ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Centered Popup Window - Buttons Don't Open / Replace Past That One Popup
Jul 6, 2004
i'm using the centered pop up window script from: [URL]. i have multiple buttons in my flash movie which open screenshot html pages in external browser windows. the script works fine except when a popup window stays open. the rest of the buttons don't open/replace past that one popup. i tried changing the window name in the onRelease script to screen1, screen2, etc for each button, but that didn't work.
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Jul 6, 2004
I'm using the centered pop up window script from: [URL]. I have multiple buttons in my flash movie which open screenshot html pages in external browser windows. The script works fine except when a popup window stays open. The rest of the buttons don't open/replace past that one popup. I tried changing the window name in the onRelease script to screen1, screen2, etc for each button, but that didn't work.
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Sep 11, 2009
I'm using this code in Flash to popup a window:
on (release) {
var jscommand:String = "'[URL]','win','height=550,width=830,toolbar =no,scrollbars=yes');"; getURL("javascript:" + jscommand + " void(0);");
The code is in 10 different buttons, each loading a different content for the same popup window. In Safari, if I click on the parent window and then click on another button, the popup window will come back on top of all other pages automatically, but it does not work with Firefox. In Firefox, the popup window will stay behind the parent window. I'd like for the popup window to be always centered on any screen.
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Oct 19, 2004
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May 13, 2004
How to make a centered pupup window. I kinda got it working. But when I test the movie out a blank page with the word "object" in the left corner appears behind the photo-gallery I have in the popup. When I upploaded it and tried if it would work "on the net" the button that brings up the popup does nothing.
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Feb 1, 2007
I used the tutorial to create a centered popup window as explained in the tutorial below http:[url].... , and it worked just fine in IE and Thunderbird.What i wanted to do next was to make that popup fill the entire screen, and I did that by changing the width and height values in the AS to screen.width/height, and that worked perfectly in Thunderbird, but it doesn't work in IE.
PS. The status bar at the bottom of the window stays there no matter the value I assign it in both of the browsers; why is that?
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Dec 12, 2011
I need to close the popup(adobe flex), non modal window if I click on the parent page of the popup. I have to do the out of focus check and then do some validation before close the popup. So what I was thinking that is there any inbuilt focus check event or do we need to create custom event for that?
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Jul 1, 2009
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Nov 19, 2010
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Oct 26, 2005
I have a flash banner and when I click on it,I would like to open a website page inside a popup.
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Oct 4, 2004
I read this: "JavaScript is interpreted by the browser, so whenever you call JavaScript code from the Flash movie you'll have to embed the movie into a HTML document first."
What do you do if your document doesn't have a html file and you need to open a popup window from flash? My document is .exe ..
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Apr 9, 2011
Not a URL, but just a swf file in a popup window. Using ActionScript3.0
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Oct 13, 2011
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Oct 21, 2004
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May 10, 2010
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Jun 10, 2010
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Mar 4, 2011
If you create a popup via:[code]It will create a popup and bring it on top of any other visual piece. I have one problem though. This 'popup' needs to stay up even when the user interacts with the background.I would use modal, but I need the ability to interact with the back. Any way to tell the popup manager not to remove the popup when the user clicks off of it?
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Jun 18, 2009
I can only do so much with flash. I am having issues with linking to a video. Here is my question: please refer to [URL] and click on the video link. I have 3 videos that I want people to view when they click on the links:
- SI TU T'EN VAS (2001)
- GWADA (2004)
- JODIA (2008)
I need the links to be able to open a popup window in flash with 320X240 in size.
1- I imported each video in flash (separatly) using the 30rates/frames, progressive dowload from webserver. (the usual).
2- I allready uploaded the videos (.swf and .flv) on the server (
3- In my main file, I created a button for each one of the links above using the invisible button with their own instances. they are each on a different layer.
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Aug 5, 2008
I am trying to get a html popup window to open when my movie hits a certain frame instead of a button. Im using the following code but it uses a button instead of a frame to open the popup.
on (release) {
customize the window that gets opened
0 equals NO.[code]........
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Oct 30, 2009
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Jan 31, 2012
I am trying to figure out how to open a pop up window in my Air application, in a secondary Window, instead of the main application window.I am using the ReusableFX components, which include a custom DataGrid with filtering and other capabilities. The filtering feature displays a pop up window via PopUpManager when you click on the top of a column in the grid.
PopUpManager.addPopUp(this, FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication as DisplayObject);
The problem is that the pop up window opens in the main application - I am assuming because of the 'topLevelApplication' reference.So, I need a way to open this window in the current Air "s:Window". I am assuming I need a way to walk up : this.parent.parent or this.owner.owner - though I have tried that and it did not seem to work (it said null reference).OR, is there a way to get the current top most window / component (NOT the main application / window)?
Update:I decided to create a new project for the component, and add in the Air libraries. Now I am able to access the "NativeApplication.nativeApplication.activeWindow" call. That gives me the correct Air window. However, it does not seem to be working:
PopUpManager.addPopUp(this, NativeApplication.nativeApplication.activeWindow as DisplayObject);
My popup does not appear. I am assuming because "activeWindow" is not actually a DisplayObject?(so how do I get the DisplayObject if that's the case?)
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Jun 2, 2010
Basically, I've built an application which is working fine. I have a 'settings' button that overlays a settings window, semi transparent, over the main application, that has some buttons on it.The problem I'm having is that the buttons on the main window are still selectable, which I don't want. How can I get it to stop tracking the buttons underneath my overlay window?
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Jul 16, 2008
I am trying to use a centered popup windows form here [URL] but some parameter passed to the popup seems not to work. The popup still show the address bar and the status bar under ie7 and firefox 3. I am using flash 9 and AS2.
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Nov 7, 2009
i hate auto-launching anything. i hate popups. my client wants both. i know how to launch a centered popup with the click of a button, but i don't know how to launch a centered popup once a movie gets to a certain frame on a timeline... probably really easy,
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