ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Works In Flash But Not Online?

Jul 10, 2007

I just discovered a strange thing : I have a preloader in all my swfs. All work great online and when I test the swf or the preview in html exepted 1 : the first swf to be loaded called homepage.Here is the schema of the site : HTML page is linked ( with a enter btn)to the 1st swf called Homepage. No preloader gets visible and so, the swf takes a long time to load after clicking the enter button of the html page.Note : the html page is visible until the swf is totally loaded....

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Swf Works In Flash App But Not Online?

Sep 18, 2009

In The Flash Application, my gallery is working as it is meant to. Yet, when I upload the swf to the live site, the first image, text and movie of my gallery works but it refuses to scroll to the next item in my XML.
I have given it an absolute path to that server which works in Flash but not when it is online.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML Flash Works Locally But Not Online?

Aug 11, 2010

I made (or copied) this XML 3d Carousel: [URL]

I changed some settings, just what I needed like stage size, thumbnail size and so it doesn't spin too fast when mouse rolls over.

I replaced the images with my own, so I have like four now spinning around. It works fine when I hit Ctrl + Enter to test my movie and aswell the carousel.html works in the browser.

I uploaded all files (four images named c_img(number).png, carousel.xml, carousel.swf and the AC_RunActiveContent.js) all in the same folder to my website through FileZilla but the god damn movie doesn't work on the web. It just shows the background so it must be the images are not loading in correctly, but I can't find what's wrong. I've checked the file paths and they are correct, I don't use any cross-domains. Honestly I can't find the problem, it works on the tutorial site so why not on mine? I basically just copied all, nothing more.

I did notice a strange thing though. If I write the direct address in the browser address field [URL] so it loads in full screen, the image carousel shows but very far outside to the right of the screen. I used Firebug and changed the size of the flash movie so I could see far beyond, it's very f'ed up..

Direct link to it: [URL]

If you have Firebug, use it and change the size of the flash and you'll see the carousel to the right of the screen, outside the main flash content area. :/

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Flash Works Perfect Locally But Not Online?

Jun 29, 2010

Im loading external swf into my main flash, the first two movies loads good but the last movie doesnt? here is my code:

Code: Select all
var swfLoader:Loader = new Loader();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Prototype Function Works In Flash Not Online

Feb 2, 2005

I found a cool prototype function here in the forums that plays a movieclip backwards:[code]I have the protoype defined on the main timeline of my main file. I call the function on press of a button from an external movieclip after it's loaded into main.When testing it in flash it works beautifully. When I test it online it doesn't work at all. Other code on the button being called at the same time does work (like unloading a movieclip on the main timeline).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Prototype Function Works In Flash, Not Online?

Feb 2, 2005

Like the title says, I found a cool prototype function here in the forums that plays a movieclip backwards:

MovieClip.prototype.backwards = function() {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {[code]...

I have the protoype defined on the main timeline of my main file. I call the function on press of a button from an external movieclip after it's loaded into main.When testing it in flash it works beautifully. When I test it online it doesn't work at all. Other code on the button being called at the same time does work (like unloading a movieclip on the main timeline).

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash FLV Player (XML Driven) Works Locally Not Online?

Jan 18, 2010

I have an actions layer and a layer with a video object, called "theVideo". Below is the actionscript:
// global objects....
buffer._visible = false;
// playlist object for the playlist from raw xml data

This script works locally. I have checked and double-checked the file locations when uploaded. It will parse the XML file when uploaded, but will not play the videos.

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Flash - Creating Flex SWF That Works Both Online And On Phone Browser?

Sep 6, 2011

I am aware of the new FlashBuilder 4.5 mobile application settings. I am aware that it uses an enhanced version of AIR to make apps that work well on mobile devices, which would normally mean that I can't have it run in the browser. I'm also aware that I should be able to get the enhanced performance if I create a swf with the correct compiler settings, and use the correct base components for my application. What are the correct base components? Spark or MX or something else? What are the correct compiler settings? I need the application to work for both desktop users, and mobile users who visit the website through their flash enabled browser.

There are three important features.
Being able to load a file from the mobile device/computer.
Being able to have the softkeyboard activated when needed.
Good mobile performance

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swf Works In IDE But Not Online?

Sep 18, 2009

In The Flash Application, my gallery is working as it is meant to. Yet, when I upload the swf to the live site, the first image, text and movie of my gallery works but it refuses to scroll to the next item in my XML.I have given it an absolute path to that server which works in Flash but not when it is online.

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IDE :: FLV Works Offline But Not Online?

Oct 19, 2009

I have imported an .FLV file to my flash movie and no matter what I try when I upload this it just won't show online. heres the info in my component properties:and im just loading the .swf in the normal old fashion way for testing:

HTML Code:
<embed height="400" width="540" pluginspage="" src="intro.swf" play="true" loop="true" menu="true"></embed>


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Professional :: SWF Works Offline But Not Online?

Nov 24, 2009

It plays perfectly well in 'Publish Preview' and when you launch the HTML page offline. However it won't play online. First I published it in Flash 8, where I'd created it, uploaded the swf and the html. In Firefox it loaded a blank page which revealed on right click that there was a Flash movie there, but you couldn't see it or do anything. In IE it just stuck half way through loading. Then I resaved it in Flash CS3 and published it with AC_runactivecontent.js. Uploaded it to my site and the result was exactly the same. To check my syntax a friend uploaded it to his webspace, and put another swf on the same page using the same syntax. The new swf played, but mine didn't. The 'publish settings' for the two were the same. Again, if you look at the page offline both play. My friend made some changes to the FLA and published it successfully on his webspace. He suggested the file size may have been a problem: I had had some fairly large audio files in it and 'updated' them to smaller ones. The resulting swf was 6mb. We wondered if the old ones had been retaines somewhere, boosting the file size.  The only other difference I can see between his version and mine is that there's a font I used which wasn't on his PC. His version has it as Arial (there is only one word in the whole thing). I took his  version, deleted the sound files and reimported the smaller versions, which then published as a 3mb file. But now it doesn't play! Results in IE and FF exactly as above.

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Works Locally But Not Online?

Jan 25, 2010

Swf generated by class (shown below) brings in the noponies as3 accordion which all works ok locally. But when I put it online nothing is shown. I think it's something to do with the xml files but not too sure

package courseClasses{
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash CS3 Preloader Only Works As Export?

Feb 11, 2009

I made a preloader for a flash slideshow with different announcements in AS 3.0.When I export the movie to preview it everything works fine. The loading rectangle fills up and then you see the slideshow. The problem comes after I embed it in HTML. Instead of the Preloader to show all i get is a white rectangle the size of the SWF and then the slideshow begins. It's as if it was ignoring the preloader completely. I don't understand why it works when I export it but not on the actual site.

Heres my preloader script:

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loadingInfo);
function loadingInfo(e:Event):void {


View 7 Replies

F8 :: Page-Flip - Works Online But Not Offline?

Aug 7, 2008

We're using the script to have an online brochure, and now want to be able to put it on a CD for offline browsing as well.When it is viewed offline, an error message pops up and wants me to add the page/folder in here:Since this is a plugin script that doesn't have an fla file for me to edit, what are my options here? I've tried to decompile the swf file in order to make the changes, but that doesn't work (the script is fairly complex, so I didn't think it would decompile fully).

View 6 Replies

SWF Works Fine On PC, But Doesn't Execute Online

Sep 3, 2009

I created a custom google voice callback swf so someone could put in their phone number, and google voice will call them and connect them to me (essentially calling me). Everything works fine when i run it from my computer, but when I put it online it doesn't work.

The way it works is you put in your own phone number and name, then click call, and it rings the phone of the phone number you put in. This doesn't happen when accessing it from online though.

I've provided a link to the fla for your view, and I'll also post the embed code I have on my site.

Embed code:

<div id="gvoice">
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="616" height="162" id="gvwidget"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: File Works Locally But Not Online?

Jan 25, 2010

Swf generated by class (shown below) brings in the noponies as3 accordion which all works ok locally. But when I put it online nothing is shown. I think it's something to do with the xml files but not too sure.[code]

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Swf File Won't Show Up Online But Works Locally?

Oct 16, 2009

i have a flash (swf) file
i embedded it in an html page
the location is right
it works locally when i preview it in a browser

as soon as i upload it - it doesn't show up

here's the page: [URL]
here's the location of the swf file: [URL]

i've even tried relative vs. absolute links and nothing. i've tried firefox and safari. nothing.
i'm guessing this is some dumb simple thing, and hopefully it took you longer to read this than it will to type the answer.

i am embarrassed that i am not getting this but hey, it needs to be fixed and i'm sick of looking at it and trying to figure it out.

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SWF Works Fine But Breaks When Embedded Online

Mar 19, 2010

As you can see on [url]...the last part of the Flash movie seems to be broken. Oddly enough, when I take the embedded SWF and view it separately[url]...

I'm not a flash expert, I don't know what can go wrong with embedding etc. but the actual FLA file seems to be ok, the map layer that is coming through randomly at the end shouldn't even be there! The frames at this point of the timeline on this layer are actually empty.

View 11 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Online RSS Load Only Works In Editor

Jun 29, 2009

im loading some RSS from twitter.. it works fine when i'm testing local, but when customer uploads it on 3rd part server, it doesent work. It's most likely a flash security issue. Is it possible to make a serverscript file that outputs the RSS to flash? Our server does have both ASP and PHP directories.. so any will do.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf With External Xml Works Locally But Not Online?

Nov 16, 2009

swf used to show currently playing song from an xml file. fla checks any change in xml and updates immediately. this works fine locally but not online.

// imports flash events for the ENTER_FRAME event //


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Xml Works Locally But Not Online?

Dec 6, 2009

I'm trying to load xml files on another domain on mine. This code works locally but not when i post it to my server. [code]...

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Actionscript 3.0 :: UILoader Works Offline But Not Online?

May 11, 2009

I used a UILoader to load slide images from a folder. It works off line but not online. Can you help me with this?

var imageNumber:Number = 1;
function checkNumber( ):void


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Form / Php Works Locally Not Online

Aug 22, 2007

form/php works locally not online posted this before but no luck. it just doesnt make any sense.. same swf and php. php is sitting on my server. when swf is tested locally it sends an email. when swf is uploaded next to php it doesnt. it is driving me CRAZY.

should also say, i have field validation within flash.. so once all fields are accurately filled the submit button loads the variables from the mc that contains the text fields and sends them to the php.. once that is done, it clears all text fields and the submit and reset buttons and loads an acknowledgement text. this happens locally. when online the submit button does nothing of the sort.

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Professional :: Function To Search Xml Works Locally But Not Online

Apr 11, 2010

I have a function triggered by a button click that searches through an XML file for an e-mail address (entered in a text field) and returns a match or no match. When I run the swf locally it works fine, but once the site is posted it no longer works. Locally it is connecting to the same xml & php files that it uses online.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Online Demo Works Without Utility Classes?

Mar 11, 2012

I have just uploaded a new swf and its packages to my server, and it works has expected. However, inside my Document Class I have two imports:
import com.utils.calendarFunctions;import com.adobe.serialization.json.JSON;
Neither of these are on my Server - believe me I've checked, repeatedly. So how is it possible that my swf still functions as if these two packages where there. Does the import actually embed these inside the swf or what?

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Php :: MiniGame Works Fine In FlashCS5 But Fails Online?

Mar 31, 2011

I was wondering what is everyone's experience are on why a network request would work in FlashCS5 and in a browser locally but when i post it online it fails.The survivorId is sent from the string query. Both tests were done calling a network database.I've tried the following:Outputing the survivorId in a text field and seeing if the parameter variables were being sent correctly.Set the "Networking Only" option in the publish settings.Also is there a way to output trace actions from browsers for more in depth debugging?*EDIT: I have recreated the bug locally in a browser. Without trace actions i don't know if i can figure it out.*EDIT2: That bug only showed up because its from localhost (Apolligies, this is just wierd)Heres My Code, There is the "Stage" then it goes "localSurvivor"(movieClip) then in side that localSurvivor movieclip the "lPlayer" class is addChild() to localSurvivor MovieClipStage-> localSurivor-> lPlayer(survivorId);On the stage is this code:

//Set localP Id
var survId:Number = root.loaderInfo.parameters.sId;
//Object(root).informationTxt.text = survId;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reading Of Array Items Works Until Online?

Jan 4, 2007

I have a pre-loader code that loads all of my exteranl XML text files. When I click on a link several frames later, the appropriate file is pulled from the resulting Array and placed on the stage. It works perfectly offline, but as soon as I upload it I get random text files loaded instead of the correct one.

Code below:

//combine all the arrays into one and send it to the preloader
allText = new Array().concat(introText,textForCard1,textForCard2 ,textForCard3,
textForContent = allText;


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Actionscript 2.0 :: XML Data Not Loading Online, Works Fine When Testing?

Mar 27, 2010

I spent probably 12 hours today trying to make this mp3 player work with my limited AS2 knowledge and finally got something that looks and works the way I want it to! Hooray! Except when I uploaded it, it didn't work anymore. Where the XML data is supposed to be, it just says "undefined." I've searched everywhere for an answer and am not finding anything that fixes it. I've tried moving the files around so they're in the same folder, renaming them, making the path absolute, using gskinner's XML2 classI don't know what else to do[URL]As I was writing this, the site on my desktop where I've been working decided it would load the xml after all...but my laptop is still not cooperating, so there's still something wrong. Maybe it's not loading the xml until the songs are all downloaded?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Preloader Works But Will Not Run The Rest Of My Flash File?

Aug 6, 2010

My Preloader works fine when I preview in Download mode BUT only loads the first frame of animation.I have attached my file- just a simple image fade ( it has a lot more images but no space here!)Here is the code in the Actions layer:

this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onWatch);

this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onTotal);[code]...........

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Acces Loader.content On Online Swf, Works Fine Locally?

Jul 1, 2010

I have an image gallery with a thumbnail class which needs information about the content being loaded to be able to resize it appropiatly. Using.content.height and .content.width I can acces this information, however the swf (online) stops working when this code is encountered. No errors are thrown.piece of code from where it stops working

if (targetThumb.content.width > targetThumb.content.height) {
//scale the width


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