack._height; var contentHeight:Number = contentMain._height;[code]....
I have a map application that when I use the mouse wheel the map will scale up or scale down. The next thing I want to do is to focus on the mouse pointer while zooming on the part of the map.
I have this code...
function focusMousePosition(){ onMouseMove = function (){ Stage.width = _root._xmouse; Stage.height = _root._ymouse; updateAfterEvent(); }} var mouseWheelListener = new Object();var wheelNum:Number; mouseWheelListener.onMouseWheel = function(wheelNum){ focusMousePosition(); if (wheelNum > 0){ map._xscale *= 0.9; map._yscale *= 0.9; }else{ map._xscale *= 1.1; map._yscale *= 1.1; }}Mouse.addListener(mouseWheelListener);
how I would add scroll wheel capability to the scrolling? I've tried a few methods, but I'm not very good at class based coding, and from I've read, it's necessary to perform that function.
The problem with this code is that it scales from the registration point (0,0). Due to the other transformations I'm doing to this image at various times, it isn't possible to move the registration point. The image is larger than the stage and the user is able to drag it around. I want the mouse wheel to zoom in on the place the mouse is hovering over (or at a minimum...the center of the "view" they have...aka the stage)I tried doing this:
Code: internalPoint = new Point(Map.mouseX, Map.mouseY); externalPoint = new Point(stage.mouseX, stage.mouseY); var matrix:Matrix = Map.transform.matrix;
Which, incidentally, I'm using that whole portion of code to zoom into the state they will be in when they use the mouse wheel.
Using a common flash 3d library such as Papervision3d or away3d & as3dmod or better create a Flash 3d object manipulator that:[code]Finally Allows a user to capture & download a picture of said object after manipulation
I would like to use the mouse wheel with a quiz I've been making.I have it set up so when you roll the mouse up it goes to the next question and when you roll it down it goes back to the previous question.It isn't working as I would like though, It doesn't scroll through increments of 1 - theres 50 questions in the test and its scrolling through them like this 1,2,4,8,16,32,FinishedIf anybody knows a way I could use the mouse wheel to scroll through the quiz.
I made a very simple AS3 event simply for demonstrating what I'm trying to ask.
import flash.events.Event; import flash.events.MouseEvent; addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, mousewheel_csel); function mousewheel_csel(event:MouseEvent) { var delta:int = -event.delta; trace("delta:"+delta); }
I made a full screen flash site (100% width and height), and I was hoping I could scroll it simply with the wheel, even before clicking on the site. It seems it only works if I click first, then I can scroll as intended. Is there any way to avoid clicking first this? I tried embedding with and without SWFObject 2.2.
I think the root of the problem is that my flash does not have focus, and clicking gives that. Is there any way to give focus to it?
I'm new to flash (as a developer, downloaded it 2 hours ago... :-p) and I've been customizing controls that I am already familiar with... It was a pleasant surprise to know that Flash Professional CS5 supports keyboard shortcut remapping, however I can't seem to get it to map Ctrl+Mouse wheel Up as Zoom in, and Ctrl+Mouse Wheel Down as zoom out...
ive been trying to modify this text drag script to enable it to use the mouse wheel. ive managed to make it scroll with the mouse, but i cant seem to make it limit itself to the boundaries of the mask, like the dragger behaves. it just keeps scrolling upwards or downwards to infinity. i was thinking if there was a way to make it behave like the dragger.here is the script if u want to take a look. at the bottom i added the mousewheel listener and attached it to the dragger, and it works perfectly, but as i said, it doesnt stop like when you click it and drag it.
I have an issue with a scrollbar I have placed inside an MC.The MC has an EVENTLISTENER attached to it, so that if you MOUSEOUT of the MC the MC closes.However if I use the scroll wheel up & down too intensely on the scroller area, the MC thinks I am mousing outside stage at top or bottom, and the EVENTLISTENER fires.
Iam using a scroll on mouse wheel function. it is working fine in Flash as well as in html published in Flash but with other html only the scroll for html is working even mouse wheeled in ScrollMC. What wud be the problem wether html r flash script needs to be changed?